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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

2289anc.doc to register on ALEXsys from her home. She contacted the Eagle River, Alaska Job Service office to get
2294anc.doc to confirm his efforts by calling the ALEXsys helpline, and when he could not get through, went with his
2296anc.doc of working on Saturday did not allow the employer to make any alternative arrangements to get the work done
2298anc.doc to him on November 13, 2006. He did expect to get some information in the mail, but did not “think about
2315.doc . The investigator attempted to get a valid address for the claimant, but he said he was moving around for work
2355anc.doc not contact a Division representative to get an explanation of what “inactive” meant. On November 20, 2006
2358anc.doc believed he had completed the process because he came to the end of the program. However, he could not get
2362anc.doc her apron and get her final paycheck. The claimant did not think the owner possessed good
2374anc.doc to accept supervision, he required an exorbitant amount of supervision, and that he was unable to get his
2376fbx.doc still employed. The claimant had difficulty getting to work on time because he had to walk. He was late
2394ranc.doc was interpreted as a request to reopen her appeal. In her reopening request the claimant stated she did not get
2412anc.doc her employer prior notice of her inability to get to work on time. The claimant’s desk is part
2413anc.doc on to ALEXsys and get started. He followed the computer instructions and believed that he completed his
2419fbx.doc ” work to be done, he would go home at lunch and use the afternoon and the following day to get ready
2421fbx.doc a field which would allow her to put her résumé online and she did not get any messages indicating
2424anc.doc 2006. However, she could not remember her password to get into her ALEXsys account. · On the ALEXsys
2429anc.doc the requirement to register, but not posting of a resume. She did not remember getting a new Claimant Handbook
2440anc.doc a resume online in ALEXsys is be to more accessible to employers to increase the chance of getting hired
2448jnu.doc in Alaska since 1958 and had a tremendous amount of “stuff” to get rid of or pack. They sold most
2464anc.doc occasion, that the new schedule would make it more difficult for him to get to work. His manager told him
2467anc.doc told the owner he thought it was impossible to get along with the supervisor. The owner told him to let
2469tjnu.doc because he was preoccupied with his health and getting admitted into a treatment program, which he did
2475anc.doc p.m. The claimant told the employer that if she did get custody of the children and the employer
2478anc.doc the representative nor the claimant saw that his résumé was offline. The claimant did get some pop-ups indicating
2489fbx.doc started getting reports of customer complaints that the claimant was not providing good customer service
2490fbx.doc , she could not get the system to confirm her resume entry. She finally concluded that she had complied
2499anc.doc did not get any pop-ups or have any indication that his résumé had not posted properly. On December
2504fbx.doc check on those levels and get back to her. She did not hear back from them and forgot to follow up
2510anc.doc week, 9:00 a.m. two days per week, and 10:00 a.m. on the remaining week day. He felt he would not get
2519.doc believes that at some point, she went into the Job Service office in New Mexico to get some paperwork
2523.doc (AS 23.20.340). FINDINGS OF FACT Timeliness of Appeal Issue The claimant did not get the original notice
2539anc.doc but was unable to get on the website. She did not contact the ALEXsys helpline because it was after hours
2541anc.doc that he was rude and did get angry. However, he argues that he was not told that he was going
WIA-001.doc case be reinstated, as now that her legal dispute has been resolved, she feels she is able to “get
0003anc.doc early, but reminded him that he would need to get a note from the doctor to prove that he had gone
0015anc.doc and he had to get online by use of a dial up telephone to get on the computer initially. When
0029fbx.doc ID badge to get onto base as well as his keys, and he was escorted off base. His immediate supervisor
0030anc.doc for prepayment. The claimant advised her that she would see what she could do. To that end, she attempted to get
0034anc.doc to get to work via the bus system on Sunday. About a week prior to her last day of work the claimant
0034jnu.doc to use a hose to get water from the washer for kitchen and toilet usage. The house also had a mold
0042anc.doc co-worker and management. It also upset her that her co-worker was able to get “what she wanted
0044anc.doc .” The claimant assumed that since they were able to get out of ALEXsys her résumé would be posted online
0056anc.doc was able to register and create a résumé, but she was unable to get her résumé to post online. She tried
0061anc.doc automatically flow into the next. When he did not get benefits for the first week in which he was denied, he
0063fbx.doc assumed she was quitting without returning his property. The claimant’s intent upon leaving was to get
0085fbx.doc that he had completed his registration and logged off. He did not get any pop-ups or have any indication
0089anc.doc indicating that he was unhappy with the claimant’s performance and his failure to get apartments ready
0093jnu.doc of her conditions was a plate and pins in her neck. Her medical providers advised against getting
0097anc.doc the registration process. He followed computer instructions, created a résumé, and saved it. He did not get any pop
0098anc.doc was that caused the manager to get so upset. The claimant did not allow the employer time to investigate
0136anc.doc Tuesday January 24, 2006, the claimant and Tom were advised by Chad to "do whatever it takes" to get
0146jnu.doc the lack of full-time doctors in Unalaska. Several years ago it took 27 hours to get his daughter
0153anc.doc of the individual's he did not get along with had been made his Saturday supervisor and he had refused to follow his
0156anc.doc not enough hours of work to get all the notes done in time. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.379 provides in part
0160anc.doc that she would have a better chance of getting things changed if she quit and then reported the employer
0166anc.doc password, due to having registered for work late last year. She could not get past the section regarding
0171anc.doc did not think that they saw her and she hurried to get on the bus to go to work. Before the bus left
0172anc.doc of retaining her employment. Any reasonable worker would contact someone, anyone, by phone if she fails to get
0177anc.doc the employer that she needed to get her car repaired. The supervisor advised her that she could have
0187anc.doc . The supervisor told him to “get better.” The claimant did not contact the employer again until he after he
0189anc.doc registration. The computer would not let him get past a certain page. He did not immediately contact
0190fbx.doc . The work for this employer was scheduled for completion on December 22, 2006. The claimant was not getting
0205anc.doc with a competitor. He told the claimant to get off his property immediately and that he never wanted to see him
0208anc.doc not get along. In January 2006, the other worker complained to the owner about the claimant’s refusal
0225anc.doc and personal reasons. Ten years ago, the employer hired another employee who did not get along
0229jnu.doc in the community of Stevenson. The claimant quit effective December 3 because she was not getting any hours during
0241anc.doc . When the claimant contacted the employees and tried to get them to come to work, the employees told him
0255anc.doc to the claimant but did speak to several of the customers to get a clearer idea of what had happened. Although she
0256anc.doc , the claimant went to the sergeant and apologized for getting him in trouble. The sergeant expressed his
0263anc.doc getting specific tasks done. The claimant was advised that if he was not able to complete his work
0278jnu.doc employment. When she could not get leave without pay or paid vacation time, she worked three days per week
0279fbx.doc to the holidays, the company was busy with inventory and the claimant believed it was hard to get time off. He
0288anc.doc -icer that the company uses. Every time I get around the de-icer, I become very ill.” Although
0289fbx.doc would get in the way of his training. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.378 provides in part: (a) An insured
0315fbx.doc was quitting, effective immediately, because she was getting a better job up north. The claimant had a job
0317jnu.doc . The claimant quit over a month early because she wanted to get rid of some of their household belongings
0318anc.doc had been reduced because he was not given as many jobs by the dispatcher as he thought he should get
0321anc.doc to be a very slow learner and became frustrated trying to train her and get her own work done. The new hire
0327anc.doc for prepayment. The claimant advised her that she would see what she could do. To that end, she attempted to get
0330anc.doc The claimant did not call his employer on January 27 when he realized he would not be able to get to work. His
0332anc.doc . He thought about getting someone to spot for him, but his passengers were pilots and they were busy
0337anc.doc to her. Although the Tribunal sympathizes with the fact that she failed to get the ALEXsys advisement
0344anc.doc employees or friends that she could contact who would get a message to her employer. She did not think
0353anc.doc happened. The customer confirmed that she paid $64.00 to get her hair done by credit card and was given
0371anc.doc that when she was working alone sometimes tables that were at the far end of the establishment would not get
0376fbx.doc and reminded him that if he wanted to continue to get paid, he needed to file during the first week of January
0416jnu.doc . The raise is conditional and based on work performance. Some people get higher raises than others. Everyone
0442anc.doc waiting for an opening. He decided that he needed to quit in order get the counseling set up
0451jnu.doc to get the inventory done as well as the claimant’s “highly unprofessional, inappropriate
0458anc.doc months ago, when the claimant was at the office to get Family Medical Leave Act paperwork completed
0463fbx.doc wanted them to sit down and work out a plan together on how to get the work done. The claimant was angry
0465anc.doc . In order to work for the second employer, he had to get a new work verification letter, travel to Canada
0471anc.doc is a more permanent address. He was sent denial letters but did not get them because he did not check his
0499anc.doc than the claimant had been getting previously for the same type of work can sometimes establish good
0500jnu.doc December 23 and December 30, 2006 were because his benefit checks took a long time to get to him due
0517jnu.doc assistance with household chores, finances, getting to and from medical appointments, and dispensing daily
0521anc.doc his mother living with him. His mother’s health was getting progressively worse. She was no longer
0523anc.doc were not going to get better that she could help her get another job with a subsidiary company
0530anc.doc foreman told the claimant that “he would see about getting the claimant started at the mine site
0536jnu.doc did not get the letter that had been sent to him because he had moved numerous times and his address

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