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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

3109.doc in the head numerous times and she wanted to get some sleep before her doctor’s appointment in the late
3116.doc hint option; she could not get into ALEXsys. On December 5, 2012, the claimant tried to access
3179.doc . The claimant hoped that taking the seasonal position was a way to get her foot in the door, and if she proved
0011.doc not get to him, except that "My girlfriend gets my mail out of my box. She may have misplaced it somewhere
0023.doc this happened, the manager would have all employees help the claimant get the papers distributed. This resulted
0039.doc did not call the employer because he was not thinking straight and he was focused on getting
0052.doc in. The claimant waited an hour, periodically going to her car to warm up. She did not knock on the door to get
0066.doc to get her check ready before she left because Friday, August 24, 2012, was payday. On Friday, the check
0133.doc laptop computer that was locked in the secure area. The claimant could not get another management member
0178.doc did not get along at work. The supervisor would tell the claimant one way of doing things then yell
0228.doc on January 8, 2013. The claimant did not get the notice. The claimant realized there was a problem with his
0238.doc online by January 19, 2013. The claimant gets his mail at a location away from his residence. He
0252.doc ), and Aaron told her to “get better; he would take her off the schedule.” The claimant maintains that she
0267.doc occasions that he needed to get the license. The claimant had applied for a class to be trained to drive
0284.doc MAY RESULT IN A DENIAL OF EUC BENEFITS. The claimant did not get the notice. He keeps a file with all
0295.doc not get approval before manually ticketing the client. On January 15, 2013, the claimant was discharged
0331.doc ’s spouse would verbally abuse the claimant over the phone at work. The claimant attempted to get
0371.doc was not able to get the FLMA forms completed, the claimant assumed the discharge would stand. The employer
0373.doc to EXPIRED. Your benefits will be denied if your resume has expired.” The claimant gets a lot of Division
0382.doc due to time constraints, difficulty getting complete information from the field staff and oversights
0382C.doc due to time constraints, difficulty getting complete information from the field staff and oversights
0407.doc to get his résumé online. The claimant returned to work on February 4 and abandoned his attempts to file
0450.doc after 9:00 a.m. before he got a break. On some occasions, the claimant did not get a break
0464.doc into the matter and get back to her. On August 9 or 10, 2012, the claimant was present when a human resource
0471.doc make sharp remarks to the claimant about her speed. She sent the claimant out to get shopping carts
0474.doc contacted the claimant’s girlfriend and urged her to get the claimant to counseling. A day or two before
0494.doc . The claimant worked late hours. At about 2:00 a.m. as he was getting off shift, a coworker locked him
0503.doc employment. When he did not get his paycheck the first time, he inquired about it and learned that he had
0522.doc is going to get old very quick.” The general manager told the claimant to report to his office after
0525.doc to return to work and when she might be able to return to work. The claimant had not been able to get
0542.doc the claimant worked as an armed guard. The claimant had previously had problems getting along with the co
0546.doc believed she did not get the position because she was a woman. The claimant contends that the employer only
0556.doc with the claimant about the situation. He told the claimant to call other camps and coordinate getting supplies
0567.doc assistants to get along. The claimant was discharged, in part because of conflict with her coworker
0579.doc to get transportation to Alaska to begin the job. The pay was similar to her last position
0584.doc medication. The employer had no previous issues with the claimant’s work or his ability to get along
0588.doc that the claimant get two 15-minute breaks during a seven hour shift. The claimant did not always get two breaks
0600.doc so that she would not be able to get any overtime hours. The claimant filed additional grievances
0603.doc . The claimant logged the incident noting that he had not been able to get a name and phone number as requested
0612.doc mentioned to his immediate supervisor that his paychecks were incorrect; he was not getting paid for all
0622.doc that he was happy to be “getting out” of Tok. The claimant was not paid through the end of his notice
0623.doc she was getting information about the officer in charge position. The claimant did not ask
0624.doc manager called the claimant and he told her he was getting his keys. At this point, the testimony
0626.doc would have made it more likely that she would get a job at a store in the area to which she was moving
0650.doc the hearing notice. He is not sure why the notice did not get to him, except that "My girlfriend gets my mail
0651.doc in judgment or discretion. CONCLUSION It is the responsibility of workers to get along with other employees
0659.doc be completed by March 2, 2013. The claimant did not get the notice. The claimant shared her post office box
0666.doc was working on getting the freezer fixed. He called a plumber in early February who estimated the cost to fix
0673.doc insurance office asking for assistance in filing her appeal. When she still did not get a response she went
0686.doc clothing similar to the other employees. They did not get a written warning. The claimant became upset
0687.doc the claimant aside and reprimanded her about the customer complaints. He said he was tired of getting
0688.doc was also working with the unemployment office in getting his federal wages reported to Alaska. The claimant
0694.doc . The claimant often will get other individual’s in his mail box and has received mail late because his mail
0731.doc . That manager told the claimant that he had chosen the claimant for the position, but he needed to get
0765.doc out of the system. At that time, the claimant did not attempt to get assistance from the unemployment
0797.doc the employer. The claimant’s consumer asked the employer to attempt to get a variance for the claimant
0808.doc March 18, 2013 and March 22, 2013. The claimant only recalled being told that she would get a notice
0810.doc . The claimant was spending all of her time at the hospital with her child. For some reason she did not get
0830.doc .” On April 10, 2013, the claimant returned to the Wasilla Job Center and received assistance getting his
0882.doc with the customer while she rung up their purchases at the register. Another customer was aggressively trying to get
0932.doc to an employer to get a job. She refused to provide available evidence for a significant portion of the travel
0935.doc the claimant a liar, and told him to get his stuff moved out of the apartment by the end of the weekend
0942.doc and the expectation that clinicians not get involved in a client’s personal or financial affairs. On January 31
0969.doc as a server. The claimant and one of the other servers, Jamie, did not get along. Soon after the claimant
0984.doc for this crap” and that she “needed to get her head out of her ass.” The supervisor reported the incident
1006r.doc not get the hearing notice in the mail until May 16, 2013. On June 24, 2013, a request for additional
1010.doc Job Center and another Job Center representative assisted her with getting her resume posted online
1043.doc began work in July under a manager with whom she did not get along. The claimant believed
1064.doc of tailoring she had done; the claimant was yelling that she did not want to get blamed for the shoddy work
1091.doc . The claimant received the notice. On May 6, 2013, the claimant thought she might be getting close
1097.doc piece of pipe, and he was getting assistance from another worker. The employer denies the other worker
1107.doc not always happen. The claimant did not get the notice sent on April 17, 2013 in a timely manner
1110.doc Local 959. He normally gets work through the union. He is registered on the out of work list
1123.doc of April 18, 2013. He was getting married on April 7, 2013 and wanted extra time for his honeymoon
1127.doc the manager and was told that he was fired for getting angry and swearing at a customer. The claimant did
1159.doc told her it was too late to get the decision changed and offered to file an appeal. PROVISIONS OF LAW
1185.doc because he needed time to get ready to move back to Alaska. He had to sell some personal items, pay bills
1210.doc . The claimant did not attempt to call information or the company’s office in Anchorage to get a phone number
1212.doc notice. The claimant has experienced problems receiving his mail at the post office. He often gets mail
1213.doc receiving his mail at the post office. He often gets mail addressed to others, and he has had several
1235.doc -mail for any notices from the Division. The claimant has issues receiving his mail and prefers to get e
1263.doc the lead worker he would finish the season before getting his medical test. The lead worker told
1263.docx the lead worker he would finish the season before getting his medical test. The lead worker told
1267.doc helped Misty get away from her boyfriend and gave her shelter in the school library. Misty was severely
1286.doc actions in the meeting and get back to her. The claimant did not hear back from the union representative
1286.docx to the employer about the warehouse manager’s actions in the meeting and get back to her. The claimant did
1295.doc to be in Court on April 15th. It appears as if I will be losing my license for 30 days, and I will get it back
1312.doc . The claimant required the number in order to get quotes from wholesale suppliers, as part of the process
1312.docx . The claimant required the number in order to get quotes from wholesale suppliers, as part of the process
1343.doc occasion. The claimant at times gets mail in his mail box that is addressed to other people
1409.doc . The claimant and this coworker did not get along the entire time of the claimant’s employment. The claimant
1440.doc performance and possible changes that would be made if she did not improve her ability to get the rooms
1440.docx performance and possible changes that would be made if she did not improve her ability to get the rooms
1447.doc not arrange a time to meet with a particular employee. The supervisor said he had no trouble getting
1458.doc , and the employer was trying to get rid of her. Later, after the claimant resigned, she talked to the union
1479.doc was upset over both resignations. The employer met with the claimant and told him if he was resigning to get
1496.doc with his adult daughter for a few more months and continued to work until he could get a release
1549.doc for work because he forgot his security badge and had to go back home to get it. In his statement
1560.doc could not assist except for the actual packing. She often worked overtime on her job, so getting
1572.doc the claimant was working. The office manager told him he could leave two hours early; they had to get

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