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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

16-0095.pdf uses a walker. He gets about 25 minutes per week exercise while “mall walking.” Employee cannot
16-0098.pdf , 2015, Employee was at home when he received a call from his supervisor asking that he get his plow
16-0099.pdf delay in getting Employee to the emergency room made her broken leg worse is a gap in the medical
16-0103.pdf to her clients. In addition to paying her two employees, Canlas gets paid $3,500 per month and she
16-0105.pdf that it is appropriate to require an employer, who gets the benefit of protection from tort liability by participating
16-0107.pdf , designates an attending physician by getting treatment, advice, an opinion, or any type of service from
16-0109.pdf workers have competent counsel available to them, this does not mean an attorney automatically gets full
16-0117.pdf : An owner, who wants to get work done without becoming an employer, is entitled to as much control
16-0122.pdf - related. His low back pain was getting worse prior to 8/9/11 and then got worse still in a delayed
16-0127.pdf . An interested person may get a judicial declaration on the validity of a regulation by bringing an action
16-0128.pdf Judicial review of validity. An interested person may get a judicial declaration on the validity
16-0135.pdf of two fifteen minute breaks, and, if they were particularly busy, she might get only one break. She
18-0002.pdf which the party expects to prove by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness
18-0004.pdf Resources Manager, Belinda Wilson, the following message: You will be getting a call from Christy, who I
18-0013.pdf gave me a certain amount of time before closing my case. I couldn’t get my info [sic] in time because
18-0014.pdf assessment has never impaired someone's cognitive functioning; nor has it ever caused it to get worse. Dr
18-0015.pdf by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition
18-0018.pdf of his pain, as it is startup pain and it gets better with time.” (Id.). 15) On May 29, 2013, Michael
18-0020.pdf in his truck, and that someone would come get him. (Employee). 12. Blowing snow can clog air filters
18-0021.pdf noticed left knee pain in late February 2009 and was having trouble getting into the big water trucks
18-0024.pdf , stating he was working on getting the agreement to him. (A. Sandone, Email, October 18, 2017). 22
18-0025.pdf by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition
18-0028.pdf Employee get an MRI. (Providence Alaska Medical Center, ED Notes, July 15, 2016). 16. On July 21, 2016
18-0031.pdf knee pain. She denied any specific injury but mentioned difficulty getting into a F350 truck at work
18-0032.pdf trying to get my case heard. I have filled out forms, went to all my appointments, [and] was present
18-0037.pdf soon due to being copper. Recommended he get a tetanus shot today and continue course of Augmentin he
18-0041.pdf discomfort. In any case, she has been diligently trying to get back to work and she has been unable to do
18-0042.pdf friend and get back to town with minimal difficulty. He did not take any of his medications
18-0043.pdf automatically gets full, actual fees. Williams v. Abood, 53 P.3d 134, 147 (Alaska 2002). It is reasonable
18-0045.pdf , should the foot problems get worse. (Scanton letter, July 25, 1983). 6) On June 11, 1984, Dr
18-0051.pdf Employee testified he recalled getting back x-rays while treating with Dr. Steinman in California
18-0052.pdf the "Affidavit of Readiness For Hearing" form for this purpose. Get forms from the nearest AWC Board Office
18-0053.pdf recall it. I don’t recall it. Q. You don’t recall getting medical treatment or any time loss
18-0059.pdf , phone calls, and travel back and forth to the workers’ compensation office in Anchorage to get
18-0061.pdf because he started a new job, he did not get notice of the prehearing because receipt of his forwarded
18-0067.pdf on shift working in the office area of Unisea, Inc. I started to get sick around the first two days
18-0068.pdf posterior cervical instrumentation to get Employee’s fusion to heal the rest of the way. (Eule report
18-0071.pdf & is being required to get a Fit for Duty exam.” Dr. Garrett determined Employee was fit to perform
18-0072.pdf minutes after helping a customer lift a vanity while at work. Since the work injury, he has been getting
18-0075.pdf -related because he was only worried about getting it fixed. Employee took personal leave between April
18-0076.pdf said he was getting medical care, was out of state and never received any email or other notice
18-0077.pdf back surgeon, Paul Jensen, M.D. He also reported, [Employee’s] wife is trying to get paid
18-0079.pdf and eventually get assistance to the hospital. (Employee ROI, October 16, 2017; Letter of Commendation, August
18-0083.pdf doctor so she could receive a refill on her prescriptions. She was there to get her medications
18-0086.pdf needed a second surgery in order to get medical clearance and to stop the pain. (Claim, April 27, 2018
18-0087.pdf .” He was able to get up with some difficulty, but the next day he noted increased pain over the area
18-0088.pdf of the pain and she is frustrated, anxious and aggravated because it is not getting better. (Alaska
18-0102.pdf and relevancy standards are liberal for the purpose of getting to the merits of claims, because complete access
18-0105.pdf during the case, is if counsel were to get a reemployment evaluation over Employer’s resistance, even
18-0109.pdf expects to prove by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend
18-0111.pdf .” Employee also reported difficulty getting used to a new school and environment since starting a new job
18-0117.pdf time breathing that I decided to get off the boat and see a doctor. Once again I was put on something
18-0119.pdf is the written record at a hearing before the board. A person may see or get a copy of the written record
18-0123.pdf that Ms. Hickle continually focuses on someone in the school setting who is attempting to harm her or get
18-0127.pdf , Employee reported to Dr. Vermillion the pain in his foot was getting worse, and on March 24, 2011, Dr
18-0128.pdf testing. If you[r] client will authorize I’ll get [Employee] to get in as quickly as possible. (Email
18-0130.pdf counter. Although the pain kept getting worse, he finished his work for the day and drove to his home
18-0131.pdf than two years. I think this is because she is not getting proper treatment.” The current examiner
19-0001.pdf , Employee went to a physician “to get it looked at because it happened at work.” Employee went
19-0003.pdf . (Aldebot). 28) Alivio contends Woodmansee put in much more work than necessary in this case to get
19-0005.pdf on or after July 1, 1988, designates an attending physician by getting treatment, advice, an opinion, or any
19-0008.pdf getting Employee a $60.00 per diem check. Employee was advised to provide all his receipts
19-0009.pdf that on October 7, 2004 he had gone to Employee’s room to get a DVD player. There were no students present
19-0010.pdf injured his back three years ago in a work-related accident and now he can't get the help he needs
19-0014.pdf , an employee injured on or after July 1, 1988, designates an attending physician by getting treatment, advice
19-0019.pdf reassured him that this is very common after disc replacement, and usually we can get this to go away. He
19-0020.pdf . It was when I started to really have a hard time breathing that I decided to get off the boat and see
19-0021.pdf the offer to serve. I will be getting therapy. There might be surgery. I am officially out
19-0022.pdf as possible but Leigh II says she will not even get a hearing on the merits of her claim for another six
19-0032.pdf restrictions. He was directed to get assistance from other people to complete work activities beyond his
19-0036.pdf replacement. Employee explained she had been getting her medications from a North Dakota doctor, but could
19-0037.pdf hurting severely. Employee took off work for two days but was back at work and reported it was getting
19-0038.pdf or modified because the medical record was incomplete and she could not get testimony from physicians
19-0040.pdf getting caught. (Gross Medical Report, April 27, 2000). 23) On May 5, 2000, Employee visited Dr
19-0042.pdf to ensure she was getting the correct settlement amount. She contends the C&R defines “proceeds” on page
19-0044.pdf tries to help injured workers understand the law but frequently ends up not representing them; he gets
19-0046.pdf was under Employer’s attorney’s control. She contends subpoenas should be sought after getting
19-0048.pdf on getting one." Division staff told Employee he needed to mail the notarized documents to Employer. He
19-0050.pdf getting worse over the last few months. He flies a floatplane seasonally in Bettles, Alaska. Flying
19-0055.pdf job but “he wasn’t fully getting it.” Thereafter, Vargas would send Employee information
19-0057.pdf and disabilities as he gets older. Thus, just because Employee had an injury, it does not mean that everything
19-0058.pdf than usual and did not feel she was getting better. Dr. Dyles was concerned Employee may have
19-0059.pdf it was based on “incorrect information and dates” and it was “unable to get this information to the current
19-0063.pdf and they will do the nerve conduction testing. If you[r] client will authorize I’ll get [Employee] to get
19-0066.pdf Employee could not get financial assistance from Stanford for autonomic testing unless the adjuster issued
19-0070.pdf describes as follows: As I was getting up and leaning over to speak with my coworker, I hit the left
19-0071.pdf documentation that the prior low back pain was getting worse, documented on January 4, 2014 in the same
19-0073.pdf to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition, and the date the party first knew the witness
19-0076.pdf , particularly when he gets excited. He treats this condition with a neurologist, Wayne Downs, M.D.
19-0080.pdf and blood pressure, his missing student’s tests and other paperwork and his requests to get them
19-0081.pdf the C&R. He further testified the adjuster told him he would not get medical care unless he signed
19-0082.pdf the appropriate TTD rate. Nonetheless, if Employee wished to get benefits at higher rather than lower rates, he
19-0083.pdf and at this time he was not planning on getting one.” Division staff told Employee he needed to mail
19-0085.pdf until “he gets his sea legs.” Heat makes him more nauseous. Employee believes working in a kitchen
19-0090.pdf and completely atrophied. Id. at 43. One of the reasons to get an EMG and NCS is to distinguish between
19-0092.pdf surgery and gets a higher rating. She reserves her right to claim PPI benefits from Employer
19-0093.pdf , “[Employee] has been trying to get surgery for many months now and seems [sic] to finally be happening
19-0094.pdf will be able to accomplish this is to get the medical information necessary for the Medicare Set-Aside
19-0095.pdf cannot get paid for the time he spent drafting a settlement offer or the time he spent communicating

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