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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

14-0143.pdf people and here we are, we’re getting slammed up against the wall and, um, I guess it’s how they say
14-0145.pdf no prior shoulder injuries, but stated he would occasionally get a pop in his shoulder with a dull ache
14-0146.pdf to getting worse. To this, the patient very strongly disagreed, stating that she had “a government study
14-0149.pdf shoulder injuries, but stated he would occasionally get a pop in his shoulder with a dull ache when
14-0153.pdf with the board an updated medical summary form within five days after getting an additional medical report
14-0154.pdf sent an update to Lynn Palazzotto: He said he gets good relief for the afternoon after therapy
14-0160.pdf July 8, 2014. 4) I have been working on getting blood work done that Dr. McNamara ordered. After
14-0168.pdf Coghill evaluated Employee for back pain. Employee reported on rare occasions she gets pain affecting
14-0171.pdf the reasoning for his claim. He emphasized that if he could get a job as a Mortgage Loan Processor/Closer, he
17-0003.pdf Auditor form, Dr. Sparks added the notation “unable to get files and lift 20 pounds overhead
17-0004.pdf .” His right foot drop was progressively getting worse. (Id.). 40) On December 18, 2009, Employee’s
17-0005.pdf by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition
17-0006.pdf that the physicians were adequately (sic, paid) and people could get proper care.” Ms. Latham replied
17-0007.pdf were adequately (sic, paid) and people could get proper care.” Ms. Latham replied that “the baseline
17-0011.pdf noted Respondent had previously signed and returned releases, but failed to get at least one notarized
17-0012.pdf ) On November 4, 2014, Employee returned to Dr. Trombley and reported his knee was getting better. Employee
17-0014.pdf at him, and he said, “At least take a look.” And I thought about it to help a boat out, get him on his
17-0017.pdf ) and people could get proper care.” Ms. Latham replied that “the baseline would be the centers for Medicare
17-0019.pdf states, “Ms. Tremont has been exposed to asbestos in the workplace. I recommend that she get a chest x
17-0020.pdf participation in the hearing. (Record). 45. Employee stated he had to get back to work and was unable
17-0023.pdf for a few weeks with no improvement and said her condition was getting worse. Employee reported severe
17-0025.pdf not radiate into his arms. Employee noted since his head injury he gets nausea and dizziness when he moves
17-0029.pdf . Dr. O’Leary advised Employee she needed to “get back on the horse” and get back to work. He
17-0030.pdf AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administrations award showing the (A) employee
17-0037.pdf that preventing him from getting up from a laying position. Employee could not recall any specific activity
17-0038.pdf , 2010, Employee visited Lani Hill, A.N.P., for low back pain with onset when bending over to get
17-0041.pdf right wrist, which she said came from a “stumble getting out of the tub.” Other than subjective
17-0043.pdf to get this in line with his Workers’ Compensation. . . . (Eule report, September 22, 2009). 13
17-0044.pdf of the workmen’s compensation informal procedures is to get away from cumbersome procedures and reach a correct
17-0045.pdf of the need for surgery, Employee conceded he had no such document. AS 23.30.010(a). He planned to get one
17-0047.pdf ] is a 25 year old female. Has been getting headaches 1-4 times day for last 3 weeks. She calls them
17-0049.pdf source of all of his pain, as it is startup pain and it gets better with time.” (Dr. Adcox, May 6
17-0050.pdf the forklift for a little while to get the batteries off the tugboat. He said: Well, I just
17-0055.pdf . O’Leary advised Employee she needed to “get back on the horse” and get back to work. He expressed
17-0056.pdf are injured?” 1. Get . . . medical care immediately. . . . 5. Get treatment from [a] licensed doctor
17-0058.pdf not seem like a big stretch, but certainly may be possible. Rex is not feeling like he could get to 20
17-0060.pdf report says, “His knees don’t usually swell when they get hurt, but this time the left knee is a little
17-0062.pdf prejudiced Employer because it could not investigate the allegations, provide prompt medical care or get
17-0065.pdf limited in his ability to walk and he falls intermittently. He would not be able to get from
17-0070.pdf would not get better without additional surgery and her “worsening arthritic changes” may “preclude
17-0071.pdf tried to think of a way to get her surgery accomplished. She decided to obtain a controversion so her
17-0078.pdf computer skills needed for that type of work. She also indicated that the claimant might be still getting
17-0082.pdf day I couldn’t even walk. I’m laying on my couch. I just wanted to get to the bathroom. It’s
17-0083.pdf our whole entire case to be able to get the evidence on record, and if it wasn’t on the record
17-0084.pdf , as he still needed to get his medical records together. Employee’s representative was advised that he
17-0094.pdf . This states ”˜training that a person is given while doing a job and getting paid;’ Wikipedia states
17-0098.pdf ) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administrations award showing the (A) employee is being
17-0099.pdf that I know of -- let me see if I can get this straight now. Her most recent injury, in 2010, was when
17-0101.pdf of time it takes for a cervical sprain to get better depends on the cause and extent of the injury
17-0103.pdf in a joint or bone, and the foot gets red, swollen, and looks infected, but there is no organism present
17-0106.pdf Judicial review of validity. An interested person may get a judicial declaration on the validity
17-0113.pdf compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by JOSEPH TRAUGOTT v. ARCTEC ALASKA 7 (1) getting a copy
17-0116.pdf in today? Robertson: I’m calling in today because I keep getting notices from the workers’ compensation
17-0118.pdf to get his right shoulder fixed. (Id. at 9-10). Employee injured his right shoulder while using a 90
17-0123.pdf asked you these before, but I just want to make sure we get it on the record that you really do
17-0124.pdf back pain “come [sic] and goes but lately not getting any better.” Dr. DeSalvo reported Employee’s
17-0126.pdf ) An employer may reduce an employee's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy
17-0127.pdf how long the car stopped but said she could not get out of the vehicle because “it was not safe
17-0130.pdf , as he still needed to get his medical records together. Employee’s representative was advised that he
17-0131.pdf was getting “worse and worse” since her visit to the emergency room. Dr. McIntosh noted Employee also had
17-0137.pdf to see if she could get her body fixed. She saw Dr. Peterson for this purpose. He provided
17-0138.pdf had been through hard times before, and will get through them again. (Employee). 19) Employer
15-0001.pdf and get the treatment if he prevailed at hearing. Conversely, the later in the two-year period
15-0002.pdf . Employee did not respond, and her roommate was able to get her back to their room, but Employee left
15-0007.pdf limitation was stiffness and he was unable to get his foot up to put a sock on (physical therapy notes
15-0009.pdf ] claim has broadened to a claim for PTD, this requires me to get more detailed information from [him
15-0011.pdf was told she would be getting paid on a commission basis for services provided and also for product sales
15-0012.pdf state: “Fell getting out of car @ 5:30. Lifting crates at work (FedEx)” and had increasing pain
15-0015.pdf you actually go to your doctor and get a note? A: Yeah, I called and talked to one of the ladies
15-0018.pdf by Dr. Olbrich. As such, it would appear that he is getting some benefit from these narcotics
15-0022.pdf physician by getting treatment, advice, an opinion, or any type of service from a physician for the injury
15-0030.pdf by stating Employee “seems eager to get started and has worked hard so far to make this plan a successful
15-0032.pdf of the work site at Galbraith Lake, “sometimes the employees get burned out and need a break, so we have
15-0040.pdf contends it should be allowed to fashion its own questions. However, Employer agreed Employee should get
15-0042.pdf . He did discuss that he was getting ready to buy another one in the near future. Title
15-0047.pdf a week earlier he was kicking a heavy piece of metal trying to get it to fit into another object. He
15-0048.pdf to get his hemoglobin A1C done . . . . He states his blood sugars have been running about 100 to 120
15-0051.pdf had to sit down, was unable to get up and ultimately presents via ambulance. Symptoms are still
15-0052.pdf of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition, and the date
15-0055.pdf did not respond, and Ms. Niccum was able to get her back to their room, but Employee left. Ms
15-0061.pdf you were able to get the hernia taken care of and if you had any costs out of your pocket please let
15-0065.pdf CORPORATION 4 having major health issues for the last three months, on some days being unable to get out
15-0066.pdf in the absence of a subsequent exposure, and although some individuals get better when no longer exposed
15-0068.pdf , snapping and popping with movement. He reports he gets frequent headaches that are chronic. He says
15-0069.pdf to pay the medical bills after the settlement agreement, but then Employee started getting dun letters
15-0073.pdf ) Employee testified Palazatto told him to get a referral if he wanted a surgeon closer to home. When
15-0074.pdf and “progressively getting worse.” By approximately April 2014, Employee decided to pursue additional treatment
15-0079.pdf petition to “nullify” Bankhead I. Employee said he has dyslexia but could read well enough to “get
15-0080.pdf provider at Mat-Su Health Services because he could not get in to see Dr. Roderer right away. Though
15-0081.pdf “when he tried to go back to work and get active again.” (Dr. Eule’s responses to questions, April 8
15-0084.pdf has an obligation to get a full and complete job history as part of the evaluation process, so when
15-0085.pdf . . . that has been getting worse. It’s not that Dr. Peterson doesn’t want surgery. She [attorney Livsey
15-0086.pdf gone to get treatment for her back, but she did not tell him it was due to a work injury. (Ocampo
15-0090.pdf at the Alaska Spine Institute complaining of left-sided neck and shoulder pain. She also reported getting
15-0091.pdf getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary form, together with copies
15-0092.pdf expects to prove by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend
15-0095.pdf fall and contemplated adding posterior cervical instrumentation to get Employee’s fusion to heal

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