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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

D&O 20-0043.pdf really well lately and has rare headaches. “Occasionally I get a headache if I get really angry or I
D&O 20-0044.pdf incline stalled out on a hill and when he tried to get it going, it jumped significantly. Employee felt
D&O 20-0048.pdf these symptoms to his 1985 injury. Employee’s left leg symptoms have been getting worse over the last year
D&O 20-0050.pdf unassisted due to the pain which prompted her to get evaluated medically. She worked up through 9/13/19
D&O 20-0051.pdf Employee has questions about something he reads in English, he gets help from his children who speak
D&O 20-0052.pdf , 2019, probably as “good as he was going to get” but nonetheless referred him to Stephen Tower, M.D.
D&O 20-0054.pdf was, as of April 4, 2019, probably as “good as he was going to get” but nonetheless referred him to Stephen Tower
D&O 20-0055.pdf . She was unable to get those results due to the controversion. The patient is basically requesting
D&O 20-0058.pdf to never getting restful sleep). These sleep disorders together with decreased overall fitness and loss
D&O 20-0061.pdf by the Covid-19 pandemic. Though she said her medical condition was getting worse and she needed medical care
D&O 20-0063.pdf ability to get my supplies. (Employer, Discovery Requests, October 31, 2019, with Claimant Answers
D&O 20-0068.pdf will need to establish care with a new doctor in order to get medication. Please let me know which doctor
D&O 20-0069.pdf . (Hlavinka). 36) Normally, when an employer’s attorney is served with a bill, it promptly gets sent
D&O 20-0071.pdf treatment so the Employee can take steps to get the treatment she needs. However, if she is unwilling
D&O 20-0072.pdf by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition
D&O 20-0074.pdf , bending, kneeling, getting up from sitting, hand STEVEN HIBORIK v. WESTSIDE FLOORING, LLC 4
D&O 20-0075.pdf will tend to create accelerated degenerative changes.” Dr. Bauer said “repetitively getting in and out
D&O 20-0077.pdf . In a perfect world he would get some training with a left foot gas pedal, get one installed in his vehicle
D&O 20-0082.pdf , we don’t even get into the laws that the board just literally thinks they are god
D&O 20-0084.pdf he was medically stable, needed no further treatment and probably would not get any better or worse
D&O 20-0088.pdf it. Employee contends she entered into the agreement under duress because she was unable to get medical care
D&O 20-0089.pdf a hard time getting up from different positions; Aleve did not help. The diagnosis was low back pain
D&O 20-0090.pdf , the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition, and the date the party first knew
D&O 20-0092.pdf he might be unsuccessful in getting the superior court’s existing order overturned. He concedes
D&O 20-0093.pdf will get back to fees and costs after we make sure all time and expenses have been imput (sic). Can you
D&O 20-0094.pdf , and he had to use his other arm to get his left arm out of the position it was in. (Dr. Wickler’s
D&O 20-0095.pdf of the way in the emergency room on November 11, 2018 due to pain. Employee still gets job offers but has
D&O 20-0096.pdf diplopia and opined Employee’s “eyes show no permanent damage or loss of function from getting lake water
D&O 20-0098.pdf herniation; a nationwide study on disc herniation showed specific events as simple as getting out of bed
D&O 20-0099.pdf breaks when she is on her feet for any length of time, like when she does the dishes; she gets off
D&O 20-0100.pdf symptoms and pain in the lateral aspect of the left thigh after his ability to ambulate and get around
D&O 20-0103.pdf himself standing on a roof with the caption “Cardio.. THERES MORE THAN ONE WAY TO GET MONEY
D&O 20-0111.pdf an “unequivocally clear intent of getting an MRI of the right shoulder.” Dr. Schumacher “immediately complied
D&O 20-0113.pdf a doctor in California; she was unable to work and had problems getting paid for missed wages. A workers
D&O 20-0114.pdf downstairs to get a drink she would not know. (Id. at 13). Ms. Carrazco did not see Employee fall; he
D&O 20-0116.pdf are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness and is recommending that high risk individuals avoid
D&O 20-0119.pdf some individuals are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness and is recommending
D&O 21-0001.pdf filed for Employee’s 2012 injury. Alaska National contended before it gets involved in any SIME
D&O 21-0004.pdf a certain amount of time before closing my case. I couldn’t get my info [sic] in time because
D&O 21-0007.pdf as summary and simple as possible, Employee will get the PCE from the first provider identified by either
D&O 21-0010.pdf her what he should do. She asked him to get the first aid kit, but there was no first aid kit. So
D&O 21-0013.pdf , decided that he should get the MRI and that led to him eventually being referred to OPA. I did not see
D&O 21-0016.pdf : (A) the employee moves a distance of 50 miles or more from the attending physician and the employee does not get
D&O 21-0017.pdf , Employer actually gets the entire benefit of that settlement. It contends, given Employee’s injuries
D&O 21-0018.pdf . Randle noted, “We will try to get an AHMAD ALTAHIR v. TRIDENT SEAFOODS CORPORATION 5 interpreter
D&O 21-0020.pdf up or down stairs was very painful and she did not need support or assistance to get around most
D&O 21-0024.pdf not prevail on getting his requested language included on the form. The Commission found Gillion did
D&O 21-0026 .pdf claims against Employer for diabetes treatment as a prerequisite to getting care for his work-related
D&O 21-0028.pdf on a steep incline stalled out on a hill and when he tried to get it going, it jumped significantly
D&O 21-0030.pdf in the December 24, 2016 work injury. She put her hand under the patient to get her up. Later she was not able
D&O 21-0037.pdf of proceedings. (a) . . . . A person may see or get a copy of the written record in accordance
D&O 21-0039 .pdf volleyball. Stepping forward with my right foot, I leaned to my far right to get a ball. I immediately
D&O 21-0041.pdf not set or move anything besides getting the truck set up and ready,” Tidwell admonishing Amos, “Don’t
D&O 21-0042.pdf , sharp, stabbing and throbbing pain in the medial aspect of his right knee were constant and getting
D&O 21-0043 .pdf improving again. Employee strained his back getting in or out of a car on March 21, 1997, and he
D&O 21-0045.pdf adjustment and expressed frustration with how long it was taking to get his shoulder treated. (Claim
D&O 21-0048.pdf , Employee reported to Dr. Innes that his left knee pain had been getting worse since July 2020. Employee
D&O 21-0050.pdf Employer’s right to get its money back from Muetz. Nevertheless, since Employee did not expressly waive
D&O 21-0052.pdf insurance was cancelled. (Douglas Grey.) 16) Employer hired Alberto Perez to get its financial records
D&O 21-0053 .pdf unless and until Employer has sufficient funds to obtain an attorney and get legal advice. However
D&O 21-0055.pdf to prove this. I have to get busy trying to keep my small business going. I will be appealing
D&O 21-0056.pdf to sign them and yet Employee refuses. Employer cites increased costs trying to get discovery from
D&O 21-0057.pdf sustained his injury on July 17, 2019 when working for Employer. He was attempting to get a cooler out
D&O 21-0058.pdf referral list; a specialist who is not on the list does not get new cases. Therefore, removal
D&O 21-0060.pdf records to prove this. I have to get busy trying to keep my small business going. I will be appealing
D&O 21-0061.pdf getting worse. He now has numbness that is progressing farther and farther down both arms. He
D&O 21-0063.pdf letters. Id. Sometime they get sent; sometimes they do not. It is a reasonable strategic decision
D&O 21-0068.pdf was ordered. Nurse Practitioner Martin also discussed getting a lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI
D&O 21-0071.pdf wait and see if his finger improves or gets worse is not good cause to grant a hearing request
D&O 21-0073.pdf his head, neck, and shoulder were hurting. He saw Dr. Johnson to get replacement glasses; she
D&O 21-0076.pdf to get out of the driver’s side of the car than the passenger side. The pain was alleviated when lying
D&O 21-0081 .pdf that did not deny medical benefits for the left shoulder, and noting “I think we can get left shoulder
D&O 21-0083.pdf , as he had demonstrated previously, he would be able to get back to full-duty work despite having
D&O 21-0085.pdf was “the earliest [she] could get [Employee] in.” (Jessie Hermans). April 26 and May 10, 2019, dates were
D&O 21-0086.pdf that she would have to get with opposing party to stipulate about extending the deadlines since a hearing
D&O 21-0087.pdf as I could get that body [to] come in. I would customize putting that staff where I needed them
D&O 21-0090.pdf may reduce an employee’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy
D&O 21-0091 .pdf in detail how he tried to get Dr. Paisley to put his comments regarding an eight percent PPI rating
D&O 21-0092.pdf complained he felt his balance and coordination was getting a little bit worse, and he had a lot
D&O 21-0093 .pdf only if Employee could not get an appointment with Dr. Aquino in California. It contends Quimiging I
D&O 21-0095 .pdf to support his argument that Employee “should not have to privately pay for an appointment to get a PPI
D&O 21-0099.pdf are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness and is recommending that high risk individuals avoid
D&O 21-0102.pdf , “Do not set or move anything besides SAMUEL AMOS v. DAVID E. TIDWELL, ET AL 6 getting
D&O 21-0103.pdf noted, Due to Mr. Roof’s severe difficulty with communicating, I was not able to get an accurate
D&O 21-0104.pdf get an MRI of the spine at that point in time. And if it is acute there will be bone marrow edema
D&O 21-0105.pdf , at least one arising from Twing allegedly getting hit by a “backhoe bucket.” Johnson testified
D&O 21-0108.pdf be healing and I could go back to work. My dispatcher said I’d get written up for Failure to Report
D&O 21-0110.pdf HEALTH called (206) 536-XXXX to advise that EE was going to get support for the Hearing today
D&O 21-0116 .pdf . Mr. Makhtoub does not want to borrow anymore because he is not getting ahead if he is barrowing
D&O 21-0118.pdf with that, then he is less likely to get benefit from a SCS. Dr. Kirkham testified it is not completely
D&O 21-0119.pdf for a bank account, get an apartment, and grocery shopping. Employee testified KIRK WILSON v. ARCTIC
D&O 21-0121.pdf that he had a non-antalgic gait. I was under the impression that he needed to get back to full duty
D&O 21-0123.pdf he could get injections or surgery to remove the hardware if his knee did not get better. He has
D&O 21-0124 not 21-0123 .pdf again to get it checked. He took x-rays and said that I have arthritis in that toe due to a traumatic
D&O 22-0001.pdf to get the last two payments that have been returned sent back out, I just need to confirm the address
D&O 22-0003.pdf and will get well with proper treatment. (Breall). 20) According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human
D&O 22-0004.pdf /coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how- covid-spreads.html (last accessed on January 4, 2022
D&O 22-0005.pdf someone to ”˜get him.’ It sounds like he may have watched something like this on a movie recently
D&O 22-0010.pdf , asserting “his medications are making him be in more pain” and he would like to get off of his medications
D&O 22-0012.pdf to reopen the case in order to get the epidural injections again, as those had worked well for him

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