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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

D&O 22-0016.pdf a couple of weeks.” Employee felt Dr. Vhymeister “was getting the dates all wrong”; he did not know what
D&O 22-0017.pdf was acting bizarrely to get some gain from the hospital. She thought Employee should return to Seattle
D&O 22-0020 .pdf a neurosurgeon, so Dr. McNamara planned to get him on the schedule for shoulder surgery after he was evaluated
D&O 22-0021.pdf has to have his kids get the items due to ongoing shoulder pain. He elected not to pursue surgery
D&O 22-0023.pdf to a compensation rate adjustment because she was getting medical and time-loss benefits and “potential
D&O 22-0024.pdf rehabilitation. Dr. Ries de Chaffin agreed he was not likely to get back to the point where he could hang from
D&O 22-0025.pdf said her ankle was starting to slowly feel like it was getting better range of motion and function
D&O 22-0027.pdf grime, but it still gets on the wheelchair and crane. (Id. at 38). As a result, he must replace
D&O 22-0028.pdf gave as the reason for filing his claim, “[I]njury is getting worse. Neck hurts numbness on shoulder
D&O 22-0032.pdf and stated the adjuster’s contrary assertion was “false.” He contended he was not done getting treatment
D&O 22-0033.pdf previous. She was still waiting for her workers’ compensation case to “get settled” more than 11 years
D&O 22-0034.pdf was somewhat better, but his thoracic pain was getting worse; thoracic pain was now his predominant complaint
D&O 22-0037.pdf it was her understanding she gets to determine what records Employer gets to see because the records belong
D&O 22-0039.pdf continued to hurt. On July 17 or 19, 2020, he left the job site to get his arm checked. Employee asked
D&O 22-0041.pdf like I can get my surgery.” And I mean it’s a very -- it’s life-threatening surgery that my coworker
D&O 22-0043.pdf Agency Insurance emailed Mr. DeVolld-Owen, “Just wanted to confirm. Once we get reinstatment
D&O 22-0048.pdf and he was “getting treatment through the VA, who have referred him for surgical consultation
D&O 22-0049.pdf center,” and contended his “pain and spinal symptoms” continued to get worse and his spinal cord
D&O 22-0051.pdf diarrhea and reported a history of chronic diarrhea and IBS. Employee reported he began to get sick
D&O 22-0052.pdf , you got me, you got me, Jake, you hurt me there. . . . . I think when I was trying to get him
D&O 22-0058.pdf not attend. Did you get a copy of your PHC SUMMARY that was mailed to you (at XXX E 3rd Avenue, Anchorage
D&O 22-0061.pdf is getting better,” but upon arrival at the hospital she still had it. Objectively, Employee had “slightly
D&O 22-0062.pdf box to claim benefits but stated, “unpaid bills, I’m still in pain and [it’s] getting more painful
D&O 22-0063.pdf ) On October 14, 2016, Employee told PT he had to get a new backpack because the old one weighed too much
D&O 22-0064.pdf to confuse him so he would not know how much money he was getting. He seeks an order requiring Employer
D&O 22-0066.pdf the adjuster and get the same information, he used an authorized method and seeks a quick, fair and efficient
D&O 22-0070.pdf ) On February 22, 2018, Employee told PA-C Moore that she slipped while getting out of her car at home
D&O 22-0073.pdf by getting off that foot as quickly as possible. The person NICHOLAS S ANDREWS v. ALASKA INTERSTATE
D&O 22-0074.pdf had a confrontation about Employee getting back in the truck. (Employee; Hogner). Employee refused
D&O 22-0075.pdf , he left the job site to get his arm checked. Employee first noticed his right elbow hurt and had
D&O 22-0076.pdf an August 3, 2022 affidavit entry discussing “Get SIME dates for deposition to BLM,” and notes the SIME
D&O 23-0004.pdf COVID-19. She was “so afraid of getting COVID” that she went to work, and the grocery store as stated
D&O 23-0006.pdf or modify Betts I. Employee contended Employer should not get “another otherwise unavailable bite
D&O 23-0007..pdf contends discovery is important and rather than depose the adjuster and attempt to get the same
D&O 23-0012.pdf roll bar, and winch to get unstuck in various terrain, like the beach, pavement and hiking trails
D&O 23-0013.pdf on getting his requested language included on the form. The Commission found Gillion did prevail when
D&O 23-0014 .pdf to attorney fees as he did not prevail on getting his requested language included on the form
D&O 23-0018.pdf 26, 2018, Employee called the Division to say his back was getting worse and needed therapy. After
D&O 23-0019.pdf or modify Betts I; Employer should not get “another otherwise unavailable bite at the apple
D&O 23-0020.pdf not have adequate funds to get to their treatment, Weaver would accommodate their situation. Employee
D&O 23-0021.pdf Employee he had to get his diabetes under control “for this to heal.” (Dr. Rhyneer report, September 28
D&O 23-0022.pdf experienced a locking incident. He stated he was getting up from the couch when his knee locked in place
D&O 23-0023.pdf back was getting worse and needed therapy. After answering his questions, staff told him
D&O 23-0025.pdf should his claim get controverted, that that would be a good timing to get a lawyer. EE stated that he
D&O 23-0034.pdf PAREDES v. AUGUSTINE ENTERPRISES LLC 7 controversion so he can get an attorney but she didn’t even
D&O 23-0036.pdf ? Employee contends Employer’s initial controversion prevented him for getting needed medical care and he
D&O 23-0037.pdf memory was improving but would like to get tested. Dr. Smith noted that Employee had been taking
D&O 23-0038.pdf , 2023, Zaldy Tubig, Jr., said he was attempting to get advice from attorney Andrew Wilson regarding
D&O 23-0041.pdf back to camp. His back pain was initially minor but by the time he was back at camp, it was getting
D&O 23-0044.pdf . Employee was not doing home exercise because she was getting her belongings ready to move. (PT report
D&O 23-0045.pdf to get” but nonetheless referred him to Stephen Tower, M.D., for another opinion. (Deposition of Mark
D&O 23-0049.pdf she was injured when she slipped on ice and fell face first onto the ground while attempting to get
D&O 23-0050.pdf and going to hearing to get these bills paid and penalties paid[.] [It’s] been 3 years since
D&O 23-0051.pdf . She used a scooter to get around and needed to obtain a better foot brace for better support
D&O 23-0052.pdf would get back to her as soon as possible. (Agency File: Judicial, Communications, Phone Call tabs
D&O 23-0054.pdf . . . . . . . Because my case was closed it is harder to get the medical help I need. It is delaying my possible
D&O 23-0056.pdf postoperative course. The following would be indicated to complete his evaluation and get the best picture
D&O 23-0057.pdf to get his hernias repaired but Dr. Larson explained it would take time. Employee stated he had to get
D&O 23-0059.pdf
D&O 23-0061.pdf this decision to grant this request, Employer would get no relief. Thus, Employer’s original reason
D&O 23-0062.pdf . The Division staff noted difficulty in getting Employee to understand what she needed to do to progress her
D&O 23-0063.pdf the Division’s email would “get buried,” which is what happened. It contends a late-payment penalty was paid
D&O 23-0064.pdf getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary form, together with copies
D&O 23-0066.pdf get them/it done before my last shift.” (Employee email, January 29, 2021). 23) On February 17
D&O 23-0069.pdf suggest she continue as she is at present and perhaps things will get better, or if they get worse, we
D&O 23-0076.pdf related to the April 6, 2021 work injury, and stated “I need a get out of work note.” John Walters, PA
D&O 23-0077.pdf under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administrations award showing
D&O 23-0078.pdf ’ email was in response to a communication with the adjuster, Christina Miller. Could I get a copy
D&O 23-0080.pdf his right shoulder was still “stiff and weak.” Employee told Dr. Diamond he was getting worse
D&O 23-0081.pdf 5, 2016, Employee slipped on ice while getting out of his pickup and fell the day before. He
D&O 24-0001.pdf in Kodiak, decided that he should get the MRI and that led to him eventually being referred to OPA. I did
D&O 24-0002.pdf in representing me, he should not get pay.” (Employee email, August 22, 2023). 18) On August 31, 2023
D&O 24-0005.pdf process. I asked EE to hold and see if I can get ahold of the other party and see what they think about
D&O 24-0006.pdf pressure to do job training and get back to work, which Employee did not feel was possible. Employee
D&O 24-0007.pdf fail to attend. Employee contends he wants to get off narcotic medication and wants to attend
D&O 24-0009.pdf or beneficiary’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(a) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
D&O 24-0010.pdf attorney replied that Employee had given him a few minor changes to make, and he would try to get
D&O 24-0016.pdf is is an hour and a half from Oakland. If she arrives at midnight, it takes at least an hour to get her stuff
D&O 24-0018.pdf Jesse saw Employee for left-neck pain off and on for two months, which was progressively getting worse
D&O 24-0022.pdf if I can get ahold of the other party and see what they think about this. I called ER ATT office
D&O 24-0023.pdf February [in] your workers comp case. If you get this message in the next few minutes, you can give us
D&O 24-0026.pdf delay in getting Claimants’ request to hearing. This gave Claimants’ 139 additional days to request
D&O 24-0028.pdf ” is anywhere from zero to 25 dB. As the decibel number increases on the audiogram, the hearing is getting
D&O 24-0029.pdf but I am not fully healed and still getting treatment for the injury. I said they said my cut should
D&O 24-0034.pdf a functional rehabilitation clinic, which Employer says it had been trying to get him to do for nearly two
D&O 24-0035.pdf ) without the adjuster’s ok. Eventually I cut off the EE and told her I would get her to my supervisor
D&O 24-0036.pdf was “urgent,” and Employee needed to “get in earlier.” Dr. Logan’s office put Employee on the wait list
D&O 24-0037.pdf to environmental exposures at work, which may be the case. It sounds as if on the weekends, she usually gets
D&O 24-0038.pdf been there two years. He plans on going to college in Michigan to get his master’s degree
D&O 24-0040.pdf he is trying to [cooperate] with the hearing process. I asked EE to hold and see if I can get ahold
D&O 24-0045.pdf be in Peru. However, he was hoping to attend college in Michigan in mid-August to get a master’s degree
D&O 24-0048.pdf was completed and he knew it would be covered. Employee tried to get treatment for his low-back between late
D&O 24-0050.pdf also very common in chronic pain patients. Where I don’t go is into getting more detailed
D&O 24-0051.pdf email address babams.82** Sorry for the delayed response. I was able to finally get Work
00-0003.htm way to get it [osteoarthritis]." (Id. at 32). When asked how long after the trauma, he would expect
00-0007.htm get out of his seat. I will represent to you that the portion you view of Tape 3 is representative
00-0008.htm that was operated on a piece of property that I was looking at getting into, buying the property. I was approached
00-0009.htm . Advised the patient that I do not think this is a serious set back.... If patient gets worse or develops
00-0010.htm when that happens. I can’ t get down on it, you know, like I need to get down on my knees to dig clams
00-0012.htm from getting bounced around or thrown off her snow machine. Initially, the employee filed a Notice

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