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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

0903.doc . The woman asked to go get her friend to bring in the receipt. The claimant allowed the woman to go get her
0905.doc , 2022 and on October 31, 2022. He did not get through. He called again November 2, 2022 and reached
0913.doc believed the supervisor was trying to get rid of him. He called the employer and resigned shortly before he
0923.docx approached the claimant and her coworker and said that they all needed to get along. The claimant felt
0928.docx that work was expected to resume in October and that he would get a notice of the start date and time
0929.docx of résumés. The claimant spent time getting this straight. After not receiving benefit upon clearing
0945.docx a transfer to the new location and then attempt to get childcare arranged as quickly as possible
0948.docx it to her appointment because of transportation issues. Like getting to work, transportation to participate
0949.docx held. The claimant told the Division she offered to get the correct documents from the Division
0950.docx . The claimant had problems getting to work on time because she does not have a vehicle. The employer warned
0954.doc girlfriend to call the employer. She advised him that she did not get an answer. She told an assistant
0957.doc was to get a Visa to return to work. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.378 provides: (a) An insured worker
0958.docx to get another job in that field. The claimant gave the employer two-weeks notice that her last day would
0962.doc supervisor on several occasions. He believed that she did not care about his health, only getting the job
0966.docx . The instructions that the claimant received advised him to get online and schedule an appointment to complete
0968.docx driver’s license. Home Instead advised the claimant that she was required to get a TB test, renew her
0969.docx driver’s license. Home Instead advised the claimant that she was required to get a TB test, renew her
0970.doc the claimant that he was discharged for not replacing the whole subfloor. The claimant tried to get
1007.docx to post his résumé for an unknown reason. He immediately attempted to get assistance and he posted his
1010.docx with whom he did not get along, and he was asked to leave the office by the human resources manager. Later
1015.docx not want to get his jacket from the locker room across the store each time he needed
1024.doc effective November 27, 2022. The employer discharged the claimant for getting in coworkers’ faces. He
22 0018.pdf reported that he and his wife were extremely sick and that they were going to go get tested for COVID.1
22 0034.pdf , it would let OAH know by the day before the hearing. It did not get back in touch. OAH
22 0242.pdf would have to get to work by 9:30 or 10:00 each morning. After that, he could transition to flexible
22 0313.pdf time I’ve been able to learn and get to know you all.” She intended her last day of work
22 0335.pdf requirements but thought he could get away with doing so because he thought TDH would keep quiet about his
22 0370.pdf , but could never get in touch with him. Mr. Jacoby also never appeared at work on that date, and never
22 0392.pdf shift between client appointments to get something to eat, and then called Mr. McCann to tell him she
22 0395.pdf Decision was under a great deal of stress. She was trying to find a place for her son to get
22 0439.pdf of getting Covid-19. She is not elderly and has no underlying health conditions, but her views regarding
22 0525.pdf was not able to get home until February 11, 2022 because he had to quarantine in a hotel room. While he
22 0540.pdf -monetary determination. It determined that Ms. Hatfield walked off her job, mid-shift, after getting
P22 022.pdf to start a construction business with his father. He reports that it was difficult to get a business
P22 026.pdf that it was difficult to get a business license due to pandemic-related delays, and that her advertising and door
0038.doc time to get things together and continue to work. The claimant had not worked for 24 days before her
0044.docx . The claimant attempted to get assistance from the Division with the issue and she posted her résumé online
0045.docx , 2023 and she tried consistently to get assistance to post the résumé until January 17, 2023, when she
0047.doc also missed April 21, 2022 for the same reason. The claimant sent a text after she could not get
0049.docx for the Job Center to return his calls. He did not get a return call. He went to the Job Center during
0065.docx getting her fired. The claimant argued that she believed she had already been fired when she left
0069.docx . The supervisor observed the claimant standing up and getting coffee during training videos. The supervisor
0082.docx that he did not work. The investigator attempted to get details of the claimant’s hours and wages each
0114.docx frequently gets mail delivered late and misdelivered to other residents. The claimant has complained
0121.docx notification of test results after their appointments. A patient in the office told the owner they did not get
0126.docx -threatening exacerbation of a previously existing disability. The claimant was able to get his wife stabilized
0133.doc had missed one prearranged day to get an identification July 28, 2022. The claimant worked from home
0135.docx called out on December 12, 2022 because another snowstorm prevented her from getting work. On December 15
0149.docx and her neighbors are working to get locked boxes for the area. The claimant noted that she did
0151.docx told the claimant that the manager would set it up when she could get to it. The claimant brought
0163.doc to him about not being paid for eight weeks. He helped the mechanic get paid. The mechanic did not get
0165 .docx , but the employer believed the claimant was getting better. The claimant was being treated for a condition involving
0187.doc with her mail at her address. She often does not get mail she expects and gets mail several weeks late
0192.docx was unable to get an appointment at the employer’s preferred clinic. The claimant was treated at another
0192c.docx was unable to get an appointment at the employer’s preferred clinic. The claimant was treated at another
0193.pdf , but held that he was so far down on that list, he was unlikely to get dispatched for work in Nevada
0238.pdf some time off to get her mental and physical health under control. The claimant stated she would
0254.pdf get emergency c-section supplies from an operating room, which she did. The employer decided
0259.pdf to extend her leave further because she was unable to return that day. The claimant did not get a response
0273.pdf was not getting enough hours to pay her rent. The claimant recalled that his supervisor asked if it was okay
0309.pdf , the claimant asked the bookkeeper if she could get her paycheck in advance, dated for April 5, 2023
0416.pdf . The claimant and the manager did not get along and the claimant felt the manager made the workplace toxic
0417.pdf work which caused him to get behind on his rent and he was evicted. Following his eviction
0426.pdf on the website to get assistance and made numerous calls and she was not helped until she went in person
0434.pdf attempts to get assistance until June 19, 2023 when she was advised to go the Job Center. In Ward Com
0435.pdf . The claimant held he did the best he could to speed up his posting without making errors and he tried to get
0460.pdf activities of daily living such as bathing, eating and getting to the bathroom. The claimant found his
0473.pdf said the co-worker would get no more chances. The Tribunal does not find the claimant had
0479.pdf for the claimant to get her daughter out of bed and into her wheelchair or into the bath. The claimant used
0482.pdf and attempted to get assistance when she was advised she was denied. The claimant promptly re-posted her
0486.pdf claim. The claimant was unable to log in to the website and she immediately attempted to get assistance
0521.pdf to work on June 15, 2023 and was told she had to get a doctor’s note with a return to work date. She
0531.pdf and his supervisor did not get along well, he was not aware of any open hostility or that the claimant
0539.pdf 0539 Page 4 well-versed in the Division’s terms, and he had been told he could get help with his
0541.pdf to get his state identification card, although he has sent for his birth certificate and social
0542.pdf for the sole purpose of getting additional rental assistance is not a compelling reason to leave work
0555.pdf on July 16, 2023, and attempted to get assistance until August 1, 2023 when he was assisted to log
23 0004.doc in judgment or discretion.... CONCLUSION It is the responsibility of workers to get along with other
23 0011.doc for unemployment insurance benefits effective November 27, 2022. The claimant did not get along with the plumber
23 0013.doc could come and get her stuff and last check. The supervisor took that statement to mean that she quit
23 0016.docx January 9, 2023 to get assistance to post her résumé. On January 9, 2023, a representative assisted
23 0094.pdf that he had a card to get money from another source than the bank in which his benefits were deposited
23 0116.pdf accompany her on the employer’s premises to get her belongings, which they did. On September 8, 2022
23 0211.pdf day of work, the claimant had a noon deadline to get statements finished. The claimant was told
23 0232.pdf , the claimant had difficulty with his MyAlaska account. He made multiple calls to the Division but did not get
23 0348.pdf for the other store. The claimant did not get transferred. The claimant chose not to work inside the store
23 0476.pdf and car problems. The manager told the claimant she would get used to the escrow closer’s personality
23 0520.pdf the unemployment office and the JobCenter. When she was unable to get assistance, she accessed AlaskaJobs
23 0585.pdf to get approval according to policy before taking leave. The claimant denied that she failed
23 0588.pdf of an incident of suspected abuse, she was accused of lying to get a subordinate in trouble. The claimant’s
23 0599.pdf Docket # 23 0599 Page 2 the work, because it takes months to get an appointment
23 0603.pdf other people who had consumed the same take-out food were also ill. The claimant did not get a note
23 0620.pdf Docket# 23 0620 Page 2 manager then screamed at the claimant to get out because she did
23 0650.pdf to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. This schedule allowed him to get off work early enough to pick up
23 0652.pdf to get past her. The claimant spoke to the coworker twice but she did not hear him so he moved her
23 0656.pdf had directed the doctor’s office to send a note directly to the employer and he offered to go get
23 0669.pdf get done before the director returned, or consulting the general manager about his job duties
23 0670.pdf would get in trouble if she complained again without any way to prove her complaint. The claimant
23 0709.pdf during his off-work time and he did not purposely get a speeding ticket. The Tribunal does not agree
23 0722RO.pdf 8101.08, 7/20/84. As the claimant in this case apparently did not get his mail for such a reason, we

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