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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

1467anc.doc that this was the case. Since the claimant knew that her daughter’s school schedule made it hard for her to get to work
1482anc.doc duties prohibited her from getting all of her paperwork done in a timely manner. In addition
1503anc.doc the claimant that the purpose of their job was to get clients to the airport in time to catch their planes
1516fbx.doc that the better weather in Colorado will allow her husband to ride his bike more often and get more exercise. She
1526cjun.doc . · The claimant's last day of work was June 1, 2006. On that day, he went to the meat department to get batteries
1526jnu.doc was June 1, 2006. On that day, he went to the meat department to get batteries for a hand-held scanner. He
1533anc.doc pushing the carts forward and watching for customers who might get in the way of his train of carts
1538anc.doc 5, the claimant said he was not getting a high enough wage and felt his wage was unfair and racially
1539anc.doc because she was too excited about getting the job. She understands now that she made a mistake. PROVISIONS
1545fbx.doc a one-way ticket and was instrumental in getting her daughter to move. The claimant’s wife did not like
1564anc.doc with insomnia and fatigue, which made it even more difficult to get to work on time. On July 1, the claimant
1574jnu.doc off; she informed her supervisor she would not be in. Her action in not getting prior approval for her
1576anc.doc she was going to move and leave the state. She also stated she thought she needed to get counseling
1590ranc.doc and stated he "would have been hard for me to get to your office by that time;" he doesn't have reading
1595jnu.doc advised him that he needed to get the painting done and that he would not transfer him to the shop
1603anc.doc was completed because substitute teachers were required to get a TB test and submit the results of that test
1603cfbx.doc was completed because substitute teachers were required to get a TB test and submit the results of that test
1605anc.doc the employer that she had upcoming concerns regarding daycare for her children, centering on the need to get
1610fbx.doc did not get the mailer sent to her, but eventually did receive a denial notice. She contacted her
1615ranc.doc and he did not get the hearing notice until after he returned. A hearing notice was mailed
1623anc.doc and needed to get some parts so that he could get on the internet. Once he got on the internet, he had
1627anc.doc on September 2 by using her niece’s computer. She tried for a few hours, but kept getting a message about
1630anc.doc his furniture to a storage unit. He also had to make arrangements to get his pet neutered
1633anc.doc in a few altercations in the past that resulted in the co-worker yelling at him and “getting in his face
1644fbx.doc but to leave work; CONCLUSION Although it is understandable that the claimant would want her children to get
1650anc.doc with her hip still hurting. She preferred to get a permanent job with a parking lot close to the work site
1658anc.doc the evening of September 15 and on September 16, 2006. She had trouble getting on ALEXsys, and since
1664anc.doc of her mail to her new address in Idaho. The claimant did not attempt to get any of her mail from
1676anc.doc that she was moving to Palmer on August 20 to get some relief from her personal problems and would
1695anc.doc into town, that way he could get help from the Job Service Center. On September 13, 2006, the claimant went
1702anc.doc approximately two weeks earlier this year than in past years. To get the message out and avoid any confusion
1706anc.doc testified things were beginning to get better in that regard. The owner’s conduct was not unlawful conduct
1711anc.doc on the house he is building and getting it ready for the winter. He plans on moving back to Anchorage
1718anc.doc that he could get his job back. He was advised that he would not be allowed to come back to work
1721anc.doc . As such, the claimant’s main reason for quitting was because he did not get assigned the Wasilla jobs. In Comm'r Dec
1738jnu.doc on it and managed to get it fixed. He called the president and director of operations at his home and left two
1744anc.doc as to the stability of the floor underneath. It seemed to the claimant that working conditions were getting worse
1752jnu.doc did not have a lot of time to work on it since she was busy working that day, she tried to get
1767anc.doc sister. She wanted to get her children situated in one school district before school started and did
1773anc.doc . The claimant compounded that problem by failing to post a résumé properly. The lateness in getting the résumé
1774anc.doc computer on September 15. He had trouble getting his computer online, but thought he had been successful
1780fbx.doc the claimant to work as scheduled. The claimant’s failure to physically get to work due to the weather may
1795anc.doc continual problems getting to work on time. He advised the employer that he had a “rare disease” that made
1795canc.doc continual problems getting to work on time. He advised the employer that he had a “rare disease” that made
1799anc.doc the coworker was trying to get him fired or get even with him. The complaint was turned over to the Seattle
1800anc.doc . In early September, the claimant advised the supervisor that she needed to get ready to move and did
1815anc.doc On June 8, the claimant asked if he could get off early. His supervisor advised him that he could if he
1816anc.doc (AUICC) within five days of getting the letter and advised the representative that she did not have
1818anc.doc “didn’t get the mail” or if he received the letter and “didn’t read it or understand it.” If he had
1820anc.doc to get a raise · and failure to be paid in advance of the normal pay date. Although it is certainly
1827jnu.doc the standards set by the employer, specifically manifested in a repeated inability to get along with customers
1829anc.doc to the employer, she told the employer that she left the form with the bank. She stated that she did not get
1842anc.doc to make up the work that they were unable to get done during the Holiday week. Although
1855anc.doc problems doing it at home. The Job Service Representative helped him get started filing for his
1857anc.doc . The claimant had problems getting to work on time and/or completing cleaning tasks. He also caused problems
1861jnu.doc . When the situation did not get any better and no other work was available for the claimant to transfer
1863jnu.doc aspects of management, but the claimant felt he did not get what he needed with regard to scheduling
1883anc.doc , the sales force was advised that beginning in October-November, salesmen would not get a percentage
1901anc.doc was not sure what had happened. However, he was ultimately able to fix the problem and get her resume online
1906anc.doc the impression that getting online with ALEXsys itself would automatically place her resume online. When
1907jnu.doc because of the cost and time to get to Florida. She chose Colorado because she has a place to live and she
1930anc.doc medication was prescribed or even to find out if a prescription could be refilled. The claimant began to get
1955anc.doc not advise management or anyone else at that point. He wanted to get his life and finances in order before he
1964jnu.doc to live with until she gets resettled. She moved on September 29. STATUTORY PROVISIONS AS 23.20.379.
1969anc.doc he would get into trouble with his union if he stayed working in Anchorage for a non-union employer
1981jnu.doc about her future employment. · The claimant believed she would not get the position, and in early August
1996anc.doc properly. By choosing to violate both the policy of going behind the bar herself to get the beer
2009anc.doc last absence or her persistent inability to get to work on time. The employer accommodated her special
2022anc.doc . · The claimant did not recheck his resume until he was notified that he was denied. He attempted to get back onto
2031anc.doc statement to a claimstaker, did not dispute that she caused a delay in getting a customer her check
2032anc.doc , and was unsuccessful in getting her resume to post in a manner she could view. She states she contacted the Job Center
2043jnu.doc was notified that she was denied benefits. Thereafter, she was unable to get back into her ALEXsys account
2046anc.doc , with the assistance of a Job Service representative, he was able to get back into his ALEXsys account and reregister
2051jun.doc an Employment Security Division representative, she was able to get back into her ALEXsys account and complete
2066anc.doc loose and a mechanic had to by-pass the system to get the truck started. The claimant decided
2069fbx.doc . Children between the ages of 30 months and 36 months would not get any immediate attention. Children
2084anc.doc . For the last month of her employment, the claimant had difficulty getting along with a coworker. She did
2086anc.doc his ALEXsys registration. He did so, and since he was able to get into and utilize ALEXsys, he
2098anc.doc then attempted immediately to access her resume and could not get on ALEXsys. She emailed her resume to the Job
2108jnu.doc , and it took him 5-6 hours to post his resume as he is a slow typist and kept getting disconnected
2109anc.doc and that the high profile conference she was assigned was getting closer. The manager continued to tell the claimant
2125jnu.doc foster father had back surgery then re-injured it, causing him difficulty getting some things done around
2127anc.doc on a computer was posting it online. She was assisted in getting on ALEXsys by a representative and she printed
2149anc.doc in Anchorage, the restraining order was dropped. The claimant’s family was unable to come and get her any
2153fbx.doc worker, who was a volunteer, that the claimant did not get time off. The volunteer was considering
2156anc.doc . A Division representative helped him to get on the ALEXsys website because the claimant’s logon password did
2171fbx.doc to register. She was able to register and create a résumé, but she was unable to get her résumé to post online
2187anc.doc “dizziness” before and knew that she needed to get something to eat. The claimant takes oral medication
2188anc.doc ” that said offline. He was unable to get his résumé online using an internet browser called “Foxfire.” He
2194anc.doc from the claimant trying to stifle the efforts of a fellow worker whom he believed was trying to get
2204fbx.doc anything about it. He did not have a cardkey to get into the register. The customer became angry
2210jnu.doc just before she was to get on the plane to fly to Seward. The work would have been only for four hours
2216anc.doc , the claimant contacted the UI Claim Center to get clarification on how to make an adjustment to her resume
2230anc.doc not get a check, he called the UI Claim Center on November 15 and was informed his benefits were being
2231fbx.doc was assigned to work. The captain accused the claimant of “milking the clock” because she would get to work one
2257anc.doc was doing enough. She believed that he allowed the whole team to get involved in personality conflicts
2269.doc for full-time work other than his self-employment, but that his business “seems to be getting started, so
2271ranc.doc contact her local claim center to get caught up with her filing. Dated and Mailed in Anchorage, Alaska
2282anc.doc keep the business open if the claimant gets full-time work that interferes with the deli’s business
2287fbx.doc then attempted to file online but had trouble getting into the Department’s Internet filing web site. He tried

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