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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

2582jnu.doc there were getting into, and there is a question whether the work was “suitable work” for them. A claimant
2597anc.doc not find a supervisor to get that estimate. Later the same day, upper management requested the two
2600anc.doc . The employer made repeated trips to get the claimant to return to work because he needed her to train two
2601anc.doc was not insubordinate at work. Ms. Trevino had trouble getting her computer to accept changes to the roster that led
2602anc.doc services orientation. Mr. Knapp went back to bed and did not get up until after 5:00 p.m. He contacted
2620anc.doc was quitting, and that Ms. Harry needed to get the employer’s keys from Ms. Gibson. Ms. Harry called Ms. Gibson
2626anc.doc weeks, she could not get out of bed because of her back pain. Exhibit 6 contains numerous reports
2635anc.doc not exactly remember getting the determination he indicated that he must have seen it. Mr. Zhang testified
2638anc.doc , in section VQ 155.4 states, in part, as follows: A. Marriage A worker who quits to get married has left
2645jnu.doc and getting along with coworkers. Mr. Cook received the counseling from Mr. Daw who indicated
2652anc.doc these assertions. The current bookkeeper advised Ms. Screckenghost to “think about what you’re getting yourself
2664anc.doc (general contractor) about the lead. Human resources at Alyeska refused to get involved with its
2668jnu.doc effective July 17. Sometime in June 2002, Melissa (manager) told Mr. Griffin that she would get him a raise
2670jnu.doc by moving to a different worksite, he decided to get immediate medical help. Because the job was to last
2678fbx.doc get some benefits in the union position and he also had access to the union grievance procedure. Mr
2685anc.doc . McGrath never gets invoices before accounts payable submits them to her for approval. All invoices go
2699jnu.doc getting off work, he found he could not get to sleep until about 2:00  a.m. This allowed him less than four
2701anc.doc was pressing for more than two weeks after she quit. Further, her reasons for getting her daughter into school
2705jnu.doc , and that he was not strong enough to say “No.” They left Juneau to get away from the influences on Chad’s life
2709anc.doc paint without a respirator. The painter responded, “Long enough to get used to it.” The employer
2713jnu.doc and to get away from it. Although Mr. Martin had last worked in early 2002, Mrs. Martin believed
2728anc.doc ending October 13, 2002) to make arrangements and get himself together. Mr. Ben-Israel left work early
2732anc.doc that policy on occasion and would get upset if a staff member refused to come to work. The last week Ms
2736anc.doc the option of direct deposit, but preferred to get his check in person. Mr. Carter resigned on November 9
2737rjnu.doc the hearing because of his concerns over his truck and getting to Fairbanks in the cold weather. STATUTORY
2753anc.doc assistance getting to the doctor. Ms. Drake also helps with her grandchild. The employer verbally warned Ms
2755jnu.doc coworkers would tell Ms. Miller and she would get into trouble. Ms. Miller told Ms. Diouf that she
2780fbx.doc to get a part-time driver position opened. Mr. Chapman admits no promises were made at the time he
2782anc.doc parties at the hearing testified that regarding an unpaid bill a manager is to get a license plate
2790jnu.doc . After speaking with him but with no success, Mr. Maurer asked Mr. Guzman to get him a flight out. Mr
2802anc.doc record. Therefore, Mr. Jennings never worked as a driver. He cited problems with getting a “hard copy
2803anc.doc , to help him defray the expense of getting off Afognak Island. Although Mr. Thomas indicated a few days
2803canc.doc was offered to him, in part, to help him defray the expense of getting off Afognak Island. Although Mr
2805anc.doc domestic violence in her personal life from her partner. Ms. Jolly went to Anchor Point to get away from
2810anc.doc that on the resignation notice. Mr. Andrews stated that if Mr. Van Thiel did not leave today, “it would get ugly.” Mr. Van
2811anc.doc gave her instructions to get 48 hours of bed rest. Early on Wednesday November 6, 2002 Ms. Freitas
2813jnu.doc for the employer. Although seasonal or temporary employees, as was Mr. Peters, do not get paid time off, Mr. Peters
2841anc.doc not get a word in. He tried to walk away. Mr. Aklestad, coworker, witnessed the incident. Brenda followed
2842jnu.doc not assist except for the actual packing. She often worked overtime on her job, so getting these tasks done
2846anc.doc complained to the human resources manager several times. The manager told her to try to get along with Sandra
2872jnu.doc the employer had written. She then tried to get her employer to correct the information. She finally filed her
0003.doc was the assistant manager of the night crew of the store in Barrow, Alaska. The janitor and Mr. Bassler did not get
0029anc.doc . The employer contends the claimant quit after the decided “he was getting out of town” following a fight
0042anc.doc in the medical building. It took several weeks to get all the parts. Mr. Buchholz determined the problem was two
0067jnu.doc going to get a transfer to an operator position. Wescott also testified that Rick Nelson told him
0072anc.doc . Harrison’s office. Mr. Harrison has a short temper and gets angry. He is intimidating and uses swear words
0080anc.doc no discrimination or harassment was found. The parties were advised to “try to get along.” On about November 20
0084anc.doc assistance by running errands, getting medication, and picking up the mail. Mr. Smith acknowledged
0103anch.doc . Rhyshek. Mr. Cloyd began calling the dog stupid. Mr. Rhyshek came down from the trusses to get a saw
0121anc.doc it is not fair that full-time teachers get paid 12 months per year, but he cannot get unemployment insurance
0127anc.doc had to get his renewed. Late on Saturday, August 24, 2001, the claimant returned to Anchorage from
0142.doc during her hearing. Ms. Jensen’s personal reason for quitting was that she felt she was not getting
0147anc.doc . Gargano’s car broke down. He called the employer who wanted him to try to find a way to get to work. Mr
0153fbx.doc to rehire her. Mr. St. Pierre, an owner, observed Ms. Myatt was not easy to get along with, and that her
0165fbx.doc was sleeping. When advised of the reason for the call, she went to get Mr. Taylor. When she returned several
0168anc.doc the interviewers that he would get insurance. However, he never raised the money to buy it. The hearing record
0204anc.doc and told Ms. Morris to “get out” and directed her not to come back. Later that same day, Ms. Morris
0210anc.doc customer complained that Mr. Burton was rude and refused to help her get her purchase (a television set
0211anc.doc get through to someone on January 24. Mr. Williams notes that he has received all his other mail
0213anc.doc of the incidents, he had no explanation. The incidents included failure to get management approval for items
0223jnu.doc not get a leave of absence; or · The nature of the illness was such that a leave of absence would
0230anc.doc at the end of the year. Mr. Oliver wanted to “get through the holidays” before that occurred. Mr. Oliver
0235anc.doc . According to Mr. Reid, Mr. Chew became more threatening. Mr. Chew gave Mr. Reid 15 minutes to get his tools
0240anc.doc in writing. Joe felt that Ms. Henderson tried to get more than her share of customers. Joe also told her
0244anc.doc residence in Wasilla to Anchorage. Ms. Erickson and her husband wanted to get themselves and their children
0251anc.doc , it appears that a post office delay may have caused Mr. Hogan not to get notice of his orientation meeting
0252anc.doc I quit it didn’t get better. Q: Did you see a doctor at all? A: No. I am on medication for asthma
0257anc.doc to get him out. When Mr. Klemme returned to the business site, a supervisor asked why he got stuck. Mr
0258anc.doc speaks her mind. She has said f--k you numerous times to customers to get them out of the bar. Ms
0262anc.doc was going to get Ms. Morterud fired. Mr. Lau believes that Ms. Hall had said this after being told
0265anc.doc not attend the meeting because he did not get his mail until February 3. He has his mail delivered to his
0267anc.doc made such efforts to get information from him. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.381 provides, in part: (h
0269anc.doc a CDL. For the first two weeks of his employment he was assigned to work in the office in order to get
0310anc.doc getting started and there was a delay in getting materials there of only an hour or two. Mr. Bragg also
0320anc.doc to a different work station because he did not want to work under Ms. Thompson. He did not get a response to his
0324anc.doc ). ATAP is a form of welfare. The funds were being stopped because Ms. Fairbanks wanted to get job
0325anc.doc of the moment action. Her friends were in the restaurant, and she did not think she would get caught giving away
0325canc.doc in the restaurant, and she did not think she would get caught giving away the food. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.379
0334anc.doc weeks or less, some time off to rest would have been better than quitting to get rest. Also, positions
0337anc.doc . Penna to fill out a form, which he did but did not get a copy of it. Marty also asked what Mr. Penna
0338anc.doc . ANMB was trying to get caught up on billing work and Ms. Sawyer, as well as the other billing
0350anc.doc gets his mail at a post office box in his hometown. The sword company’s delivery service would
0357jnu.doc , he thought he would get the benefit back over time. On or about November 26, Mr. Langdon again
0373anc.doc called her three times over the weekend to work. Ms. Blackbird did not get the calls or notice
0375jnu.doc Alaska, he had to get his affairs taken care of, pack their household goods, and prepare the house
0389anc.doc what he had told her earlier in their meeting. Ms. Miller asked, “Should I just wait to get fired?” Mr
0410fbx.doc that involved checking inmates in and out, dispensing medications and doing headcounts. To get the job she only
0411anc.doc difficult it was to get a hold of a person. Company policy requires absences to be reported
0415fbx.doc or speak to someone at the restaurant that evening but was unsuccessful. Ms. Curtis testified she did get
0421jnu.doc and getting the house ready to rent and turned over to a property manager while her husband continued working
0423jnu.doc employment because he was "getting tired of doing nothing." In a total of eleven weeks of employment
0426anc.doc contends he was too ill to get out of bed on both days that he missed work. Mr. Alston’s next scheduled
0427.doc get better when tourist season picked up. However, when Mr. Purdom received the $27.17 paycheck, he
0428anc.doc that he understood he was not going to work anymore, not getting a paycheck, and furthermore that it had
0436anc.doc would try to get Mr. Williamson a job there with Home Depot. Mr. Williamson never did move. Mr
0448anc.doc the representative’s phone call, she was unable to get through. She was told by an employment services representative
0449anc.doc . Gossweiler was on a “head hunt” to get him (Mr. Lay) fired or to quit. In early December, Mr. Lay was told
0458jnu.doc , they decided to move to Florida because Mr. Maul’s parents vacation there and the children would get to see
0459anc.doc while completing their schooling. Thus, while working he was able to continue his studies by getting his
0460anc.doc not assist except for the actual packing. She often worked overtime on her job, so getting these tasks done

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