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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

P20%20009r.docx given on the instructions (she has a screen shot showing this). Sshe was not able to get thru
P20%20098.docx for geoduck begins in October and goes into the summer. The claimant did not get to fish until late September
P20 339.pdf to Nondalton as scheduled, and the project was postponed. It did not get put back on the schedule in 2020
P20 343.pdf to “get out now.” She asked, “are you firing me?” To which Mr. Phillips replied by repeating the order
P20 350.pdf dropped off her application. She then had a second interview scheduled but could not get transportation
P20 351.pdf 2020 for work, but she could not get through. The claimant disputes that anyone from Seward
P20 353.pdf . Napoka also started to have health problems. She would get dizzy and need to lie down if she
P20 355.pdf from home, but is no longer getting paid for any work, eligible for PUA? Answer: It depends
P20 359.pdf the same work. The increased competition made it harder to get scheduled work times and gigs, OAH
P20 360.pdf efforts Mr. Kutyna could not get on another boat until the end of July. At the end of July, Mr. Kutyna
P20 367.pdf the stay-home mandate was imposed, he stopped getting any job offers. One job he had in 2019
P20 378.pdf home but is no longer getting paid for work may be eligible for PUA. Section 2102(a)(3)(B
P20 392.pdf limit. At the time, he explained the delay by saying “I wasn’t able to get through to anyone
P20 399.pdf , he seemed to say that he applied for the permit in early April, but could not get permission
P20 408.pdf earned about $700 in 2020 for two small fence repair jobs. Mr. Perkins is only now getting some phone
P20 411.pdf community order or mandate that prohibited him from getting to a community in Prince William Sound
P20 420.pdf ’s two dogs, five to six days per week. She typically drove off-base to get the dogs in the morning
P20 427.pdf . In 2020, the claimant had concerns about driving for Uber since he did not want to get sick or infect his
P20 442 (2).pdf off flyers at home, he did not receive any responses. He also did not get any work from his Facebook
P20 448.pdf employment. 11. Question: Is a freelance writer who works from home, but is no longer getting paid
P20 458.pdf whether she attempted to get business as a driver but said she stopped to keep herself and her family
P20 480.pdf not qualify because he had never gone to the port in 2020; his failure to get work was not because the work
P20 486.pdf .) In addition, she was unable to get former employees to help her with cutting and hauling firewood
P20 532.pdf the Act. In addition, many other factors could explain the new business’s difficulty getting started
P20 541.pdf a job, or made them unable to get to their place of work, and variations of that theme. Here
P20 547.pdf for your work because your client was late getting payments from their sold property, however you were
P20 557.pdf be permitted to return and he could not get approval to take the F/V Jilli Marie through Canadian waters
P20 559.pdf as an agent independent of the team, but due to pandemic-related issues she was unable to get listings
P20 570.pdf the Department of Labor and Workforce Development to ask for clarification. He could not get through. He tried
P20 577.pdf benefits for some portion of that time. He agrees he should not get both forms of benefits for duplicate
P20 579.pdf redetermination of October 28, 2020 would be 1 This probably was not her first attempt to get through
P20 585.pdf is the breadwinner for the family and can’t afford to get sick. In addition, if he got sick, he would bring
P20 587.pdf . * * * * 11. Question: Is a freelance writer who works from home, but is no longer getting paid for any work
P20 597.pdf for Ms. Ward. She was trying to get back into waitressing and her best job prospect disappeared
P20 604.pdf getting Ms. Doisher a PCA certification so that the PCA work could be reimbursed by a government program
P20 605.pdf but did not get any. EXCERPTS OF RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF LAW The CARES Act of 2020, Public Law
P21 366.pdf " job, which she did. 1 She stated that Roberta did not promise that she would get the job, but she
0003.docx was not able to get through on the phone lines. He was cut off after a message that the Division was busy. He
0026.docx to wear her CPAP machine four hours per night. The employer granted the claimant a leave of absence to get
0027.docx to wear her CPAP machine four hours per night. The employer granted the claimant a leave of absence to get
0029.docx to get along, such as bringing in coffee and donuts. The claimant tried to transfer to other departments
0031.doc the queue was full. He was finally able to get through to the Division on December 17, 2020. PROVISIONS
0035.docx of resignation. The claimant had been unable to get anyone to commit to providing childcare for her baby
0050.docx the virus, but she did not get the letter from the doctor before she resigned, so it was not given
0070.docx message to the general manager asking if she could get her tips from the card, since she had been taken
0074.doc online or in person. She gets her assignments and submits them when completed. PROVISIONS OF LAW
0085.doc to get the claimant to the job site. The claimant advised the employer on November 14, 2020 that she
0090.docx was not satisfied with his training and advised the claimant to get more experience and reapply with the employer
0102.doc determined that he should ship everything to Washington rather than risk getting to the border and being
0103.doc to reduce staff due to COVID-19. He replaced some of the staff because he did not get paid for his work. He
0124.docx to the COVID-19 virus. The claimant returned to work after getting a negative test, as required by the employer
0140r.doc representative held that the employer’s witness did not participate because they did not get the notice until
0153.doc was not consistent when the messages were sent out. Often the claimant would not get shifts because other employees
0173.docx by his absence at the Christmas get together. With all the issues during the week after Christmas
0182.doc get a commercial driving license (CDL) and begin driving trucks. He was not enrolled in training
0188.doc would get a message that there was an active issue on his claim. The message had no additional
0189.doc would get a message that there was an active issue on his claim. The message had no additional
0220.doc , a Saturday, or the following date, a Sunday. He continued to call for several weeks but was not able to get
0221.doc , a Saturday, or the following date, a Sunday. He continued to call for several weeks but was not able to get
0231.docx on at that time. He did not get his phone bill paid on time and was without a phone for during November
0283.doc and requested that he be able to get check stubs. The employer discussed the claimant’s pay in terms of gross
0285.docx started a planned maternity leave after that date because it was getting too difficult for her to lean
0289r.doc not get the notice of hearing in time to attend the hearing. Additional information was requested
0290.doc of the testing regimen. He asked for someone to go and get him something to eat. This was denied. The claimant
0311.docx , 2020. While he was off work, the claimant went downtown on June 5, 2020 to get his hair cut
0329.doc did not question why the employees did not have on masks. He determined that he did want to get
0345.docx would continue to ring up sales on the server’s ID, which meant the server would get credit
0380.docx she failed to get benefits. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.340. Determination of claims. (e
0410.doc the claimant that he would call him back. The claimant did not get a call from the supervisor. He
0426.doc 2021. She was not able to get to work for one day during that week. Her boyfriend fixed the car
0428.doc that she could get by without the surgery. The claimant began seeking work as a medical biller
0449.docx tried to get assistance to complete the services, but he was directed to call the claim center where
0463.docx with a lower cost of living, so she could afford to stay home and provide care for her mother, while getting
0474.doc not get through until February 22, 2020. The claimant filed claim certifications for the weeks ending
0482.doc , 2020. He was not able to work due to his injury. He could not get a medical employment in the location
0487.docx on March 6, 2021 and she could not get the certification filed in time. The claimant’s certification
0488.docx on March 6, 2021 and she could not get the certification filed in time. The claimant’s certification
0490.docx testimony that he did not work overtime and that he tried to get his supervisor to adjust his timesheet
0492.doc to the library or the job center due to COVID mandates. She was unable to get through to the claims center due
0504.docx the tips or get a raise. The owner told the claimant he refused to share the tips or give the claimant
0574.doc March 22, 2020. In February 2021, the claimant could not get the Division’s website to accept her claims
0577.docx the Division by phone to find out why he could not file a certification. The claimant could not get through
0611.doc that she made mistakes but attempted to correct them or to get help with the errors she made. She did miss
0613.docx was unable to establish an initial claim online and she and her husband could not get through to the Division
0623.docx could return the next day after getting a negative COVID-19 test. The owner told the claimant she could
0626.doc on a WIFI network. He tried to call daily for several months but was not able to get through. He had
0632.docx was not able to get through due to the number of calls. He was not receiving benefits. He ceased to attempt
0643.doc was about to end on March 27, 2021. The claimant recalled getting a notice about two weeks before March 29
0650.docx numerous times a day and could not get through due to the volume of calls on the phone system, which would
0660.docx claim center by phone, but the phones were busy and the claimant was unable to get through
0663.doc to get through on the phone lines until Monday, February 24, 2021. On that date she filed claim
0688.doc an appointment for the weekend. The earliest appointment she could get was for Monday, November 16, 2020
0722.docx and requested to speak to the owners. He also left a message for human resources. The claimant did not get
0723.docx it wasn’t working out. The claimant speculated that he was discharged because did not get along
0727.docx claim year ended, the claimant tried to contact the Division by phone, but it took her some time to get
0773.doc . The employer discharged the claimant over the changes. The claimant and the investigator were not getting along
0777.doc chosen not to take the flu shot in the past due to family members getting sick after taking the flu shot
0778.docx took the calamint for alcohol testing at a nearby facility and returned to get the claimant’s coat
0779.docx found that she could not get through to speak to a representative because the Division’s phone system
0830.docx benefits, the claimant attempted to contact the Division by phone, calling 2-3 times, but he did not get

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