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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

2586anc.doc parties agreed Ms. Dearing did good work. Her inability to get along with her coworkers did not amount
2592jnu.doc on October 16 to move to Texas. Mr. Voss moved both to get away from family problems he was having
2594anc.doc probably not get paid for the week in which he received his bonus that he should not file for those weeks
2595anc.doc but not the results. In an effort to help Ms. Lange get through her training successfully, Mr. Gattenby switched
2600anc.doc was to be treated “like shit” on his new platform and that some of the guys would “get him.” He heard nothing more
2601jnu.doc requested to work overtime or written up for an inability to get her work done. STATUTORY PROVISIONS
2602jnu.doc moved, a friend in Pennsylvania told Ms. Grouell that he could get her a job in his company
2606anc.doc originally hoped he could. Mr. Case indicated that the urgency in getting her work schedule in place was due
2611anc.doc did not get home until after midnight, and that daycare was nearly impossible to arrange
2616jnu.doc agent for his mail and in so doing, is unable to use any alleged failure on their part of not getting
2617anc.doc with Tamsher Construction, Inc., he told the employer he had a chance “to get on with the city.” PROVISIONS
2621anc.doc or meetings. He had difficulties getting one of his children to school. Mr. Matson missed the 9 a.m. sales
2626jnu.doc ” or ask that he get a replacement for the time he wanted off. When he returned home on October 21, Mr
2628jnu.doc no move to terminate him. After the month off, he never sought to get his job back. For that reason I
2634ranc.doc not parfillin "" \d ""ticipate at the December 24, 2003fillin "" \d "" hearing because he did not get the notice
2641anc.doc for the employer. Ms. Kurtz decided to return to school and get a two-year nursing degree from the University
2648anc.doc of her employment she did not get any guidance or training from her supervisor. Her supervisor would
2650anc.doc . The board did not get to these items. Ms. Schubert increasingly felt that she was not being included
2651ranc.doc was incorrect. Because the employer did not get proper notice of the hearing in this matter through no fault
2661anc.doc with Manny to get the entrances to the Mall cleared of the heavy snowfall that had occurred that morning. Mr
2665fbx.doc , and entered the data into the company computer in the office. Mr. James felt that, because it was getting
2667anc.doc that he quit when he realized that he did not get the raise to $11 per hour. Ms. Olson, general manager
2691anc.doc to discuss her employment. Mr. Parello got the impression Ms. Gardner needed further time off to get her life
2693anc.doc he would get medical care for himself later if necessary. He was also asked if he was well enough
2695anc.doc the supervisor told her that she did not get the job. Ms. Newman did not recall why she did not get the job. She
2702.doc ridden a bicycle to work. It took 40 minutes or longer for him to get to work. Mr. Canales quit because
2713anc.doc Peninsula College in December to get his classes arranged and order some special books. He is still
2714jnu.doc extensively to get her salary adjusted to the mean before resigning, up to and including the extension of her
2716anc.doc does not have a telephone and she was unable to get into town to use a telephone on those two days
2722anc.doc ’ wife threatened to get him fired. Because he feared she would follow through with her threat, Mr
2728anc.doc the employer had been trying to get rid of her since Mr. Day began his employment in early 2003. The employer
2729fbx.doc years ago. There is no dispute that Mr. Bowman and Dennis did not get along with one another. Ms
2743anc.doc not call the employer about her failure to return to the doctor to get the leave of absence signed by her
2746anc.doc . Sherman what she was doing and told her to “get the f””k outta here.” To Ms. Sherman, all of these after
2751anc.doc needed to get the approval of Liz and Mike. According to Ms. Schabert, Cindy then told her that she would
2754anc.doc . The second location is his parents’ home where he gets important correspondence. When Mr. House knew
2765jnu.doc relocating to register for school, buy a car, find a job, and get familiar with the new area to which she
2767anc.doc was required to get in and out of a truck every 10 minutes while painting lines or arrows on the city’s streets
2773anc.doc is that if an employee gets three write-ups, that employee is discharged. Ms. Doolittle did not recall that she
2774anc.doc to call another crew member to come in early. She did so but had trouble getting the other crew member
2780jnu.doc was not given the schedule he thought he would get, but one less profitable, he quit his job, because he had
2787anc.doc contends the claimstaker was trying to get him to say something that he did not intend or want to say
2787canc.doc my business during the summer time”¦. Mr. Bruss contends the claimstaker was trying to get him to say
2788anc.doc . Bullard did this because he had no other way to get his car to the garage. Mr. Bullard estimated
2794anc.doc ?” and mentioned that he would get the same image in either position. The employer agrees that the doctor probably
2803anc.doc actions in getting a traffic ticket potentially endangered a client. Because of the possible liability
2804anc.doc . Hernandez time off his job to take care of these tasks; however, in order to get a full 8-hour day of work
2805anc.doc at work 10 minutes early, as she knew her employment depended on her getting to work on time, but realized
0008anc.doc for that day. When Ms. Cornwell asked why she was told to get a hold of Jacob (a supervisor). Jacob was off
0010fbx.doc house sold before Ms. Garner quit. The closing date was set for November 20. They needed to get
0012anc .doc about whether he should get stitches. The friend recommended he get the stitches right away. When he
0014.doc not get all the monies that had been sent to his sister’s home in Sterling. This gives the appearance
0015anc.doc was told that the bank was getting ready to foreclose on his property. Mr. Feenstra believed he had
0017fbx.doc that Mr. Deaugustine did not get the notice. What must be decided is whether his failure to keep the ESD
0027jnu.doc pending the threat of interference by the district manager. He had tried to force secretiveness to get
0028jnu.doc of Craig to an urban center with pediatric cardiology services to ensure Mr. Ranney’s son get the cardiac
0039fbx.doc . Ms. Remer and her husband are planning to get a divorce, as they were unable “to be in the same room
0049anc.doc that same morning, Ms. Heesch began to have difficulties with her phone again. This time, she could not get
0050fbx.doc to stack the papers where she was instructed to put them and limited time in which to get the job
0058anc.doc the car or to buy a different one. Ms. Heitman’s “significant other” arranged with a co-worker to get
0062cjnu.doc to do, up to and including lifting over his weight restriction, to get the job done, because
0062jnu.doc to do, up to and including lifting over his weight restriction, to get the job done, because
0067anc.doc in the doorknocker campaign. Mr. Cater again refused indicating that he gets sick if he is outside too much. He did
0072anc.doc . She has a 15-pound lifting limit and went to get the patients’ “lift” machine in order to help lift
0088anc.doc . The parties agree that Ms. Cody and her producer did not get along because of a personality conflict. Ms. Cone
0089anc.doc to getting in and out of this delivery truck and carrying heavy parts. In the mornings the ankle usually did
0090anc.doc on the statements made by the Director about how easy it would be for her to get a permanent position with either
0098jnu.doc that the appeal process could take a long time, so to be patient. When Ms. Silva did not get a response to her
0101jnu.doc was extended by circumstances beyond his control, including a holiday for which he had to wait to get his
0110anc.doc the orientation the following week. Ms. Wilczak uses a postal box for her mail. She gets mail belonging to other
0124jnu.doc that he would not be getting his unemployment benefits right away, he would have tried to get a job
0131fbx.doc . The general manager was sympathetic to Ms. Szmyd’s frustrations. The officer manager simply wanted her to get
0135anc.doc also informed Mr. Henning that there would be a waiting period before he would again get paid. Mr
0140rfbx.doc , the witness was busy “trying to get things organized at the location.” On February 6, the employer submitted
0145anc.doc a fever. When Drew has an asthma attack, he gets a fever. As soon as she got the news that her daycare
0146anc.doc specifies that it can take up to 480 days from the receipt date to get a response to the application. He has
0154jnu.doc to protect their children, and Ms. Wilhelm’s time was best spent arranging for her children to get out
0166anc.doc . By September, Ms. Rider realized that she and Mr. Attone did not get along with one another. She felt Mr
0168anc.doc that she get a footrest to prop up first one leg then the other while standing at her job to alleviate
0175anc.doc to get the box blade. When Mr. Bidwell saw the replacement blades, he decided to use the bucket instead
0176anc.doc on rafters (beams) with no solid floor. Mr. Bozer had to get the journeyman plumber to complete the job
0178anc.doc . Wachholtz came into the kitchen area to get an order. Ms. Finau was also back in the kitchen, and observed
0185jnu.doc services a gift is questionable. In order to get a check, Mrs. Goss had to submit hours worked and agree
0188cjnu.doc in his training is to get off the road and into a bakery. STATUTORY PROVISIONS AS 23.20.378. Able
0188jnu.doc experiences while driving the equipment. Mr. Williams’ goal in his training is to get off the road
0198anc.doc to fraud, theft, dishonesty, and integrity issues. Each employee gets a copy of the company handbook
0202anc.doc in the Big Lake area was extremely cold, her car would not start, and she was unable to get to her post
0211jnu.doc had been warned might happen, or that the employer was trying to get rid of him because of his past
0216anc.doc . Atkinson had the ability to contact her ex-husband to help get their daughter to school. For last minute
0224anc.doc not see him get off. When Ken did not reappear after the train left, Mr. Nuhiji went home, feeling that he
0231anc.doc College, which is part of the University of Alaska. She is studying to get a certificate to work
0238anc.doc that he could not get to work due to his truck breaking down. Mr. Liffick had spent several thousand
0241anc.doc . Turner became Mr. Holloway’s store manager in May 2003. They did not get along with one another
0242anc.doc be a problem for him, as he did not have a ride to work at that time. He normally gets rides with his roommate
0245anc.doc in getting around, such as walking and going up/down stairs. The employer granted Ms. Shade time off until
0246anc.doc December 26 because she was not getting full-time work (40 hours per week). At the time of her hire, Ms
0250anc.doc did not “get it” or was not going to use the new dispatch system, ADS. He further felt that Mr
0253ranc.doc or that the employer did not get the hearing notice. It also appears that Ms. Van Dusseldorp’s supervisor was aware
0259anc.doc away to set up a new time to meet. He met with James on February 2, 2004 to discuss getting his high
0264jnu.doc . Carmoney had not filed an appeal earlier because she thought she would get a job right away and did

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