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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

99-0238.doc had been repeatedly controverted, he argued, and his efforts to get additional evaluation and an SIME
99-0245.doc , he would often get lost, and would need to call his wife for further assistance. The employee
99-0253.doc himself with a knife in order to get the employee into trouble. He claimed reimbursement by the employer
99-0254.doc to the employee, she noticed a significant improvement in her back by May of 1998 and believed she was getting
99-0258.doc point in time, and that herniation could get larger for some reason, to the point where it would
99-0259.doc unambiguously known: The Board is really getting fed up, . . ., our docket is getting so long now
99-0260.doc denies they had direct contact. When Employee came back to work unexpectedly, he told her to get
99-0261.doc ' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual
01-0004.doc physical therapy. When she performs the exercises, she gets pain in both legs. She reports shooting pain
01-0008.doc for this man. He must be in a job that requires him to get up and move about and sit, stand, walk, etc
01-0013.doc called -- she's at Dr. will call when she gets out." A December 14, 1998 note provides: "Linda called
01-0021.doc multiple delays in receiving her checks and getting benefits, and those kind of things. And she at some
01-0027.doc litigation over competing employers’ liability and to make sure that the injured worker gets timely paid
01-0028.doc will be assisted by having a physician examine the employee to get an opinion regarding the cause of the employee’s
01-0029.doc and possibly getting a medical release for 30 days to take some time off work. Apparently another individual
01-0032.doc is interested in getting the best system available today so he can use it without it being obsolete too soon
01-0036.doc under 8 AAC 45.065 within 30 days of the filing of this decision. We direct Ms. Stuller to get
01-0039.doc wage after being injured on the job. Here, the minimum wage jobs claimant can get pay less than one
01-0048.doc counsel: As you know, Eric has been trying to get back to California to see Dr. Moskowicz (sic
01-0053.doc a large quantity of wood that he decided to cut into firewood and sell to get rid
01-0057.doc . AS 23.30.200. Allowing for a generous amount of time to get to and from his examinations, and for waiting time
01-0062.doc practice. In this case, however, you know, the patient would like to get back to work. When all else has
01-0064.doc worked for Dr. Dingeman and was able to get the employee a quick appointment with him. He testified he
01-0068.doc , any PPI attributable to his esophagus should also be rated. We direct the employee to get another PPI
01-0072.doc and with no apparent limp. The employee stated his pain was relieved and he was anxious to get back to work. Dr
01-0076.doc for psychiatric treatment, stating that the employee: feels he is getting quite depressed over this whole pain
01-0078.doc shall be given before the change.” When an employee gets “treatment, advice, an opinion, or any type
01-0082.doc designates an attending physician "by getting treatment, advice, an opinion, or any other type of service
01-0083.doc now. He testified he unsuccessfully attempted to get attorney Chancy Croft to represent him
01-0085.doc in getting a jumpstart on her Federal Express vehicle when the other car lurched forward, pinning her against
01-0090.doc benefits. It recognized the employee is doing well in his reemployment plan, getting good grades in his
01-0095.doc . Dingeman and was able to get the employee a quick appointment with him. He testified he never had any
01-0099.doc saw her last and was assisting her with trying to get coverage for her care through her private
01-0103.doc those answers to “no” because she was afraid he would not get work. He testified he did not learn
01-0107.doc , Vicoprofen 7.5 as it takes 30 day (sic) or more to get this out of your body so the deposition should
01-0108.doc the change.” When an employee gets “treatment, advice, an opinion, or any type of service from a physician
01-0117.doc for the employer as a receiving manager on December 27, 1999. The employee stated she was sent outside to get
01-0120.doc on not getting any medical documentation indicating that the claimant’s condition was work related. The employee
01-0124.doc it was due, however the employee did not get a copy of the witness list until April 23, 2001, two days before
01-0125.doc they were friends. In allegedly conspiring to get the employee fired, she testified that her brother never
01-0131.doc that she did not get any responses from Cigna or the board. The employee recalls the two-year time limit
01-0132.doc to Dr. Eneboe “very depressed, very angry, really kind of lashing out and feeling like he’s not getting
01-0136.doc had any difficulty getting his mail, and he received a letter from the insurer’s Anchorage office
01-0138.doc to perform these activities in order to get out of the office, and they were not job requirements. Mr
01-0153.doc depressed, very angry, really kind of lashing out and feeling like he’s not getting any better.” Dr. Eneboe
01-0157.doc October 23, 1998 report, noting: Fibromyalgia being a chronic condition, takes a long time to get under
01-0159.doc an employee’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
01-0160.doc ’s insurer, stating that the employee needed to get treatment at least once a week while he was away
01-0161.doc compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration’s award
01-0162.doc a new injury in 1981, but aggravated his 1976 injury. (Id. at 38). He testified the employee did get
01-0165.doc to the ground. He was immediately ”“ the fellow that was lucky enough to get out of it took a two-by-four
01-0168.doc can get back to work and cope with every day life with limited, if any, future need for treatment
01-0173.doc tissue gets inflamed, the suffix “itis” is added to the term, meaning inflammation, pain of that part
01-0176.doc was not circumventing the rules on getting assignments and that there had been no knowing falsification of any
01-0182.doc would be entitled to a lump sum PPI payment. She told the employee “to get the dollar figure from
01-0185.doc .' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual and intermittent. . . . Rebuff, if suffered, might
01-0190.doc that date. I was getting off my shift around six, 6:30 in the morning, and I just really felt fatigued
01-0195.doc was available until after Thanksgiving. Jane Cole with Northern Rehabilitation also tried unsuccessfully to get
01-0196.doc to get retraining for new employment.” Dr. Lehman determined the employee would not be able to return
01-0205.doc lawyer’s efforts in getting the bill paid. Actual fees are higher and totaled $1,610.00. Costs
01-0208.doc with his back and he has lower back pain and disc problems and gets some sciatica and pain down the lateral
01-0215.doc ) by getting a copy of the Social Security Administration’s award showing the employee is being paid disability
01-0220.doc of his condition. Bloom asked for a referral to Dr. Glenn Ferris so he could get a second opinion. Dr
01-0221.doc multiple delays in receiving her checks and getting benefits, and those kind of things. And she at some
01-0228.doc AS 23.30.225(a) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award letter showing
01-0233.doc or beneficiary's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(a) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
01-0238.doc children: He gets his older son up at 6:00 a.m. and his younger son up at 7:00 a.m. He makes sure they stay
01-0247.doc him not getting along with fellow employees? A. Yes. Q. What was the source of those rumors
01-0249.doc testified he recalls getting a Report of Occupational Injury or Illness form from the clinic, and recalls
01-0250.doc ) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award letter showing the (A) employee
01-0255.doc depression appeared to be getting worse and that it appeared to be a "'traumatic stress syndrome
01-0259.doc has stated that “The whole idea [of workers compensation] is to get away from the cumbersome
01-0261.doc section .190 ($5,200) to get $2,600. Following the Court’s decision in Cesar v. Alaska Workmen’s Board
00-0003.doc way to get it [osteoarthritis].” (Id. at 32). When asked how long after the trauma
00-0007.doc get out of his seat. I will represent to you that the portion you view of Tape 3 is representative
00-0008.doc that was operated on a piece of property that I was looking at getting into, buying the property. I was approached
00-0009.doc . Advised the patient that I do not think this is a serious set back.... If patient gets worse or develops
00-0010.doc to bend sideways and it kind of goes out when that happens. I can’t get down on it, you know, like I need
00-0012.doc from getting bounced around or thrown off her snow machine. Initially, the employee filed a Notice
00-0014.doc -examination, that in 1994 or 1995 he attempted to get assistance through the Division of Vocational
00-0021.doc times. (Id.) She reported getting "panicked" in association with her coughing attacks. (Id.) She has
00-0025.doc in getting the cervical fusion while the employee was under the care of Dr. Gundelfinger. Some medical
00-0027.doc would get a little bit better but when she returned to work the pain would gradually increase. She
00-0030.doc , and subject matter jurisdiction over his claim. It contended the employee was attempting to get us to rule he
00-0031.doc benefits he receives. He plans to save future payments to buy a car so he can get a better job
00-0033.doc provisions of the Act. AS 23.30.190 specifically provides a mechanism for employers and insurers to get
00-0034.doc don't get the feeling that this was a high energy injury. It sounds like it was, you know
00-0035.doc she is still getting care under my direction. She apparently has not significantly improved since I
00-0040.doc a mechanism for employers and insurers to get notice of the whole-person, percentage, permanent partial
00-0045.doc , and no supervisors or fellow-workers requested him to get Chinese food for them. He testified the medical bills
00-0051.doc will not get paid if certain MDS forms are not completed in a timely manner. Thus, there is a pressure from
00-0052.doc get burned.” (Employee’s Deposition I, p. 86). The employee subsequently signed a military record
00-0055.doc current medications and try to get on with her life. I think she is capable of some form of work, as I
00-0056.doc ) An employer may reduce an employee’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy
00-0057.doc . He might look into the materials aspect of it, get an estimate of materials and costs, and he might
00-0062.doc work as a major appliance repairer involved climbing ladders to occasionally get into attics or crawl
00-0070.doc , the employer was required to appeal to the Superior Court to get the standard of proof changed from “clear
00-0071.doc fusion by Dr. Dempsey, but she has been having some recurring symptoms and it is difficult for her to get
00-0072.doc “to keep track of my trips to the doctor, keep track of my condition and try to get a general idea of where
00-0074.doc medications and try to get on with her life. I think she is capable of some form of work, as I have stated

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