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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

06-0336.doc is not my doctor. Dr. Brooks is still my doctor. Dispute is that the rating is low and I should be getting
06-0338.doc recalled that after several attempts to get the employee to tell him why did not want to go in the field
07-0003.doc communications directed to me was something about being able to terminate me for getting coffee at the barista
07-0007.doc stated, in relevant part, as follows: We were unable to get Workers’ Compensation Insurance before now
07-0012.doc , an employee injured on or after July 1, 1988, designates an attending physician by getting treatment, advice
07-0027.doc co. I have not been working for a month hoping things would get better but I am still in pain. My
07-0033.doc the Alaska Workers’ Compensation Act, what you see in the language is what you get, and asserts numerous
07-0038.doc some improvement. Dr. Dittrich reported: Since he is from Soldotna, I recommended that he get his
07-0039.doc by the switch. I got out of the forklift on the left side to get a snowball, threw it through the forklift
07-0043.doc medications to get his marine license. He testified he can stay in bed no more than six hours. He testified
07-0047.doc to arthritis or tendonitis and felt this condition was just getting worse. He planned to soak his shoulder
07-0048.doc with unlimited physical therapy, protection from their job environment and the philosophy that getting them back
07-0053.doc on his kidneys, and that the morphine is getting less and less effective. He testified he will have
07-0054.doc and 29, 2006, Ms. Weinstein requested an extension because she did not expect to get results from
07-0059.doc get the rest necessary to enable her to work at the hospital during the day. If her husband were
07-0061.doc claim. Further, she testified that she did not consider work she has attempted to get after being
07-0062.doc to care for her parents and get the affairs of the business in order. The Board finds Ms. Jackson
07-0073.doc North did not appear. He noted that the Municipality of Anchorage tried five times to get in touch
07-0085.doc could not get a refill of his pain medications from Dr. Anthes so he considered transferring his care
07-0086.doc over all day. I am hurting very badly again. I was unable to get up to work the last few days until my
07-0088.doc , no, no, no, no, I don’t earn no wages, I don’t get no unemployment. I don’t get no Social Security, uh, disability
07-0091.doc .” The employer described: “When getting into ditch, the soil gave way and he stumbled forward into the open
07-0093.doc and is in a “fight for the death” to get reorganized. Mr. Thorstenson testified that Wrangell Seafoods
07-0110.doc , it does not result in the employee getting all the benefits he was seeking. The insurer makes similar
07-0113.doc was not getting a whole lot better. He noted that things that made his pain worse were sitting, lifting, standing
07-0143.doc in the month of September, and began the process of getting coverage. As an employer I have not hid from my
07-0145.doc to get the business of Rendezvous, Inc. under control. We find based upon the newly presented evidence
07-0154.doc representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse
07-0155.doc , “What will it take to get you to do this work?” He testified that he was asked by Mr. Wolford what
07-0165.doc owner. He further testified that it was difficult to get to his home because he lived in East Anchorage
07-0166.doc [reschedule] appt. with Dr. Peters when he gets back.” This is apparently the last medical treatment
07-0173.doc ; the only thing being limited is how much of a time value bonus he gets in addition to this compensation
07-0182.doc on March 15, 2007, Board Designee Kristy Donovan noted: Discussions: Mr. Nelson will get wage information
07-0196.doc the Accusation on June 22, 2006. At the hearing, the employer testified that he did get insurance
07-0197.doc busy and forgot to follow-up and get the audit report to his bookkeeper for completion. He described
07-0199.doc , Dr. Roderer summarized and recommended: It was very difficult to get an accurate [history] from
07-0199a.doc , Dr. Roderer summarized and recommended: It was very difficult to get an accurate [history] from
07-0200.doc . It seems if they are holding me to a very stringent schedule, they should have some time limits on getting
07-0208.doc of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co
07-0213.doc , 2002 was adequate written permission to seek the maximum insurance payout. Although getting
07-0217.doc in a relative remote residence. “[R]ecords suggest that he had to walk one to two miles each day just to get his
07-0220.doc at this visit concerned the employee’s inability to get approval for gym membership through the insurance
07-0224.doc to work with me more closely and one call to State Farm went unreturned after the agent said she would get
07-0235.doc to underwriting reasons as this occurred due to the employer’s not getting the carrier requested information
07-0241.doc get a late payment reminder notice and a notice of cancellation and was able to take care
07-0247.doc , claiming to be unavailable for 2 to 6 months at a time, and that he can't get his mail because he is out
07-0248.doc " in the lower part of her back after closing a garage bay door. She said the next day she could not get out
07-0251.doc . Whenever we asked a question of American Interstate, I received a different answer or we will get back
07-0256.doc checks that were supposed to be issued that day did not get issued. • See 1/4/07 Compensation Report
07-0260.doc was pulled out, Oxy would spill out or it would get blown out of the cap to the gun. He testified
07-0265.doc business is undergoing, and concerning her unsuccessful attempts to get her former workers’ compensation
07-0267.doc of the evening on June 16, 2006, on the phone with her sister in Georgia, trying to persuade her to get medical
07-0276.doc described: “When getting into ditch, the soil gave way and he stumbled forward into the open trench
07-0280.doc difficulty securing a policy and his initial agent cancelled his original policy. The employer did get
07-0286.doc to be issued that day did not get issued. • See 1/4/07 Compensation Report. The compensation report
07-0287.doc was served with the petition, I began the process of getting workmen's comp for Florencel Rushlow, however
07-0299.doc this incident. He testified that as he was getting out of a skiff after tending to a log jam, the employee
07-0303.doc with her sister in Georgia, trying to persuade her to get medical attention. She testified that she
07-0309.doc the policy could be bound; and that she told him the insurance agent would get payment later. Mr. Delarm
07-0312.doc a disaster. . . . It was all I could do to get both homes off the construction loans. We ended up having
07-0328.doc that someone would get back to me, to assist me. No one called. I then called again was told that the person
07-0331.doc to get his range of motion back as well as his strength and confidence. Also on September 21, 2006, Dr
07-0333.doc at Erikson Air Station on Shimya Island. When I got here I could get my mail, my friend who picked my mail
07-0334.doc and was able to get out of the assigned risk pool. He testified removal from the assigned risk pool was based
07-0337.doc filed a workers’ compensation claim for his injury related to his “nausea and vomiting” and to “get some
07-0339.doc ’s tools, so he could go to get care for his injury. In the hearing on August 2, 2007, the employee
07-0341.doc , opining that he needed additional treatment, should see an orthopedic physician to “get his shoulder
07-0350.doc was in Mexico, getting dental work performed. He testified the employee told him he had “a bum leg.” He
07-0352.doc that the employee asserted that “”¦his goal was just to get by and receive Workers’ Compensation benefits for life
07-0354.doc are seeing her 2-3 times per week and I anticipate 2-4 weeks to get her to the point where she can manage
07-0356.doc was found crying and sobbing . . . unable to get out of the wheelchair and into bed without assistance. She
07-0363.doc at Erikson Air Station on Shimya Island. When I got here I could get my mail, my friend who picked my mail
07-0367.doc . Fellow workers offered to pick up the employee’s tools, so he could go to get care for his injury
07-0369.doc that the employee needed to get a physician to treat or diagnosis him. B. The Employer The employer encourages
07-0373.doc MRI studies and recommended a work hardening program to get the employee back to work. An MRI
07-0379.doc . The employee indicated he had been working light duty but felt that his pain was getting worse with more
07-0382.doc and Robert Wilson decided to go to the cafeteria building to use the restroom and get a snack before going
08-0001.doc . Dr. Polston recommended a second epidural steroid injection at L5-S1, with the hopes of getting
08-0003.doc , 2005 I ended up getting divorced and my personal situation became such that staying in Fairbanks
08-0005.doc have to bend around and get in this much more contorted position than most dentists do.” The employee
08-0006.doc and numbness. He explained that he did not get relief from his other pain medications but did find Ben-Gay
08-0012.doc and the development of her shoulder condition. The employee testified she initially attempted to get the shoulder
08-0013.doc and was getting worse over time. Upon visiting Dr. Foley, the employee reported problems with her low back
08-0017.doc to tolerate the pain very well and actually gets a little diaphoretic.” P.A.-C Brooks released him from work
08-0018.doc right side. When he landed, he said “Damn, that hurt.” He believes Jim heard him. After getting
08-0020.doc duty and tried to get assistance as needed. The treatment plan developed at the BEAR Clinic
08-0022.doc at the University of Utah. He recommended that the employee continue with Dr. Steinmann and get an arthoplasty
08-0024.doc , and managed to get it restored on the earliest possible date, June 21, 2008.” Page 3, paragraph 2, sentence 5
08-0026.doc , refer to physical therapy, trial of Celebrex, check bone density, and “get an MRI scan of his back
08-0027.doc : “one might get lucky and get some degree of significant relief from arthroscopic debridement
08-0028.doc with these conditions are managed by treating them with strong expectation and suggestion that they will get better
08-0029.doc III, and believes he can get a better result arguing his issue a second time. (O’Keefe). We find
08-0030.doc . In addition, the employee complained that his legs gave out on him when he tried to get out of bed the Monday
08-0031.doc of dollars. Ms. McFarland stated, “If you need to get Mike’s input & can do it quickly that would be ok
08-0034.doc that the employee gets cost-of-living increases from SSA, but suffers no additional offset to his PTD benefits
08-0036.doc medical evaluation so that he could get a diagnosis to understand what was causing his pain and swelling
08-0038.doc with these conditions are managed by treating them with strong expectation and suggestion that they will get better
08-0039.doc for two years, Dr. Parker suggested the employee get a new job in which he could avoid overhead work
08-0040.doc , and that he was unable to get information about his case because the file was in transit between Anchorage

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