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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

09-0054.doc thought she was doing what she needed to do to get an SIME. She maintains Mr. Weddle told her she would
09-0055.doc to get through to the prehearing telephonically until it was over. On October 5, 2007, Employer sent
09-0056.doc . Shepro was attempting to get his claim heard. We find the January 11, 2007 letter and the rest of our
09-0057.doc business is open normal business hours and days, and “daily as needed” to get the work done. His business
09-0058.doc back, her pain symptoms were starting to get worse and she had pain radiating into her bilateral
09-0060.doc knee pain. Apparently you have been unable to get her past records with regard to her right knee”¦ You
09-0062.doc , which helped him progress “very slowly.” His symptoms “waxed and waned.” Employee felt he was getting
09-0067.doc in Burke. In both editions of the publication, it is stated: How to get reemployment benefits: You
09-0069.doc business is open normal business hours and days, and “daily as needed” to get the work done. His business
09-0072.doc settlement was in her best interest because she would rather get “something than nothing.” She added: “Any
09-0075.doc to “get through with some hearings and some other issues” with the next hearing being schedule
09-0076.doc ” and get some “fresh air.” Employee reportedly had no memory of events after he put water on his face. Dr
09-0085.doc in 1999, but simply “sucked it up” to finish the season, before getting medical help. She argued
09-0088.doc and monthly reports are virtually identical, and it is easy to get confused. He testified he had two other
09-0089.doc was getting stronger. At her session on November 18, 2004, the employee reported her knee was getting
09-0090.doc “definitive” to get his condition fixed so Dr. Kropp referred him to a surgical evaluation. On November 11
09-0092.doc also testified that she eventually did get the Report of Injury form from her employer which
09-0094.doc representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v
09-0095.doc . Christensen stated Ms. Stillwell represented to her the business was working on getting coverage
09-0096.doc not suffer a new injury in 1981, but aggravated his 1976 injury. He testified the employee did get worse
09-0097.doc was getting depressed. Dr. Cain referred Claimant to AA Pain Clinic, Inc. for pain management
09-0099.doc showed the employee walking normally while getting in and out of a vehicle, shopping in a store
09-0100.doc . West reported his knee was getting better, but was still painful. His neck, however, was not getting
09-0102.doc of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co
09-0107.doc of these ”˜officer titles’ are getting a little strange! I think we need to see a copy of their Bylaws stating
09-0108.doc and Nels Wilson stating “you’re going to have to get that fixed” or words to that effect as the employee’s
09-0109.doc benefits but said he has not been able to get a rating because ANMC does not do ratings. He has been told
09-0110.doc , and getting out of a chair. The brace did provide some relief of her pain, but physical therapy did not. Dr
09-0112.doc he did not call the Board. One telephone contact stated he would get a message to the employee
09-0114.doc was forced to use CCO as a PEO because he could not get WCI any other way, and Mr. Smith had communicated
09-0116.doc ” MRI “looked pretty good.” Dr. Kropp recommended steroid injections and possible facet blocks to get
09-0129.doc of pain in his joints including his hands. Mr. Manning discontinued Crestor after getting lab results
09-0131.doc knee revision and discussed the possibility of her peroneal nerve palsy getting worse after surgery
09-0136.doc mother has reported the symptoms are getting worse. She testified her mother cannot use stairs
09-0139.doc in a while, he feels nauseated and gets sweaty” with “heartburn and dyspepsia after eating.” The employee
09-0144.doc gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. that an employee is entitled
09-0147.doc and his current employer have worked with him to accommodate his lifting restrictions but it is getting
09-0150.doc is not currently getting medical treatment because she cannot afford it and does not have transportation to go
09-0156.doc ] is not getting tons of relief with physical therapy nor the Medrol Dosepeak, we are going to go ahead and try
09-0157.doc interested in massage therapy. She did not seek to get a license as a massage therapist when she moved
09-0168.doc in seawater, and the buoyancy of the coat prevented him from getting out from under the overturned skiff
09-0171.doc overworking, and reaggravated his injury.” He also recounted doing paperwork on the Slope after getting
09-0173.doc or walks for any length of time he gets a little numbness which comes “over the lateral aspect of the leg
09-0176.doc obtained the EME to get an independent medical opinion, and controverted (id.). Ms. Mackay hired Dr
09-0182.doc to severe abdominal pain, delaying her getting to timely medical attention which might have saved her life
09-0184.doc credibly responded: “I loved it. You get ”“ we get double time. We get double time for working over
09-0185.doc his thigh was getting better, was not aching, but was “tingling” (July 5, 2005 chart note). Employee
09-0188.doc with a psychological illness. Employee conceded when she gets “stressed out” she gets a “little bit moody
09-0194.doc ) for evaluation. Employee told Dr. Gritzka she fired her attorney because he was “getting information to opposing
09-0195.doc Claimant’s chief complaint was “feeling hopeless about getting help for pain condition and incorrect
09-0201.doc when his neck and shoulders get tired but does not need it for his lung condition (COPD). He also
09-0202.doc truck, as well as helping other people. The claimant was easy to get along with, and Mr. Hammer wished
09-0205.doc an injured worker could get residing anywhere in Alaska: MR. LISANKIE: The third heading that I have
09-0207.doc starting in February 2006, when he “apparently bent over to get some type of power washer, and developed
09-0213.doc workers get bad press, so they did not need to come to work and be harassed. She believes social workers
08-0155.doc is being made to get the employee into a pain management program but it is difficult because of his history
09-0007.doc . However, she is running out of levels to fuse and we start to get on a slippery slope with this and we
10-0002.doc by the surgeon. Dr. Coalwell noted Employee was getting greater than 100 mg of Oxycontin per day with only fair
10-0003.doc hitting him with my clipboard. He tried to overpower me, grabbing me by the waist. I struggled to get
10-0005.doc treatments received by the employee provided good relief to permit her to get good exercise for core
10-0009.doc his symptoms were getting worse. The WCC was received by the Board on May 8, 2007 (Employee’s
10-0011.doc they stated: “We ”¦ recommend that Dr. Craig’s recommendations be followed and that this claimant get some
10-0018.doc of pain in multiple areas. Dr. Pulver noted it was somewhat difficult to get clear details in relation
10-0023.doc not sign the C&R he would not get benefits and would not be able to see a doctor. He testified his doctors
10-0028.doc . He opined the employee did not have arm weakness. He recommended the employee lose weight and get
10-0033.doc chart note). 24. On September 27, 2007, Dr. Eule arranged for Employee to start physical therapy to get
10-0040.doc summary form within five days after getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary
10-0042.doc left arm, which goes toward his backbone, then he gets “shock-ness” that goes to underneath his jaw
10-0044.doc : “one might get lucky and get some degree of significant relief from arthroscopic debridement
10-0045.doc , to address delays in getting disputed cases before the Board, and to address “the [B]oard’s problems
10-0049.doc of the investigation and the delay in getting to hearing. 1. Has Employer failed to file proof of workers
10-0055.doc in getting disputed cases before the Board and ”˜the [B]oard’s problems in timely docketing cases for hearing
10-0057.doc and indeed anxious to have the SIME go forward so he could continue to get needed medical treatment
10-0065.doc the involvement of her right lower extremity. He further noted “This patient’s knee condition is such that getting
10-0066.doc , the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition, and the date the party first knew
10-0077.doc was having pain, grating and grinding in his knee when he saw him on April 2, 2003 he "was getting
10-0079.doc , the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual and intermittent. . . . Rebuff
10-0083.doc to get this wound healed, I believe we need to attempt to do everything we can to minimize the venous
10-0093.doc five days after getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary form, together
10-0095.doc his thigh was getting better, was not aching, but was “tingling” (July 5, 2005 chart note). Employee
10-0098.doc litigation costs (Carey). She testified in her opinion, her former attorney should not get these fees
10-0109.doc in his knee when he saw him on April 2, 2003 he "was getting by and was working" and thus did not need
10-0111.doc 27, 2005 chart note). On July 5, 2005, Employee reported his thigh was getting better
10-0114.doc or walking for one hour consecutively before she is able to get off her feet for a 15 minute break. Dr
10-0115.doc an updated medical summary form within five days after getting an additional medical report. A copy
10-0116.doc for answering the phones from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. All they do is get someone who [indiscernible strikethrough
10-0123.doc for another attorney to get up to speed for a hearing on the merits, much less a self-represented litigant who
10-0125.doc Christensen, M.D., diagnosed Employee as having “pain in arms and hands just keeps getting worse” and c-spine
10-0127.doc after getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary form, together with copies
10-0130.doc messages for Employee. Employee understood from Mr. Sullivan’s messages he could get $5,000.00 more money
10-0131.doc was getting depressed. 11) On July 10, 2003, on a pain diagram she completed for AA Pain Clinic, Claimant
10-0139.doc the validity of Employee’s injury and she “couldn’t figure out why [Employee] was getting worse.” She
10-0142.doc assistance to get to the couch (Employee’s statement, June 10, 2009). 3) On March 18, 2009, Employee’s
10-0147.doc that the IMEs are at best based upon spurious information.       F)     I have repeatedly tried to get the Board
10-0148.doc ; however, she asserts she missed the original SIME appointments because she did not get notice
10-0158.doc ). 31) At hearing on September 15, 2010, Employee testified his “hand” was getting worse (Abdullah). 32

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