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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

08-0041.doc for two years, Dr. Parker suggested the employee get a new job in which he could avoid overhead work
08-0042.doc complained that he could get transportation for the EME but not for his medical care. He also complained
08-0047.doc to get it restored on the earliest possible date, June 21, 2008. He testified he treats injured workers
08-0055.doc to the instant case; over-litigation of reemployment benefits and delays in getting eligible employees
08-0056.doc the accident, say, the 10 15th to the 21st, did your symptom get worse? 11 A I was hurting
08-0059.doc . As mentioned above, she testified that she tried to get coverage in place retroactive to the date she received
08-0063.doc , and that he was unable to get information about his case because the file was in transit between Anchorage
08-0065.doc at Erikson Air Station on Shimya Island. When I got here I could get my mail, my friend who picked my mail
08-0070.doc to get physical therapy and avoid heavy lifting. The Patients First Medical Clinic report dated
08-0075.doc with these conditions are managed by treating them with strong expectation and suggestion that they will get better
08-0079.doc , and noted he would try again to get her in to see Dr. Polston. On December 11, 2006, the employee saw
08-0081.doc , refer to physical therapy, trial of Celebrex, check bone density, and “get an MRI scan of his back
08-0085.doc . Fellow workers offered to pick up the employee’s tools, so he could go to get care for his injury
08-0094.doc . It hurts when he walks, but his walking distance is 2 blocks or less. He needs a cane to get around
08-0097.doc they are all related to the 8/7/06 work incident.” The employee “advises that she may want to get legal
08-0101.doc side and ankle on August 8, 2006, when getting off a loader. The employee worked for the employer
08-0102.doc ). Getting ready for work is not an activity choice made as a result of limited activities offered
08-0103.doc for after-work activity). Getting ready for work is not an activity choice made as a result of limited
08-0108.doc of there contreversion I haven’t ben abbled to abtain a doctor. 3. I abject to not getting a SIME because I was badly
08-0114.doc get surgery in Seattle but my kids & I been sick along time. Most of the winter, because we keep
08-0116.doc an employee's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
08-0118.doc The employee reported he twisted his left knee about a month previous getting out of a truck. Dr. Hall opined
08-0119.doc as he was getting off an escalator on September 10, 1979. The employee underwent a L4-L5 discectomy
08-0122.doc hurt, she was still experiencing daily headaches, her back gets irritated if she lifts over ten pounds
08-0124.doc with these conditions are managed by treating them with strong expectation and suggestion that they will get better
08-0125.doc going to walk in front of a car if I don’t get some help,” requesting Vicodin, states Naproxen doesn’t
08-0127.doc attempted to reinstate his insurance, and managed to get it restored on the earliest possible date, June 21
08-0130.doc of Injury, while getting out of a truck, he got his boot stuck on the railing, went to grab the truck
08-0132.doc not believe this is a valid claim. There was no forewarning from her to us that her asthma was getting worse
08-0134.doc some time to get her life back together after rehab, but she intended to go full time in the future
08-0136.doc : MR. WOODIN: Can I step out to the bathroom, is that okay, or do you need to get going? I’ll try
08-0139.doc AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award showing the (A) employee
08-0140.doc , and felt a jolt of pain. The pain persisted for about three days, and kept getting better, so he decided
08-0141.doc to get up in the morning. He reported having jumped off the delivery truck and hurting his knee again
08-0149.doc the capsize as follows: I realized I was in trouble. I was in the water. I needed to get out of the water
08-0151.doc for this purpose. Get forms from the nearest AWC Board Office listed below. · * * * · TIME LIMITS 1. When must
08-0152.doc . The employee indicated he had been working light duty but felt that his pain was getting worse with more
08-0156.doc to get up in the morning. He reported having jumped off the delivery truck and hurting his knee again
08-0158.doc , and felt a jolt of pain. The pain persisted for about three days, and kept getting better, so he decided
08-0161.doc provides the “Affidavit of Readiness For Hearing” form for this purpose. Get forms from the nearest AWCB
08-0169.doc to seven out of ten today.   He states his pain does get up to an eight to nine out of ten.   He does have
08-0171.doc fishing, hiking and hunting together, and get his own firewood, but since the June 1, 2005 event
08-0172.doc getting an attorney. June 8, 2007 is when my next Drs. appt. is.” The employer again controverted all
08-0174.doc . It argued the employee is attempting to get medical care “for life.” It argued we must accept the medical
08-0178.doc and noted he would be getting laid off soon. Employee testified he had never been through a vocational
08-0185.doc noticed his eyes and nose were running profusely and his face had started to get puffy. He and his
08-0186.doc ) An employer may reduce an employee's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy
08-0189.doc reduce an employee's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social
08-0190.doc should now be in Anchorage. It argued the employee would have to fly through Anchorage to get
08-0192.doc offered to pick up the employee’s tools, so he could go to get care for his injury. In the hearing
08-0195.doc not been present since. He occasionally still gets the numb tingly fingers, but it is much better. He had
08-0198.doc , went ahead and purchased the plane tickets so as to get a better price. He testified he did
08-0199.doc that she had slipped about 12 hours earlier while getting out of her car at about 5:30 a.m. and injured her
08-0200.doc hurt, she was still experiencing daily headaches, her back gets irritated if she lifts over ten pounds
08-0204.doc an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's
08-0206.doc to work the steering wheel. She is trying to go back to work but cannot get there because of no way
08-0208.doc to bed. No one at the party came over to help me; finally Sharry Christianson came over to help me get
08-0211.doc compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award
08-0212.doc region was getting better; he was now able to climb a ladder. Employee's July 9, 2005 pain diagram shows
08-0215.doc , M.D., and the third announcing she would have to get a lawyer, because her employer would not believe
08-0217.doc is getting worse. He says he will continue to need eye glasses and examinations and may have suffered
08-0220.doc had hoped that his time away from work would allow his condition to get better. He believed additional
08-0222.doc ), and that it did not attempt to get Dr. Wade to revisit his opinion until 47 days after the determination
08-0231.doc weak although his strength was getting a little better. He said he worked doing fairly physical labor
08-0232.doc awaken her from her sleep and she also suffered from swelling in her hands at times so she could not get
08-0234.doc slipped about 12 hours earlier while getting out of her car at about 5:30 a.m. and injured her right arm
08-0236.doc would appreciate it (and so would he) if you expedite the approval for his surgery so that we can get
08-0237.doc and that she requested the Appeals Commission to accept her late filed motion based upon her failure to get her
08-0238.doc of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co
08-0239.doc as there is only one physician in Fairbanks who performs those evaluations, and it takes a long time to get
08-0241.doc , but the employee assured him he would be careful, get the proper help and avoid reinjury. He noted the employee
08-0243.doc employee does not get more than the limit, one way or the other.” Thus, we find, that but for the small
08-0245.doc not state Employee was medically stable and did not state he would get any improvement from any surgical
08-0247.doc of consciousness. Unable to get out of the-vehicle-on her own. Ambulatory with complaints of back and neck pain
08-0255.doc is being made to get the employee into a pain management program but it is difficult because of his history
08-0258.doc “a light in the fog” or “like maybe” a “twitch” one might get in their eye. Employee later clarified
08-0260.doc over the counter Tylenol. She testified the next morning it was difficult for her to get out of bed
08-0262.doc of compensation gets reimbursement for the amount of its expenditure as a first claim upon the proceeds
09-0030.doc on July 27, 2006. According to his Report of Injury, while getting out of a truck, he got his boot stuck
09-0005.doc , as when the narrow coronary artery was found, it was opened and stented so as to get more blood
09-0007.doc on April 2, 1997 Dr. Ledlie stated “after she gets her shoulder” evaluated and possibly treated “she
09-0009.doc owners get 33.33% of the profits, while the other two get 16.15% each. They admitted they both agreed
09-0013.doc to get this release approved.” On December 9, 2008, we received a letter from Susan Lee, mother
09-0014.doc logging truck and the log trailer shifted and required adjustment. He returned to the camp to get
09-0018.doc gets weak.” On July 10, 2007, Dr. Melendrez prepared a Physician’s Report form; in block 33
09-0019.doc on the left was part of her carpal tunnel, but it continued to get worse, after the surgery. She also
09-0022.doc benefits in dispute because of getting hurt at a previous job. At the time Progressive Coatings hired him
09-0027.doc were unable to get a history from her or medical records regarding her prior problems. Given that she
09-0030.doc on July 27, 2006. According to his Report of Injury, while getting out of a truck, he got his boot stuck
09-0037.doc that in the course of getting out of her vehicle at the office supply store, she slipped on the icy parking lot
09-0038.doc ’ in the lower part of her back after closing a garage bay door. She said the next day she could not get out
09-0039.doc . I was in the water. I needed to get out of the water. I teach mariners first aid. The first thing
09-0040.doc not mean that an attorney representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full
09-0043.doc because a party hopes to get a better result arguing its case a second time. A. The issue of unfair
09-0045.doc not speak, walk or move on her own. She testified her work was to get her client out of bed, feed her
09-0049.doc time to get out of an onerous lease agreement. He testified that he and the other corporate officers
09-0050.doc injury was not getting better. From the MRI, Dr. Stuhring noted employee had a bulging right L4-5 disc

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