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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

90-0044.doc to get the rock out. When he put his boot back on, he experienced sharp pain in his back and immediately
90-0046.doc . Kalina did not know how herpes virus could get into the eye's interior, nor did he know what would
90-0049.doc , but the next morning he could barely get out of bed. He described the pain as being in the middle area
90-0050.doc is interested in getting back into some type of productive activity in spite of not working since 1986. He has
90-0051.doc $8,000.00. Accordingly, the adjuster divided $8,000.00 by 100 to get $80.00 as Employee's gross weekly
90-0057.doc to get beer down from tall stacks was sometimes required. (Hearing Exhibit One at 4-6). The JA also
90-0061.doc also testified that by taking medication, he "would get along all right," and that he could "beat
90-0062.doc for the employee to get back to some form of light gainful employment. On June 28, 1988, Yan saw Dr. Garner
90-0063.doc . But, when asked to get up on his toes on each foot to test his gastrosoleus group, this caused him
90-0065.doc for him, but Employee was unable to pay for it. Therefore, he did not get to use it. Employee saw Dr
90-0068.doc light work; his wife gets light jobs and he stays with her to help at her job site. Apparently, he
90-0071.doc ), reported Employee had discontinued his VR program for three reasons: (1) "to get a job and provide better
90-0072.doc not get the results she expected, she called Bailey in early June and told her she did not want to settle
90-0074.doc for discovery over to the employee himself. When the employee failed to get the information the paralegal had
90-0077.doc a chance at losing his number an the union work list so he went back to the union to get dispatched
90-0078.doc the claim based on clarification " and write the attending physician to get the proper rating. She insisted
90-0081.doc could have. He'd been going and getting along, I guess, doing ironwork and getting along all right
90-0082.doc and then we went to Hawaii on a vacation and I came back here. When I was over in Hawaii, I started getting
90-0085.doc was irrelevant when work needed to be done. "If something has to be done, we chip in and get it done." (R
90-0087.doc , 1987 he experienced excruciating lower back and leg pain while getting out of bed at home. He went
90-0090.doc an entry of appearance on February 21, 1989. Mr. Olson attempted to get the employee's compensation
90-0097.doc that it was an abuse of discretion to find Employee eligible for benefits because of his inability to get
90-0108.doc that the assignment by the carrier was made with "full knowledge" that the estate would attempt to get reimbursement
90-0116.doc , report her doctor, Thomas P. Vasileff, M.D., suggested Employee get a bone scan to see if an area in her
90-0118.doc and to basically get around during the trip. For further support, Employee provided a January 17, 1990 letter from
90-0121.doc will know if I will get the service of a lawyer." Our staff sent him a form, a Statement of Readiness
90-0132.doc get this evidence (including three previous hearing transcripts and several depositions) and file
90-0135.doc wrist and tenderness in the area. She told him her wrist had been getting progressively worse
90-0141.doc to Anchorage to personally see the adjuster and to get his benefits reinstated. He also hoped to find work so
90-0142.doc which will continue to get worse, irrespective of activity. He explained his research regarding carpal
90-0145.doc will enable claimants to get at least something in the many controversial cases where there is serious doubt
90-0147.doc time loss by the employee. However, while getting off an airplane in Dillingham in June 1982, he
90-0153.doc for about three weeks, and then he contacted Shawn Hadley, M.D., to arrange for an examination to get
90-0159.doc : "[Employee's] anger gets in his way from [sic] being reasonable. He refuses to learn to use his non-dominant
90-0164.doc in helping her get along with her job at the present time? A. Yes, I do. Q. In other words, if she
90-0173.doc was overseeing these efforts, that you were getting better and would be able to eventually return to your job
90-0176.doc of take[s] care of the county auto graveyard." (Hintz Dep. at 8, 12). He also testified that he gets
90-0181.doc this, it is often argued that to permit compromises will enable claimants to get at least something in the many
90-0185.doc he twisted, falling down some stairs about 2 weeks ago. The knee is getting worse and it feels
90-0200.doc , 1987 Employee slipped and fell while getting out of a pickup while working as a longshoreman in Valdez
90-0202.doc is an elected position and is not reasonably attainable for at least two reasons, he has to get elected
90-0205.doc in the walkway. Her leg was hurt. She was able to get back into her car and drove herself to Omega Pizza
90-0207.doc to provide proof of financial responsibility in order to get a driver's license. Employee testified he still
90-0209.doc and delays in getting the examination occurred, we finally received Dr. Voke's report. Employer
90-0210.doc getting out of the forklift. He stated that he had never had a seizure prior to the fall from
90-0211.doc that Employee had been able to get by with conservative care, and that the exercises Dr. James had, prescribed
90-0218.doc continued to get worse after surgery, Peek was again hospitalized in April 1987. X-rays revealed complete
90-0224.doc on his neck, his neck gets better. Nevertheless, even with nonactivity, he continues to have headaches
90-0231.doc orders into the computer. He described what happened next: I was getting ready to go to lunch, and I
90-0235.doc the case to settle. The employer requested the employee's attorney to get back in touch if he would
90-0239.doc pretty hard on my patients in terms of getting them back to work, or at least telling them they can go
90-0240.doc , and the substantial time they took to “get up to speed" in this area of the law. We also find that the nature
90-0241.doc Receipt.) on 2 August 1990 Jerilyn Gallagher informed us that she was in the process of getting new
90-0252.doc to get any medical information from his SSA files because his case has already been decided by the Board
90-0255.doc and attributable" to the injury. (C&R at 2). Employee has continued to get periodic treatment from Lavern
90-0256.doc gets the impression that the showing of the warning may have done the employer's case more harm than
90-0259.doc started getting the same symptoms plus swollen joints and hoarseness (Dwight dep. at 28). She testified
90-0267.doc . Because of the extreme cold weather in January 1990, he did not get to the dentist for a couple of weeks
90-0268.doc such as this is small claims court. As suggested by the majority, the RBA has plenty to do without getting
90-0270.doc seat position made it easier for him to get into the car. He feels the twisting motion, while trying
90-0277.doc of significant improvement and furthermore would not get rid of all of his discomfort. . . . I would be very
90-0284.doc Administration (VA) for assistance in paying for his medical care. After getting the VA approval he started
90-0285.doc , Respondent also inquired about the possibility of getting a lump sum settlement. in a November 7, 1985 file
90-0299.doc ). On May 6, 1985, Employee saw George Gates, M.D. for a back injury which occurred when he bent over to get
90-0300.doc . if Employee wishes to be represented by counsel, she must get an attorney prior to the next prehearing
90-0307.doc a question mark there. I don't know if he really will get that much better." (Dorr dep. pp. 5-6. ) Dr. Dorr
90-0309.doc at the same time? if not, does the interest get stayed while the TTD is being paid?" We presume the interest
90-0311.doc that Employee had been able to get by with conservative care, and that the exercises Dr. James had prescribed
90-0312.doc he could get into the culinary union and obtain a job on the North Slope. He finally got a job
90-0313.doc to provide details of her work history, Employee testified she came to Alaska after getting released from
91-0001.doc whatever doctor from whom she chose to get treatment. She maintained that the physician that performed two
91-0008.doc the fibromyalgia or chronic immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS) was work-related. He added that by getting the MSDS
91-0019.doc driving or various types of construction. It is not surprising he would try to get employment in something
91-0023.doc she can get on with her life." (Orthopedic Consultation, 6 September 1990.) At hearing, reemployment
91-0026.doc employee did not get along with the employee or the other ramp personnel. They lived in the same bunkhouse
91-0029.doc for the rest of his life. Employee said he didn't like this advice, and he stopped getting the physical therapy
91-0030.doc was told by the union that they could not help him get his job back because the contract with Employer
91-0033.doc people "get stiffened up" when they lie around. (Id. at 16). To this end, he repaired cabinets, put
91-0034.doc that he would recommend Employee get once per month treatment provided the treatment does in fact control
91-0044.doc of documenting the fact that he had advised you early on of the need for getting into a new line of work
91-0049.doc for Veco and it was always fine, seven days a week. Q. And then I guess what I'm trying to get
91-0052.doc deal of time for a person to scar down and heal, thus getting rid of the pain clinically. The other
91-0053.doc guess what I'm getting at what you mean by the word of "suggestion." . . . . Q. Well, I guess I am
91-0059.doc to try to get a job with Otis Engineering. While waiting for an opening he took a job selling cars
91-0060.doc can get jammed up into the shoulder joint and cause an irritation or actually tear the muscles
91-0061.doc in the mid 1980's he would have told him to get into a different occupation. He testified Employee's 10
91-0063.doc to get a splint for the left hand if the right splint helped. She was advised to follow up in one to two
91-0064.doc , then I'd have to get up slow because they wouldn't straighten out without it hurting." (Employee dep. pp
91-0067.doc she needed to get a job because her TTD benefits would be ending. She testified she phoned several
91-0069.doc . On April 30, 1987, Beeman saw Dr. Garnett and he encouraged him to get on with the surgery." (Dr. Garnett
91-0071.doc Employee could still get the evaluation if there were "unusual and extenuating circumstances." On October
91-0072.doc be required to reimburse Employee if he paid $250.00 to a physician to get the permanent partial impairment
91-0074.doc inability to work as a utility tractor operator because he is not able to get a driver's license. We find
91-0075.doc condition of the Spokane economy. He hopes to get another "outside sales" job when the economy improves
91-0085.doc resisted payment of PTD benefits, and he had to retain an attorney to get his benefits changed from TTD
91-0089.doc sought to prosecute the claim to get the medical providers compensation for the services 3) service
91-0091.doc that defense attorneys normally get paid for every hour worked, we find an hourly fee that is almost three
91-0094.doc Employer's frustration in not getting this matter heard and in Employee's alleged refusal to provide medical
91-0107.doc it allows him to get continuing care from his physician of choice. Moreover, we find the majority
91-0112.doc into the refrigerator to get a tomato. She stated she felt pain, and she couldn't get up and move for a few minutes

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