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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

04-0141.doc employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund
04-0151.doc in getting into her truck. Mr. Dunning followed her to several stores and a residence. He testified her
04-0164.doc is going to get the UB92 and medical records to me by fax for processing. On April 8, 2004, Ms. Dean noted
04-0169.doc or you’re getting older. There is just no way to tell if the printer damaged your hearing back
04-0170.doc with cardiologist and she is still having symptoms now.” After a year on Zoloft, it was suggested that she get off
04-0175.doc representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v
04-0177.doc to by the employee in her deposition, the PC meets with producers, gets a rundown on the days stories, and determines
04-0181.doc of her employment when she “bent over to get trash, sharp stabbing pain in my back and down my legs
04-0185.doc . He recommended another series of stellate ganglion blocks if the hand started to get worse, and noted
04-0186.doc . Upon examination Dr. Vasileff found the employee was getting better, had nearly full motion
04-0188.doc participation in a spinal rehabilitation program. Mr. Platt appeared to get some symptomatic relief from his
04-0190.doc . The tendon gets caught under the overhanging shoulder bone, the acromion, and he also had x-ray evidence
04-0194.doc medical treatment and attempting to get well. She testified the pain from her injury at the hospital
04-0195.doc unable to schedule time to get together to review the numerous the evidentiary issues. The parties
04-020.doc and did not want to get treatment that might make things worse, as opposed to better; and was, therefore
04-0205.doc was getting worse not better. An MRI was scheduled for October 31, 2003. It revealed, “disk desicciation
04-0213.doc between 12 and 18 months for him to know how much functional return he's going to be able to get
04-0221.doc , and like all claims, would have paid for the employee’s travel expenses from Dutch Harbor to get medical
04-0223.doc Local 751 and the employer. He said that since he is getting older he must settle down and focus
04-0231.doc that the employee had an elbow injury and that he tried to get him easier work that would not make his injury worse
04-0238.doc is “barely hanging on” and is getting worse. Previous reports by his treating physician defending the use
04-0248.doc nobody is doing anything to get the employee back to work. The employer argues that the employee shares
04-0250.doc exacerbate these and worsen her condition because she has failed to resolve and has failed to get back to her
04-0251.doc finished her workday, went home, had a sleepless night and was only able to get up and ready for work
04-0259.doc rights. She testified that she has not had an opportunity to get a PPI rating on her own, but had
04-0264.doc over the years "never gets better". The employee's second Injury Report identified similar
04-0289.doc workdays, and the employee reported his headaches and lower neck pain were getting worse. On June 24
04-0300.doc representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v
04-0301.doc representing an injured employee in front of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v
04-0302.doc over the years "never gets better". The employee's second Injury Report identified similar
04-0306.doc for a couple of years to get ahead so he could finish his house. He testified that he had an extensive history
05-0003.doc rating, the employee could receive PPI and then get .041(k). D. Attorney’s Fees and Costs
05-0005.doc . He would get on a list and then when his turn came up, he was dispatched to a job until the job
05-0014.doc ; that she must be permitted to get up and move about when she experiences discomfort from prolonged sitting
05-0026.doc and stretch for two hours just to get out of bed, lay down in agonizing pain all night long, and start all
05-0031.doc also indicated that it was difficult for him to get medical care in view of living on an island
05-0033.doc is having some reflux and esophageal dysphagia symptoms. I convinced them that getting an upper GI
05-0035.doc on May 10, 2004, the employee indicated she was intending to get a letter from Dr. Chandler to address
05-0036.doc . The employee testified that at that point, she was without any medical coverage, and it was difficult to get
05-0040.doc by the testimony if the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend the hearing or a deposition
05-0045.doc ability? When I was dealing with a divorce and its procedures, and trying to get anything from workmans
05-0047.doc , the employee experienced another work incident when he allegedly slipped on ice and snow while getting out
05-0048.doc and destitute before the matter could be resolved and she could get corrective surgery. She asserted she has
05-0051.doc could be resolved and she could get corrective surgery. She asserted she has been attempting to lose
05-0054.doc decreased and that she was be getting better. On February 6, 2002, the physical therapy progress note
05-0067.doc be a good idea is to have ”“ if Portland and Seattle is the place to get opinions, is to have him see both
05-0070.doc was attempting to get in to see Dr. Wickler to determine if further shoulder surgery was available. On January
05-0073.doc and remained at home. The employee had hoped that his time away from work would allow his condition to get
05-0080.doc that the claimant is attempting to get double recovery by alleging that Nick Aleck was a loaned/borrowed employee
05-0089.doc -employment Benefits. She stated that her request was late “because I thought I could get better, instead I am
05-0091.doc . The employee also indicated that it was difficult for him to get medical care in view of living on an island
05-0096.doc the employee. The employee reported, “he gets difficulties from the upper back down to his feet,” and that he
05-0099.doc be resolved and she could get corrective surgery. She asserted she never refused surgery and the employer
05-0109.doc of getting treatment.” On April 30, 1998, the employee treated with Timothy D. Coalwell, M.D., who noted
05-0110.doc revealing mild degenerative disk disease. The employee felt she was getting worse not better. An MRI
05-0121.doc be resolved and she could get corrective surgery. She asserted she never refused surgery and the employer
05-0128.doc hearing, and believes he can get a better result arguing his issue a second time. (O’Keefe). We find
05-0129.doc , but was just not getting much better and was having pains up and down her arms. He found she had no motor
05-0134.doc that some individuals with MRI findings similar to those of the employee get better and become less
05-0137.doc decompression therapy, but for the sake of getting additional information, he would refer the employee to Dr
05-0138.doc gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. that an employee is entitled
05-0156.doc that Barbara Williams of the Alaska Injured Workers’ Alliance (“AIWA”) told the employee he could not get
05-0160.doc , 2005 hearing, and apparently believes he can get a better result arguing his points a second time. (O
05-0167.doc the mechanical decompression therapy, but for the sake of getting additional information, he would refer
05-0171.doc to get authorization before driving a company vehicle home. Chris S. knew that but I did not receive
05-0173.doc him after surgery, his shoulder might get better, it might get worse. The employee testified that he
05-0177.doc and join the Fairbanks Athletic Center if possible, and to get out of the home on a more frequent basis. Dr
05-0180.doc of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co
05-0182.doc , and been assigned a new adjuster, he has great difficulties in getting any response. Although the adjuster
05-0186.doc , and you are trying to get it [through a door]. Well, you only got that much room for that vending machine
05-0187.doc an elbow injury and that he tried to get him easier work that would not make his injury worse
05-0190.doc back pain was getting worse and had not changed. He was continued on medication and exercise. He
05-0195.doc -employment Benefits. She stated that her request was late “because I thought I could get better, instead I am
05-0200.doc , Jack Holland, Mr. Stallworth indicated, as follows: All AFS employees have to get authorization before
05-0201.doc had been forced to wait months before he could get a rating which the employer would honor. He argued
05-0202.doc the employer to get a loan to cover the entire cost of surgery. The employer indicated bankruptcy is an option
05-0210.doc turned or rotated on the stool to get up and felt an immediate onset of severe pain in her low back
05-0222.doc ’s agreement. She argued Dr. Schilperoort’s after-the-fact referral was no more than a ruse to get
05-0225.doc to get a death certificate. Based on that information, and the negative verdict of the first jury, she
05-0230.doc the employee is simply rearguing the issues argued at the March 30, 2005 hearing, and believes she can get
05-0232.doc like to review the employee's EME report. Because the employee was unable to get permission
05-0234.doc to get a death certificate. Based on that information, and the negative verdict of the first jury, she
05-0235.doc to get rid of them. She was able to get along without them until her knee injury in 1994. She has been
05-0236.doc him after surgery, his shoulder might get better, it might get worse. The employee testified that he
05-0237.doc for medical benefits if his condition were to get worse over time. The employee testified he understood
05-0238.doc , at the Nikiski Pool, she opened the pool door with her left arm to assist a student who used a wheelchair to get
05-0247.doc symptoms all stem from the April 1, 2003 injury and they have been getting worse ever since. B. Deposition
05-0248.doc reimbersment (sic) 2001. When they get stacked with my reimbersement (sic) requests they start ignoring
05-0250.doc for Hearing” form for this purpose. Get forms from the nearest AWC Board Office Listed Below. TIME LIMITS
05-0257.doc activities and get his blood pressure checked twice a week. On December 16, 1999, the employer wrote
05-0259.doc revealing mild degenerative disk disease. The employee complained that she was getting worse not better
05-0261.doc is a cancer that started years prior. One-third of the population will get cancer of some type
05-0269.doc belt, she went forward and then back, and she is getting more and more pain in her neck as well as pain
05-0270.doc to get a workers’ compensation insurance policy in place on October 11, 2005. National Council
05-0278.doc to travel by train, and requesting expenses for getting to and from the physician’s office. In a prehearing
05-0279.doc , 1988, designates an attending physician by getting treatment, advice, an opinion, or any type
05-0282.doc assured him he would get the rate corrected. Mr. Jacobson testified that Jeff Stout reported he has been
05-0286.doc and to be made whole again so he can get on with his life.... On September 24, 2004, the parties participated
05-0287.doc was pulled out, Oxy would spill out or it would get blown out of the cap to the gun. He testified

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