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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

05-0288.doc and associated impingement syndrome get better without surgery via a prolonged course of therapy such that we do
05-0303.doc the employee’s agreement. She argued Dr. Schilperoort’s after-the-fact referral was no more than a ruse to get
05-0307.doc and nucleoplasty because he is tired of being in constant pain and physically restricted. “If I can get some
05-0317.doc the employee is simply rearguing the issues argued at the September 1, 2005 hearing, and believes he can get
05-0318.doc specialist’s attention she promptly took steps to get the treating physician’s opinion on the employee’s
05-0321.doc thought he had just pulled a nerve. Unfortunately, over the next several weeks Jim seemed to get worse
05-0334.doc . Upon examination Dr. Vasileff found the employee was getting better, had nearly full motion
05-0335.doc injury, not just the injury of 1992. He recommended that the employee get a spinal cord stimulator
05-0345.doc school in order to get more money from him. She testified that Luke told her that he had informed Margie
05-0346.doc opined that getting serious about either of these modalities would mean the employee would make
05-0348.doc some improvement. Dr. Dittrich reported: Since he is from Soldotna, I recommended that he get his
05-0349.doc and continue with massage therapy despite not getting much improvement. Dr. Tilgner’s assessment /plan stated
06-0001.doc ankle injury, assigning the employee those portions of the work that permitted to get off his feet. He
06-0007.doc for Reconsideration. The employee argues the employer is simply trying to reargue its case in order to get
06-0008.doc to “get on with his life.” FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AS 23.30.107 provides in pertinent
06-0011.doc , tingling, numbness through arms and legs.” He testified that he was able to get back in the cab of his
06-0012.doc to Alaska, and that as his previous prescription for physical therapy had expired, he was required to get
06-0029.doc from his surgery, regardless of his pain. She testified she had tried to get the Operator’s Union
06-0030.doc in Southeast Alaska. As a tree began to fall, the employee slipped and fell while trying to get out of the way
06-0037.doc testified he was very frustrated with the process of getting his reimbursements. FINDINGS OF FACT
06-0038.doc monitored, the patient took the unusual step of getting all his pain medications from the Alaska Pain Center
06-0039.doc of time, and indeed will tend to get worse with the passage of more time... It is my opinion that she
06-0041.doc was getting no where with PA-C Koenck and hung up. Dr. Weaver saw the employee on March 25, 2005. He
06-0047.doc on knees for several hours, getting up and down a lot, taping pipeline. Knee began getting stiff, started
06-0053.doc , but later raised it to $10,000.00. He testified Ms. Williams told him he would not get his surgery if he
06-0055.doc testified that Wrangell Seafoods is getting on its feet and it was his impression that Wrangell Seafoods
06-0056.doc post accident. Based upon these findings, Dr. Gritzka said: "To get to the bottom, I don't think
06-0060.doc noticed that after he went to work for F. S. Air his back pain complaints were getting worse; especially
06-0062.doc describes her mechanism of injury as follows: “Walking across job site to get rebar stepped on footing wall
06-0070.doc the possibility of getting nothing; instead, the employee received $15,000.00 in exchange for releasing
06-0077.doc , reasserting he had a fear of flying, requesting to travel by train, and requesting expenses for getting
06-0079.doc that the employee was apprehensive about getting back to work and felt it was impossible for her to have enough room
06-0082.doc of the board automatically gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co
06-0084.doc unable to get Workers’ Compensation Insurance before now. We were notified by our insurance carrier
06-0086.doc at the pre-hearing. This is my understanding: There was no pre-hearing. When I am late, I get penalties
06-0090.doc testified Ms. Williams told him he would not get his surgery if he did not sign the C&R. He testified he
06-0091.doc consider getting a TENS unit to control the pain, and that he would like to explore that possibility if he
06-0092.doc , alternative medications, radio frequency ablation, or a pain program, and to get him into another line of work
06-0110.doc because he did not know about retraining. He also indicated that he expected to get better and return
06-0113.doc , who get bingo players coffee and soda; pull tab workers, who sell pull tabs to customers; lead workers
06-0116.doc hearing, and believes he can get a better result arguing the issues a second time. (O’Keefe). We find
06-0120.doc to travel by train, and requesting expenses for getting to and from the physician’s office. In a prehearing
06-0123.doc unexpectedly quit, leaving his accounts in serious disarray. He testified that during the time he was getting
06-0125.doc for his knee condition, as well as arranging to have Dr. McGuire testify for him as well as getting
06-0127.doc or beneficiary's weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(a) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
06-0128.doc , but for the sake of getting additional information, he would refer the employee to Dr. Delamarter for an evaluation
06-0134.doc , called in and indicated Ms. Williams was “working on getting the new releases signed.” As noted above
06-0149.doc in and worked when he wanted to, left when he wanted to. Alyeska would get the jobs in and Mr. Aukon would do
06-0153.doc to get the referral. Thus, Ms. Lopez concludes, Dr. Kufal’s bills are compensable under the Act, because
06-0154.doc -the-fact referral was no more than a ruse to get around the statutory restrictions. She argued
06-0164.doc the fishing boats and tenders to get the fish to the plant. In his deposition at page 18 he testified that he
06-0168.doc it to get better with summer break but got worse. Didn’t feel physically able to do job so I sought med
06-0187.doc meals I fell twice. First at 3500 Mt. View and 1345 S. Hoyt St. The stairs don’t get shoveled
06-0189.doc his hand. He testified that he was going to get rehabilitation for his hand and that he planned
06-0192.doc her get up, but she got up and walked to the truck, and Mr. Arnold took his crew back to the office
06-0197.doc the Accusation on June 22, 2006. At the hearing, the employer testified that he did get insurance
06-0203.doc therapy despite not getting much improvement. Dr. Tilgner’s assessment /plan stated: “I believe
06-0205.doc hoped that the employee would get to the point where retraining would be a positive option in the future
06-0206.doc that “we always leave open, you can’t get a C&R approved without leaving medicals open.” He believed
06-0210.doc expects to prove by the testimony of the witness, the efforts made to get the witness to attend
06-0217.doc gets full, actual fees. We held in Bouse v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. that an employee is entitled
06-0222.doc surgeon at the University of Utah. He recommended that the employee continue with Dr. Steinmann and get
06-0223.doc sometimes take a long time to get back to the way they remember themselves as being prior to the accident
06-0225.doc department has separate and distinct overhead costs associated with getting the patient in and out
06-0227.doc hearing, and believes he can get a better result arguing the issues a second time. The Board finds
06-0228.doc offered to help her get up, but she got up and walked to the truck, and Mr. Arnold took his crew back
06-0233.doc daughter died. He testified that he has been devastated ever since and has been trying to get his head
06-0234.doc hearing, and believes she can get a better result arguing the issues a second time. (O’Keefe
06-0237.doc complained to the union but they were unwilling to get involved. She thought it was because they did
06-0240.doc weeks off in 1998 to get married and travel to Europe. She testified that when his restrictions became
06-0243.doc the employee was in need of treatment for his coccyx and the problem was not going to get better without
06-0249.doc her get up, but she got up and walked to the truck, and Mr. Arnold took his crew back to the office
06-0251.doc continue with Dr. Steinmann and get an arthoplasty of the left shoulder. In November 2005, the employee
06-0254.doc of the narcotics on his kidneys, and that the morphine is getting less and less effective. He testified he
06-0255.doc testified that the top portion of the ball of the joint gets smashed down from weight bearing, leaving
06-0256.doc and their efforts to get the situation addressed, either with new tables or personnel who would assist the employee
06-0260.doc . Kochutin is serving 99 years and will not be getting out of prison. The employee has not run into or seen
06-0270.doc , and believes he can get a better result arguing the issues a second time. (O’Keefe). Clearly, the employee’s
06-0271.doc and the bartenders enforce the one drink an hour policy. “Well, the girl come up [sic.] to the bar, she gets a drink
06-0273.doc not suffer a new injury in 1981, but aggravated his 1976 injury. He testified the employee did get worse
06-0276.doc ) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award letter showing the (A) employee
06-0279.doc ’ Compensation, stating that after the RBA’s finding, “I lost hope in getting help from the insurance carrier
06-0281.doc offered to help her get up, but she got up and walked to the truck, and Mr. Arnold took his crew back
06-0283.doc to get caught up with. Employee claims that there was no plan in place for the Summer session 2005
06-0286.doc that the employee was "doing pretty good but he does see Dr. Cross often and gets injections every 3 months
06-0288.doc the employee after observing her struggling to get into the employer’s truck. She testified that she drove
06-0289.doc , the employee would only be able to return to “sedentary or very light duty work until he gets his knee worked
06-0291.doc from Texas and did not finish High School. She did acknowledge that she did ultimately get her G.E.D.
06-0297.doc in his knee when he saw him on April 2, 2003 he "was getting by and was working" and thus did not need
06-0304.doc to the FMH Emergency Room with an increase in his back symptoms related to turning to get out of bed
06-0306.doc reported she had to lie on the floor sometimes to get relief. Dr. Stinson deferred any injection therapy
06-0310.doc condition worsened. The next morning the employee was unable to get out of bed and an ambulance was called
06-0314.doc related to the genitourinary tract. We will get more information from the IVP. My gut feeling
06-0315.doc with his panic attacks. Dr. Wolf hoped that the employee would get to the point where retraining would
06-0319.doc with a different retractor, not a mirror. You have to bend around and get in this much more contorted position
06-0321.doc injury. He testified the employee did get worse after the 1981 injury. Dr. Voke testified
06-0328.doc forward and then back, and she is getting more and more pain in her neck as well as pain in between her
06-0329.doc extremities when getting in and out of non-handicapped modified vehicles, having a friend give him a ride
06-0331.doc , but unfortunately in January and February he started getting worse, especially on February 21. He was [sic] picked
06-0334.doc ) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award letter showing the (A) employee

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