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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

2042ANC.DOC the training. Ms. Skarda quit when she did because she needed time to get ready for school. Not only did she
2044ANC.DOC that the employer did not care for his well-being (he had problems getting or taking sick leave for an auto accident
2046ANC.DOC not to contact or get to the ESD Anchorage office. The abuse began in April 1998 and ended October 4, 1998, when
2048ANC.DOC or make inquiries. Both managers were aware of delays in accounting reports getting to the proper
2050ANC.DOC the employer refused to alter her work schedule, and she was not scheduled to get a raise as early
2060JNU.DOC in Petersburg. He lives on a boat and finds it difficult to get to his mailbox. He contends he received
2071ANC.DOC she had trouble getting her paycheck. She would have to, on occasion, call Ms. Burt to track her down
2081ANC.DOC accounts. Mr. Cassidy was off work at 4:30 p.m. each day and felt he would not have been able to get
2091INT.DOC would not start. He did get the car to start with a jump from his roommate, but this caused him
2101ANC.DOC she was busy settling into her new home, unpacking boxes, and getting her child registered for school
2107ANC.DOC , the facts show he was just as likely to get dispatched on a job in Soldotna while he remained in Juneau
2116INT.DOC chose to return to Nevada in order to get married August 1, 1998, which is not considered a compelling
2118ANC.DOC to quit work to assist with the raising of their four children on a full-time basis or get divorced. Ms
2131ANC.DOC . Still, Mr. Braune was "scolded" because work on his shift was not getting done. About three days before
2147INT.DOC School in Stockton. She attends school from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ms. Agcaoili plans to get a high
2151ANC.DOC to get the work done or he would be fired. Mr. Bonner was concerned about his safety if he fell from
2165ANC.DOC the hearing notice. He is not sure why the notice did not get to him, except that "My girlfriend gets my mail
2166ANC.DOC the hearing notice. He is not sure why the notice did not get to him, except that "My girlfriend gets my mail
2168ANC.DOC during working hours rather than pay full price for seven to nine items just to get one free food item
2175FBX.DOC Mr. Carlo to make sure the beeper was covered. When Mr. Carlo could not get another employee to take
2191ANC.DOC call in or have to leave the job site. Ms. Corbin was never disciplined because the work did not get
2198ANC.DOC her job because she was unable to get back from Alakanuk after picking up her daughter. Her manager
2199JNU.DOC for awhile, but then declined. On June 15, because the three housekeepers were unable to get along, Mr
2211ANC.DOC arrest about one hour later. Mr. Scott had grabbed his ex-wife's arm to get her out of the room where
2219INT.DOC could not have accepted work until she relocated because she was busy packing and getting ready
2233INT.DOC to relocate, it was necessary for her to get permission from the courts or her ex-husband to take her child
2243ANC.DOC of his tractor/trailer. Mr. Schultz adamantly denies accelerating, but admits he did get close
2245ANC.DOC the lack of personnel during his shifts, but was told that they needed to get through a mid-July store
2245CANC.DOC shifts, but was told that they needed to get through a mid-July store inspection. Mr. Landvogt contends
2255ANC.DOC in order to get her infant adjusted to a schedule. She had been attempting to have the child adjusted two
2258INT.DOC of a mill near Homer, and believed he could get work that paid $15.00 per hour running heavy equipment. He
2265JNU.DOC ,” and he needed to get his children back for the beginning of school. STATUTORY PROVISIONS AS 23.20.379.
2267JNU.DOC around 50 to 55 hours per week, and earned $37.20 per hour. Mr. Bergman did not feel that he was getting
2274ANC.DOC asked his manager, Stan Petito, for Friday off in order to get married. His request was approved. When
2276ANC.DOC the entire household, including the kitchen, bedrooms, clothing, furniture, and to get their and their pets
2288ANC.DOC he would try to get pay for his crew who were required to standby. That type of pay was not covered
2290JNU.DOC the employer informed her that she did have wage records. Ms. Hayes filed the appeal after getting wage
2292ANC.DOC tried to get a transfer to Anchorage, but was unsuccessful. The claimant quit one week prior
2298ANC.DOC for a place to live and getting a feel for the area. Mr. Olver did not believe it would have been effective
2308FBX.DOC . Aitken was upset over Max making a comment about not getting some work done, when it was Max's job
2309ANC.DOC was not going to get paid benefits. On July 8, 1998, Mr. Huschle was issued a nonmonetary determination
2311.DOC - the end product, but not any aspect of the process required to get to that point. Still, since Mr. Scott
2316.DOC May 23. Mr. Kimble found it difficult to get to the work location and asked his boss if he could
2327JNU.DOC to be introduced into the record at this hearing. On August 17, Mr. Milton was getting on a plane, gave Mr
2329INT.DOC the circumstances. A worker who quits to get married is considered to have left employment voluntarily and without
2372JNU.DOC , but was unable to get through to the Department of Labor during business hours. He wrote an appeal and mailed
2387INT.DOC to be in the community where her husband-to-be lived. Ms. Stallworth wanted to get accustomed to the area, look for work
2427ANC.DOC between October 3 and 10 because he wanted to get well and he was on prescription drugs for a period
2435FBX.DOC of $1,430. Mr.  Gasper argues only half of that amount should be prorated as his ex-spouse gets the other
2437ANC.DOC the dispatcher explained that others were getting more assignments because they chose to wait around at the work
2449FBX.DOC and returned to work on August 28. After returning to work on August 28, Ms. Bowler had difficulty getting her
2450.DOC such tasks as phoning prospective suppliers and wholesalers, and contacting contractors for whom he might get
2468ANC.DOC with the Wage and Hour Administration to get the back pay.... Although the above case refers to uncompensated
2470ANC.DOC did not get the position. Ms. Everett opted to leave her employment because she felt
2484ANC.DOC behind the lock in the bag and she missed it. Ms. Blea believed the constant pressure to get the work
2491INT.DOC that with an employee, during which he mentioned that they could get fired if it was not installed. The employee told Ms
2501FBX.DOC that time off probably would not be given by the employer. They told her she should be lucky to get
2508ANC.DOC to call his employer the following days, but was unable to get through until about October 14. Mr. Dillon
2510ANC.DOC with an average time to get to work was changes in his physical self (tired or sluggish) or he would get "bogged
2511ANC.DOC released from jury duty until 2:30 p.m. and then it took her an hour to get home by bus. After Ms. Di Bene
2512.DOC . Jackson called two or three times throughout the year he was in FCC to get his mail. While in jail, Mr
2515INT.DOC $5.00 so that she could get lunch. Ms. Spencer contends she was starving, because she did not have money
2516ANC.DOC guidance and help about the new shift she was on and her inability to get to work on time. She did
2518ANC.DOC percent drop ins and those who are at work will get the work assigned to them. Mr. Fleming has worked
2526INT.DOC of uncontrolled vomiting which can lead to a coma if no one is available to help her get medical attention. She
2532ANC.DOC of the pressure to get the work done, Mr. Jeager felt stressed. Mr. Jeager could not put it in words why he felt
2540ANC.DOC obligated to get her children ready for school each morning. The school bus picked up the children at 7:32
2544ANC.DOC of finding work there by traveling. In other words, the facts show he was just as likely to get dispatched
2552ANC.DOC . Leal quit because he felt he was not getting enough support in his position. On October 10, 1998, Mr
2570ANC.DOC causing $750 in damages. He did get out of his truck to view the situation and noticed scratches
2587INT.DOC with a genuine desire of retaining employment... CONCLUSION A worker who quits to get married is considered
2590ANC.DOC before. Mr. Smith affirmed that he would hire Mr. Van Gorder if he could get on the dispatch books
2596ANC.DOC knew Ms. Marquiss worked on getting a replacement, but no one applied for the position. Ms. Marquiss
2605INT.DOC . Savikko attempted to get Ms. Bryson into a treatment program in Oregon the end of June 1998. Ms. Bryson
2607ANC.DOC longer than expected to get his car going, he again called his employer, this time speaking to Monty
2610JNU.DOC . This left Mr. Wood without transportation to get to work. Mr. Wood discussed the problem with his employer
2636JNU.DOC mother's home. She and her mother were not getting along well. On September 23, 1998, Ms. George
2669INT.DOC the influence while on the job. Finally, she argues that because she tried to get the drugs out of her system
2680ANC.DOC .  Barefield's car was impounded. He could not (and still cannot) afford to get the car back. Mr. Barefield
2687ANC.DOC that the engine in his van had blown. Mr. Chulin took a week’s leave of absence in order to try to get his van
2690ANC.DOC within certain time frames. She was concerned about getting her notes done in time without the use
2702JNU.DOC his appeal after getting the results of his work separation investigation. He did not know if he "had
2703JNU.DOC in the week and said, "Someone needs to change her attitude before I get one." Ms. Leroy had spoken to Ms
2707.DOC a few days after Thanksgiving. He did remember getting a check about one month later for wages he
2713.DOC could get treatment. Additionally, neither of her health care providers advised her to quit her job
2735FBX.DOC frequently. If she is exposed to the cold during these episodes, she gets extremely chilled. PROVISIONS
2742ANC.DOC a lift to get the pipes back onto the truck. On Friday, December 4, the company owner who discharged Mr
2744JNU.DOC ordering major items was to get quotes, and then get approval to order from his supervisor. During the week
2768RANC.DOC at the January 21, 1999, hearing because he did not get the hearing notice timely. Mr. Hawkins of Hawkins
2775JNU.DOC to 40 hours per week. However, because of difficulties with the scheduling, Ms. Wood would only get
0001ANC.DOC complaints at the time of her discharge. The parties agreed they did not get along with one another
0010ANC.DOC before he left SAC. He did not get the position at Air Land Transport because he did not have
0016ANC.DOC the money in logging had declined and believed that was part of the reason parts took longer to get. He
0026ANC.DOC about it. Until November 23 or 24, 1998, Mr. Butt had advised Mr. Robinson he was working on getting
0027ANC.DOC days. He felt the employees did not care about getting the work done. Mr. Jacobson decided to quit
0032FBX.DOC . The employer said he would check and get back to him. The following Monday, December 14, 1998, the employer
0043FBX.DOC needed to be completed. He told Ms. Neighbors she needed to get her "ass" to work. Ms. Neighbors turned
0044FBX.DOC , the electrical failed in the truck and Mr.  Cain had to get the employer to bring another truck out
0051FBX.DOC they [management] haven't p--sed off too many people as they could get it all at one time." The statement eluded
0063ANC.DOC but rather to supplement his groceries. Although Mr. Brogdon had resources available to him to get back

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