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Appeal Tribunal Decisions

2272anc.doc offering an incentive for some long-term employees to terminate and get certain benefits in return
2275jnu.doc was not getting called in to fillet; · he was the only person on a split wage; · he was concerned about safety
2284anc.doc the environment might get worse. Ms. Bundy supervises about 15 employees. She has never taken a complaint from
2291anc.doc tied 24 hours per day to the vessel. He did have his own apartment so was able to get away at night. Mr
2296fbx.doc because it might be easier to get unemployment insurance benefits. Ms. Luke met with Ms. Menefee
2302anc.doc . Fleek pays $450 plus $100 for electricity per month in Anchor Point. She was able to get her current
2312jnu.doc . On January 19, 2000, Ms. Meissner quit work. She had difficulty getting to work due to winter driving
2316anc.doc was not getting along well with family members in Dillingham. In that instance, family members asked Ms. Joe
2324anc.doc in training classes. Ms.  King told the field training manager, Ms.  Broestl, that she simply did not get
2326anc.doc that he would be unable to get another part-time job to supplement his income. He believed the on-call
2332.doc was that she estimated the hours she worked and did not always get paid promptly. The Tribunal properly applied
2334r.doc explained that he leaves for work at 6:00  a.m., and does not get home until 6:00 p.m. STATUTORY PROVISIONS
2341jnu.doc before he could get a ride. He considered buying a car, but would have had to ship it in from one
2342jnu.doc inability to legally drive. He lived 80 miles from Anchorage, an unreasonable distance to get to work
2346anc.doc him get to the cafeteria. The resident was unable to walk unassisted. A nursing staff member
2353fbx.doc housing and get settled before his training began. It took him about one week to get settled in Fairbanks
2356anc.doc they asked him to continue working and he said he would think about it and get back to them. He never
2360.doc in a bar. He stated, “Why would I want to work as a bartender? I didn’t get my BA to tend bar.” Mr. Jurasek
2364anc.doc and his foreman, Mr. Bradshaw, were working to get “glue lams” (beams) ready for the roofers. The beams
2372anc.doc is of primary importance. The fact that the worker was tired, or did not get enough sleep the night before
2380fbx.doc at the work site did not get there until after 5:00 p.m. Mr. Schuster believed the foreman arrived before 5:00
2384jnu.doc . In Anchorage, Mr. Bernier was not getting the support he needed, he was going bankrupt because of the lack
2385jnu.doc . The captain and engineer repeatedly called Mr. Crowley to get the parts ordered as they were in a hurry. Mr
2397jnu.doc about it, who told her not to worry, that he would not hurt her, and that she would get used
2400jnu.doc to assist people get out of debt. The Tribunal is not unsympathetic to Mr. Van Hollebeke’s plight. However
2413fbx.doc and 31, he did not get an explanation from his employer with regard to the CSED payments. He also did
2419anc.doc the board of trustees of this, and told them that he should be able to get a work-release in six or seven
2426jnu.doc to get a transfer, and had applied for several federal positions. All the positions, however, were frozen
2429.doc . Sherman gives contradictory work histories to DOL depending upon whether he is trying to get a journeyman
2430fbx.doc get a raise and promotion to a supervisor’s position. She had advised him several weeks earlier
2442anc.doc and was subsequently locked out of her home. The inability to get into her home for personal items gave her compelling
2444anc.doc a Vancouver office, but traveled to Anchorage on occasion. Ms. McHugill and Mr. Lafurge did not get along well
2448anc.doc ) to “get the hell away from my crane. I don’t want you rigging for me or anywhere around. Just go around
2453anc.doc conclusion of the Appeal Tribunal that Ms. Chikigak quit her employment. Mrs. Ince was not trying to get Ms
2458jnu.doc documents. This required bending over, or getting on her knees. The up and down movement caused her
2462anc.doc to be at work on time. Further, Mr. Campbell was unable to get to work from Palmer to Anchorage after he did
2476jnu.doc monitors the work to see if the employees are getting overworked so that she can step in and help
2478anc.doc with his filings. Mr. Casas did not get help right away when he moved to Anchorage because his friends did
2481anc.doc at the present time because she is “working on getting a driver’s license.” Ms.  Apalone’s mother is not under
2485anc.doc the raise. You’re not getting a raise. You’re not going to be happy here, so just take your tools and go
2489fbx.doc , if not impossible, to get an appointment with a physician. If she needed immediate care, she would have to wait
2494anc.doc . Morgan knew her job was in jeopardy. She opted not to get someone to de-ice the loading area around
2503jnu.doc not take much time off because he felt duty-bound to be available as needed. He was only able to get one
2504jnu.doc would speak with her manager and get back to her. Later that day, Allison told Ms. Gregovich that she
2505jnu.doc with Roy about getting him his job back. Mr. Sakar, a few days later, spoke with Roy, who told him
2512anc.doc that it left him no alternative but to quit. A person’s subjective belief (about management wanting to get rid
2516anc.doc able to work, although she was getting chiropractic adjustments for a pinched nerve in her arm
2521anc.doc morning, when Mr. Anastos did not arrive promptly at 10:00, Mrs. Bruns went across the street to get some
2522anc.doc that they were going to have a meeting right then and get everything out in the open. Mrs. Rodriguez responded
2525anc.doc to accomplish her job. However, she was encouraged to get the job done. Ms. Riter quit because she could
TRA003.DOC because he did not get the claim certification to the faculty before Spring Break, and did not know Mr
0005rjnu.doc Anchorage that was returned to the sender similarly marked. She also said that she would get a statement
0010fbx.doc trouble getting drivers to deliver items to the employer’s establishment because of Mr.  Johnson
0013anc.doc wanted to get rid of him. The employer cited two rule violations (#10 and #18) to the Employment
0017jnu.doc had to leave with the current paycheck, or there would not be enough money left to get to Illinois
0028anc.doc to get to work on time even though the employer verified with him that he had enough money to pay the bus
0033jnu.doc or join a spouse. She did, however, relocate to get married and live in the same household as her husband
0042anc.doc work as a legal secretary. Ms. Adinolfi quit effective December 14 because she was unable to get along
0045anc.doc . On or about December 2, he mentioned the car incident to the owner, Mr. Rosencrans, who refused to get
0050anc.doc in Chicago had turned. Mr. Heitman did not leave sooner because he was unable to get a ticket before December
0051anc.doc to be there at 8:00 a.m. but couldn’t get anybody to come in any earlier tha[n] 1:00 p.m. She says she told Erin
0052fbx.doc daughter’s employer to get records that could support her contention she did nothing wrong. Ms. Cadzow
0061anc.doc why she had not asked for help. Ms. Taylor had previously asked for help when she was getting behind
0067anc.doc to get reasonable airfare that would have allowed her to leave earlier. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.379
0082anc.doc : Dora was written up for an incident on Thanksgiving for getting into a yelling match in front
0082canc.doc , Ms. Gill, states: Dora was written up for an incident on Thanksgiving for getting into a yelling
0083anc.doc ) hoped to get a daycare business going by January that Ms. Roland could manage. Ms. Roland does not know
0101fbx.doc change Mr. Rente and get him ready for bed. While changing and cleaning him, he kicked her since his legs
0116anc.doc . He felt the employer could easily get the information from the Air Force since they are both civil
0122anc.doc not get along with Mr. Hamm. After working about six months, Mr. Hamm was made the acting security
0126anc.doc determination. Mr. Leonard shares his postal box with his sister. Sometimes, she gets his mail by mistake
0132fbx.doc for the parts needed. The apartments also had no hot water. Mr. Foltz was able to get the water heater working
0134cjnu.doc ’ breath. He also noticed that Mr. Weiss’ eyes were bloodshot. He told Mr. Weiss that he must get a drug
0134jnu.doc ’ breath. He also noticed that Mr. Weiss’ eyes were bloodshot. He told Mr. Weiss that he must get a drug
0146anc.doc back to work. Ms. Wells either did not get the message or chose not to return to work. On January 3
0149jnu.doc of additional work that seem inequitable to the employee who gets the additional work. It is the prerogative
0159anc.doc , Anchorage. She had no difficulties receiving her checks in 1993 but noticed she was not getting them in 1994
0160anc.doc . The trouble caused delays for FSD employees getting their jobs done. As a result, the men on the trench crew
0169ranc.doc on February 5, 2001 and had trouble getting my mail to me. During a March 1, 2001 telephone conversation, Mr
0179jnu.doc , with no notice, had decided to quit his job because he was not getting the pay he felt he should. His wife going
0180jnu.doc not have money for a vehicle. He usually walked five minutes to get to work. Bus service was also available
0182anc.doc . Mr. Fox felt he did not need to ask permission to use the restroom or to get a drink of water. He
0191anc.doc , pinched, and bruised Ms. Hartsock when trying to get Ms. Hartsock’s attention. When Ms. Hartsock
0192anc.doc . He indicated he could not get to work. Mr. Schug opted to quit because he would be eligible
0196jnu.doc expenses. He sometimes borrowed money for gas to get to work. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.379 provides
0227.doc that the employer would do its best to get her back to six and one-half or seven hours per day. She returned to work
0234fbx.doc her employment. She only wanted to cut back on her hours in order to get over her illness. Ms. Zito
0239anc.doc , rent-free. His uncle agreed to help Mr. Birchfield out until he earned enough money to get his own
0243ANC.doc it started to get busy, he found it difficult to do all the jobs. When it did get busy, Mr. Soeth could call
0265jnu.doc not have a temper, and that, if he starts getting mad or frustrated, he takes a break. He has never lost
0269anc.doc supervisor, Mr. Morris, decided it would be effective January 18, 2001. Ms. Epling did not get along
0272anc.doc the two get along. PROVISIONS OF LAW AS 23.20.379 provides in part: (a) An insured worker
0285jnu.doc frequently to get the attention of staff. When they arrived in his room, he performed obscene gestures
0296anc.doc their own company. Mr. Pedersen felt that they would have a good chance of getting the contract and would
0305.doc on the employer’s report, it is properly left to investigators within the division to get that information. Once
0309fbk.doc to one employee about having to get prescription medication from Wasilla or Eagle River. Ms. Johnston
0315anc.doc limit further. The man told him, "Wait until it gets dark, I will shoot you." Mr. Cooper contacted
0325anc.doc of the day. Mr. Wagner screamed at workers to get their attention, especially since he was generally some
0338jnu.doc were not getting into any legal trouble, although the 16 year-old girl was having difficulties
0368jnu.doc did not agree with the reduction, indicating she could not get her work done. She also stated that he

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