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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

98-0071.doc to the effect that if he was in Employee's condition, he would get out of mining and into something lighter
98-0072.doc for injured workers to be able to get representation. We are aware of the limited number of attorneys
98-0073.doc had to pay an extra charge because he flew home so quickly, and could not get the discount
98-0074.doc leg condition. The CC adjuster told him to get an attorney and ask for a board hearing so he could
98-0091.doc get. And I was taking inventory where I had to hold a clipboard and I was going -- I was thinking
98-0092.doc periods of time when he was exposed to the elements. He also testified that he rarely, if ever, gets
98-0093.doc " getting into light duty work. Employee said his conversation with Dr. Peterson occurred while he
98-0095.doc a number of discussions with the insurer's staff to attempt to get them to change this policy
98-0096.doc getting scarred up, and it's such a dirty place. They didn't wear rubber gloves or surgical gloves when
98-0104.doc impairment rating. She felt like she didn't get enough in the rating. Q: And did you offer to refer her
98-0107.doc gathering Mr. Lipman's job history and getting his physician to approve his former jobs, we believe she has
98-0109.doc coworkers supported him, one on each side, and took him to get cleaned up. Employee testified he went
98-0123.doc . We have no reason to believe he has not been diligent in getting his evidence together for hearing
98-0140.doc (Alaska 1994), in which the court held that a heart attack occurring while an employee was getting dressed
98-0145.doc that rehabilitation in this case is "designed to get the employee a six-dollar-per-hour job. The employer contends
98-0150.doc the releases, Employee would give Defendants the right to get information from the Social Security
98-0166.doc family physician after she fell at home, for the purpose of getting his medical advise. Then on the ER
98-0181.doc interviewed for a job as a sprinkler fitter salesman, but "did not get the job..." and "therefore, he is still
98-0189.doc continued to keep him off of work? A. At this point in his care, he seemed to be progressively getting
98-0191.doc . Dr. Stewart advised Employee to take time off from work to get away from the fumes. On October 2
98-0200.doc to numerous addresses the employee provided us with in an attempt to get notice on the uninsured employer
98-0202.doc that "back has been sore for quite sometime getting worse." The report does not reflect any mention
98-0207.doc it gave him a chance to get out of Healy, where he worked for Larry Healy Service station during the week
98-0209.doc for filing the application was "to get a board hearing to express complaints and concerns." Also
98-0224.doc the left knee felt bruised and was getting worse. In fact, the left knee got worse fast. About two weeks
98-0225.doc in Adak, he testified, his wrists were swollen and getting progressively worse. By September 20, both
98-0226.doc omitted). "He is the 'odd lot' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely
98-0229.doc gets it, is likely to be casual and intermittent. . . . Rebuff, if suffered, might reasonably
98-0234.doc a new one. I recently discovered her fraud when getting a copy of my WC file. 2. I
98-0237.doc at multiple spots. And he has areas of the heart muscle which are not getting sufficient blood supply. And I
98-0245.doc how she is going to proceed getting any money. Upon initial deliberation, we were divided
98-0248.doc pre-retirement, get settled vacation . . . because of her excellent work record, I asked the Home
98-0251.doc to "twist Kralick's arm to get him to see [Employee] because of past interactions with the family." (See
98-0252.doc getting any oxygen." After Employee crawled out into the boiler room, she lay on the concrete floor
98-0253.doc testified that during these travels she helped the employee get up from chairs, tie his shoes, carry his
98-0256.doc would never be able to get representation. Croft asserts the claimant's bar in Alaska is already
98-0259.doc asked adjuster, Jackey Zamber, if I could get the State of Alaska to buy me a new truck because mine has
98-0263.doc not been employed since. He testified his physical condition has persisted, not getting better or worse
98-0265.doc at that time, Employee testified: We had to dig the ditch and then make sure, you know, get all the big
98-0270.doc of time it would take to get into the municipal building. The employee testified that after he cut
98-0280.doc cooperative in helping us to get new job descriptions. . . . [Employee] comes to work dressed appropriately
98-0282.doc items up to 100 pounds. Although this counselor was not able to get a doctor to respond to these job
98-0283.doc of an SIME dispute at this time and he did not get a copy of the EIME report . . . and he would not agree
98-0286.doc for employers and insurers to get notice of the amount of PPI benefits to which an injured employee is entitled
98-0292.doc a prescription for a week. Stay off work and get some bed rest. That next Monday, I believe it was, I had
98-0294.doc day when he was required to get a Hepatitis-A virus injection for his work. He states that he cannot
98-0297.doc ; the medical record indicates an MRI was appropriate; and the employee testified getting the MRI in Las Vegas
98-0298.doc on the ice as he attempted to get out of his auto to inspect a wrecked vehicle. He testified the physicians
98-0300.doc to get it fixed . . . also other injuries from 11/97 trauma." (Id.). On cross-examination, Employee
98-0303.doc , Employee would have given Employer the right to get information from the Social Security Administration
98-0309.doc have been told that your attorney has asked you to get a written referral to another orthopedic surgeon
98-0315.doc omitted). "He is the 'odd lot' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely
99-0001.doc was an assistant bartender who took a 30-minute dinner break from his shift to get something to eat. During his
99-0006.doc testified that eliminating Employee's use of narcotic medication, and getting him appropriate psycho-therapy
99-0021.doc incident, [Smith Depo. at 14-15.] Dr. Smith testified that it is possible to get degenerative disc disease
99-0034.doc holding additional hearings. The purpose of these hearings is to get stalled cases moving by giving
99-0037.doc get a job." Although the employee denies that she is medically stable, she aknowledged her condition
99-0041.doc to the instant case; over-litigation of reemployment benefits and delays in getting eligible employees
99-0042.doc the substantial, continual delays in getting the employee into a reemployment benefits plan. At the December 2
99-0043.DOC [Hildebrand] had told him he was trying to get me released but was scratching his head trying to figure out
99-0044.doc summary within five days after getting an additional medical report. A copy of the medical summary form
99-0045.doc to get off or use the emergency rope to exit the crane platform. . . Ann at this time decided to use
99-0055.doc , no-nonsense male subjects, can get caught up in rapidly escalating hysteria with all manner of dramatic
99-0056.doc the third time he felt pain in his back. Employee testified he could not get out of bed the next day
99-0059.doc of food I did mention to my boss. I mentioned that we were having problems, that we were getting canned
99-0060.doc . . . Employee testified he received $6,000 after signing the C&R, and stated he believed this money "was to get
99-0068.doc fall with Lynch. Employee testified Lynch said he could not get the workers' compensation forms
99-0075.doc in this recumbent posture, specific direction is necessary to get discovery moving and the case advancing
99-0077.doc would not get future work, particularly work in the diving industry. The employee testified his
99-0080.doc to get notice of the amount of PPI benefits to which an injured employee is entitled. The employer
99-0082.doc to get notice of the amount of PPI benefits to which an injured employee is entitled. The employer
99-0084.doc Clinic. I could not get there as often as needed because of the fact that I could not walk without pain
99-0087.doc to Anchorage? Dave wants me to get supplies." She testified she replied "Okay. Fine. Let's go" According
99-0088.doc is the 'odd lot' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual
99-0090.doc , and indicated he would shortly get a work release. He believed the employee could work with his pre-existing
99-0091.doc report, the doctors stated: "The panel believes it is time for Mr. Anderson to get back to work, and we
99-0093.doc of psychologic pain behavior too and anxiety disorder," and he emphasized his goal was to aid Employee in getting
99-0101.doc and he often only gets two or three hours at a time and will then toss and turn for the rest of the night
99-0110.doc of meetings she has been getting increasingly involved with pain complaints. She seems to be less focused
99-0114.doc .' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual and intermittent. . . . Rebuff, if suffered, might
99-0134.doc programming to get a very close calculation but it still would not meet svp for computer programmer
99-0137.doc ) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award showing the (A) employee
99-0142.doc , or there was something in Employee's environment which prevented her from getting well. Dr. Buscher testified he
99-0143.doc to get moving, but we have to realize that he major reason he is so disabled is a psychological one
99-0153.doc compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security Administration's award
99-0164.doc back pain getting worse. On March 12, 1997, he advised his supervisor of increased back pain, filed
99-0191.DOC , in which she believed the road was not getting proper compaction. She also testified Mr. White
99-0200.DOC debilitated that she could not get into, or out of, their car unassisted, and he had to support all her weight
99-0201.DOC the employee’s concerns that she can not get by with only five or six hours of pay valid. We question whether
99-0204.DOC see Dr. Kralick, because he as a physician knew how difficult it was to get in to see Dempsey
99-0210.DOC home or getting clean toilet facilities at work, provided substantial evidence, rebutting
99-0212.DOC permits Mr. Kirsch to get this training outside the compensation system, but does not leave the employee
99-0217.doc . The employee left work to get a sandwich in town. He and a friend, Larry Durst, took a company vehicle
99-0220.doc me that I would get paid? At the June 2, 1998 prehearing, the parties stipulated to a second
99-0221.doc is that you get a loss of water content of the disk with subsequent narrowing of the disk space. You increase
99-0222.doc provides a mechanism for employers and insurers to get notice of the whole-person, percentage, permanent
99-0226.doc treatment that I believe would be of any value would be a reconditioning program to get him back in the work
99-0227.doc and shoulder. She went to the Providence Hospital emergency room, where the physician referred her to get
99-0230.doc testified she fell and injured her back while getting out of her truck at the Key Bank on November 2, 1998
99-0233.doc raised some flags but told me that we might get on before 11:00 a.m. to be ready to go, but, in any case

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