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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

00-0075.doc , a slowly declining straight line, probably getting perhaps slowly worse with time or remaining stable
00-0076.doc scenic drive and a quick way to “get out of town.” He testified that very few people worked on Saturday
00-0080.doc . The board takes the position that I had time to get relief from the court, however, I just did get released
00-0092.doc ) to develop problems with his feet, and has been getting rather frequent and severe infections
00-0093.doc . There was considerable delay in getting the cervical fusion while the employee was under the care of Dr. Gundelfinger
00-0094.doc that her symptoms were persisting, but that she has been able to get some free medicine samples from
00-0100.doc and probably get her a better construct because we will not have to destroy the posterior element to do
00-0103.doc seemed to get the job done.” (Silva’s Hearing Testimony). He testified the employee started complaining
00-0115.doc “to get into trouble.” In any case, Dr. Wyatt did not complete the EIME with the employee that day
00-0118.doc that if "her electrodiagnostics are positive for cervical disc disease we may, in fact, want to get a cervical
00-0119.doc . Convery did not know whether or not periodically getting in and out of a truck or putting tension
00-0122.doc not be able to get a report issued by the hearing date, nor would he be able testify at a July 27, 2000
00-0126.doc or instruction on how to proceed with getting the building up to code. (Kershaw dep. at 20). The employee began
00-0132.doc . The employee returned to Dr. Gieringer on December 4, 1998 and complained that her neck pain was getting worse
00-0134.doc made arrangements, I think, in `91 after getting the doctor's report that I commented from to get him
00-0138.doc reflects she was getting treatment continuously for her injury, and the preponderance of the evidence
00-0147.doc interscapular area. At that point me, Dr. James saw her last and was assisting her with trying to get coverage
00-0149.doc opinion at a university affiliated center, in order to get the best result for this frustrating process
00-0153.doc became difficult to get in touch with in May of 1999 because of employee’s travels. *** After
00-0163.doc be the maximum time that he could expect to get recovery, which is within three to six months from now, to go
00-0165.doc subpoena me, get me in court.” He testified that Ms. Hulsey asked him and some fellow workers to help
00-0172.doc he received from the employee’s passengers. He testified that Mr. Rucker inquired what he did to get
00-0193.doc since he did not know from year to year whether he would get work. He testified that if he had elected
00-0195.doc not get relief from anit-inflammatories or muscle relaxants. Dr. Ferris further stated the employee could
00-0197.doc Foreman for the District, who instructed him to get a release from Dr. Voke, before he would be allowed
00-0204.doc the employee did get worse after the 1981 injury. (Id. at 47). Dr. Voke testified the employee should never
00-0206.doc sway local physicians, so he had not attempted to change his treating physician to get a referral
00-0207.doc MRI studies and recommended a work hardening program to get the employee back to work. An MRI
00-0210.doc began (sic) to develop problems with his feet, and has been getting rather frequent and severe
00-0212.doc had hoped that his time away from work would allow his condition to get better. He believed additional
00-0214.doc needed to get medical attention. He testified the employee wore wrist splints on her hands at night
00-0216.doc . And when soft tissue gets inflamed, the suffix “itis” is added to the term, meaning inflammation, pain
00-0220.doc strain thinking that he can get back to work doing 20-30 lb lifting at this point." The employee
00-0221.doc and it is hard to get help without insurance. So please take this into consideration win (sic) you decide what
00-0223.doc that the insurance adjusters and attorneys for the employer prevented him from getting a fair medical assessment
00-0225.doc : (a) An employer may reduce an employee’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(a) by (1) getting a copy
00-0226.doc need to get a prediction in the future, when Dr. Lipke could make it. The employee testified
00-0237.doc attending physician and getting his medical benefits restarted. The employer asserts that the decision
00-0248.doc testified the employer would not get paid if certain MDS forms were not completed in a timely manner. Thus
00-0251.doc injured his back while trying to get his semi-truck unstuck on October 12, 1999. At the time of his
00-0254.doc ’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
00-0259.doc extension of the wrist. He also feels as though there might be something in the joint as he gets deep pain
00-0263.doc to get well and return to a productive life. Dr. Schultz indicated that EMDR may be helpful
02-0002.doc : At age 57, you are in the right age group to get shingles. Despite what you have heard, shingles
02-0003.doc of the neck, so I really could not get a good range of motion. He also had a very, very dramatic soreness
02-0004.doc . At this point I am getting her set up for repeat MRI and electrodiagnostic study based on the increasing
02-0008.doc of positions he has to get in and depending on how much sitting or standing is required, he might need some
02-0016.doc to say that he would be late arriving to work. He also testified he recalls getting a Report
02-0018.doc is a 31-year-old male who was at work. He apparently works for Federal Express. He was getting off of some
02-0020.doc month. In his deposition, the employee testified he purchased the house after getting statements from
02-0035.doc get a used automobile for his transportation for work and school activities, but the rest of the money
02-0037.doc an updated medical summary form within five days after getting an additional medical report. A copy
02-0040.doc the SIME process get started, and that the process general takes at least several weeks, if not months
02-0042.doc back problems but nothing really significant until Saturday when he couldn’t get out of bed with back
02-0051.doc , and that he get off the substance abuse problem, and that would help him as much as anything. The last entry
02-0052.doc ’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy of the Social Security
02-0054.doc to get the employee into trouble. He claimed reimbursement by the employer for unpaid rent from one
02-0056.doc for two years. As a result, she was forced to file for bankruptcy and move to Anchorage to get away from
02-0066.doc ) An employer may reduce an employee’s weekly compensation under AS 23.30.225(b) by (1) getting a copy
02-0067.doc , and I should get a copy of it immediately, and this is all after the fact, so I don’t know where we’re
02-0070.doc to get worse. In fact Mr. Bacher reported constant lower back and hip pain, especially at night
02-0074.doc get really bad until I was promoted in 1989. Lt. Forneris harassed me for four yours even though I
02-0076.doc and that I would have to get an attorney, then she would fax both documents to that attorney. 1 was told
02-0079.doc he wanted to get the best deal for his client. By doing so, he avoided the risk of losing the case
02-0081.doc control, he considered whether he should stop and let her out along the roadway, or try to get her
02-0090.doc the only way you will get medical is to sign a C & R because with the evidence we have on you the board
02-0091.doc of settlement offered to him by the employer was “all he was going to get” anyway. The employee admitted he
02-0094.doc stated would go to the Native hospital to get a x-ray because it was free. If Anthony would have stated
02-0095.doc supervisor, but continued working. The employee’s back pain continued to get worse, and on December 16, 2000
02-0096.doc , 2002. We determined the employee’s attorney compromised his fees because he wanted to get the best
02-0099.doc ' attorneys had been driven out of business, and told him that if he did not sign the C&R he would not get
02-0101.doc was bilateral knee pain, which had been “getting a lot worse since January.” The employee claimed that his
02-0104.doc . Lehman’s January 10, 2001 report states: “[the employee] wishes to get retraining for new employment
02-0110.doc for injured workers, and how the employer tries to accommodate an injured employee’s work restrictions to get
02-0112.doc here?” There’s got to be an end to this somewhere. Either you get fixed or we figure out some other
02-0113.doc the employee’s groin symptoms, Dr. Bell recommended the employee get another opinion from a surgeon who
02-0114.doc this time, Ms. Bishop said her knee continued to get worse. Finally, in August she filed a notice of injury
02-0120.doc ’ compensation adjuster to get an evaluation in Anchorage with pain clinic. Has seen Dr. Joosse, consideration
02-0122.doc of positions he has to get in and depending on how much sitting or standing is required, he might need some
02-0123.doc a bicycle that was parked and when I bent my knees my right knee made a loud pop and I couldn’t get up right
02-0128.doc the Board to get the treatment approved. She testified that because the C&R resolved all of the issues from
02-0131.doc ’ compensation adjuster to get an evaluation in Anchorage with pain clinic. Has seen Dr. Joosse, consideration
02-0153.doc also told Dr. Hadley that he had difficulty getting in and out of his vehicle and described his
02-0165.doc get spontaneous breast infections without hematomas. And you can get mastitis. So that occurs
02-0169.doc get a second opinion concerning his impairment rating, when it required him to sign the C&R to obtain
02-0176.doc physician to obtain narcotics. He also admitted that he was getting double prescriptions of medications from
02-0177.doc and reemployment stipend through June, 2000. The employee argued that he cannot get work in the electronics
02-0184.doc about her fall, and then left to get medical care for her back. The employee stated she submitted her
02-0186.doc to Dr. Eneboe “very depressed, very angry, really kind of lashing out and feeling like he’s not getting
02-0187.doc , Dr. Sawyer further explained: Well, I was trying to get her to move it every which way. I think we
02-0200.doc representative, told the employee to “wait for them to get in touch with you . . . you have to wait for them
02-0205.doc and his right hand, and then with his right foot in order to get the truck door open. The employee
02-0211.doc - and after that, he couldn’t even get out of bed.” (Id.) Mr. Kingston continued at 9 - 10: A. And to me
02-0212.doc was Saltery Cove Ranch Lodge (“SCRL”). The employee and Mr. Dorman were in the process of getting SCRL up
02-0217.doc is very busy, and difficult to get into. He only wished to insure the employee could get an appointment
02-0225.doc the lower part of her spine was twisted a little bit, and that his goal was to get it turned back properly
02-0230.doc and Dr. Hadley. She testified she was unable to get an appointment with Dr. Hadley, so she went to see
02-0233.doc with such a program. He will likely just try to get these medications from his friends and through the Veterans
02-0234.doc continued to get worse after he quit his job with the employer, his employment could not be a continuing

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