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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

88-0303.doc the means to get to -2- Eddie Ray Nutter V. House of Tires, Inc. the site of his present work evaluation
88-0305.doc get his automobile repaired. The defendants are asking that the employee be reimbursed for travel
88-0307.doc 5, 1986 Dr. Geiringer reported that Employee's right foot was "getting along fairly well." (Dr
88-0309.doc status but he will get there must quicker if he is treated appropriately." (Horton February 11, 1987
88-0312.doc on the written documents of record. 8 AAC 45.070. In view of the parties' eagerness to get to a hearing
88-0314.doc V. Gravett V. Perfect Construction Employee also continued to get two to three treatments per week
88-0315.doc . ISSUE Does the partial compromise and release bar Petitioners from getting an offset of social security
88-0317.doc be performed. Employee was released from the hospital on January 25, 19 84 . He continued to get treatment
88-0319.doc as well as degenerative changes. Dr. Haldeman also stated, Mr. Clark gets only temporary relief from
88-0321.doc consider getting into a sedentary occupation; 5) Obermiller suffered a work-related left hip injury
88-0329.doc , but Employee did not get medical attention and instead limped around Costa Inqa v. Municipality of Anchorage
88-0341.doc with Defendants because it is better for Employee to get some money than none at all.4 For his part, Employee
88-0346.doc . Hamm had the employee get up and walk around the room. A urinalysis requested by Dr. Hamm tested
88-0348.doc the season was -- we were late getting started. Q Did-you get time-and-a-half over eight? A Yeah, uh-huh
88-0351.doc legislators who represented the region, and after sending three letters of inquiry to the city and getting
88-0354.doc and to get back to the Officer. The employer failed to recontact the Officer. On September 21, 1988
88-0357.doc injury, in an effort to get off John Williams V. CJM Construction workers
88-0362.doc myalgia is a result of personalities. People with certain types of personalities get this whether they're
88-0365.doc the employee specifically denies). At hearing Employee testified she did not get headaches before her
88-0370.doc for ease and favor. He is the "odd lot" man, the "nondescript in the labor market." Work, if he gets
88-0372.doc was the main disability. Dr. Shanks also stated that Employee was getting increased motion in his ankle
88-0373.doc that Lt. Foster said to "get rid of him if you like your job here. Employee alleged that she was "very
89-0001.doc her education, aptitude and experience, and would get her back to a job as soon as possible that would
89-0005.doc . Why? A. Well, Mr. Woods needs to learn how to get on with his life, and he needs to get out
89-0006.doc forms, but could not get him to complete the forms or send adequate documentation. The employer
89-0011.doc to "get out of the pressure. He couldn't stand being alone there. His wife was working, he was home all
89-0023.doc to get involved in battles with other people. This behavior was demonstrated frequently while she
89-0049.doc through checker greater and get down and cause a explosive -- explosion within the building. Mainly it's
89-0052.doc and cut it and apply it around the pipe or cushion to get up as close to your work as you can, because
89-0055.doc to vocational exploration and does not feel he wants to get into diesel mechanics. Goode acknowledged that he
89-0057.doc for him to travel to Huntington Beach and get this surgery even though three orthopedic specialists
89-0059.doc to the employer and getting no response. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AS 23.30.075 provides, in part
89-0063.doc at 2). Accordingly, Jacobsen initially tried to use Employee's transferrable skills to get her other
89-0064.doc and you get through them as fast as you can. You write "no". Henry -- they knew I had been hurt. Q Okay
89-0065.doc injurious exposure. Because of this, he argues he should get TTD benefits and medical expenses from August
89-0067.doc many circumstances on a limited light duty, But eventually they do get back to full duty and they do so
89-0074.doc testified he wants to "work into it gradually" and get in shape. He also indicated Oregon log truck drivers
89-0075.doc to get him back to work for them in a sedentary light-duty capacity as soon as possible. On October 13
89-0084.doc for work during the spring and summer of 1987, but swam a lot in a local river to get her back in shape
89-0087.doc unlikely that he could get back to work where he would potentially strain his back again." (Garnett August
89-0089.doc is that the delay created by getting approval of the C&R and the nonwaiver of workers' compensation liability would
89-0094.doc without getting an independent review based on more accurate information about Employee's history
89-0096.doc , but "[w]hen I have to get another job with another company, nobody would take me because of my back
89-0098.doc he requires help to get up to the standing position. (Dr. Gieringer chart noes dated 7/7/86
89-0101.doc days until I felt like I could get around the house decent again." (Employee dep. II, p. 14
89-0110.doc his knee gets. Again, I do not feel he will reach medical stability at least until 3/89
89-0120.doc pox. (At her age, getting chicken pox could cause her serious illness). In her Application
89-0121.doc ($9,945.55) by 50 to get gross weekly earnings (GWE) of $198.91 which results in the above TTD rate
89-0124.doc five or six times each year, and each time he drank to get drunk. (Id. at 22). He would get together
89-0127.doc not yet been able to get comprehensive and definitive evidence concerning the possible role of stress
89-0135.doc working as he is doing now and getting by with Feldene. I don't think he is at risk for any serious
89-0140.doc periods in 1983 while receiving TTD benefits. When her attempts to get Employee's payroll records were
89-0142.doc gradually get better, but it's not going to get better if you keep on doing the same work and that's
89-0150.doc was free to choose her own means of arriving at work and the route to get her there. We find she
89-0153.doc the Reemployment Benefits Administrator abused his discretion. In this case, it is clear that Linder did not get
89-0162.doc like to get going on the physical therapy program to try and alleviate her pain. (Dr. James report
89-0165.doc event, Employee and Troutman discussed his getting another opinion on his back condition. Troutman
89-0166.doc not give him a copy of his C&R (Id. at 13) , and that he didn't get to read it until his present attorney
89-0175.doc which was divided by 100 to get gross weekly earnings (GWE) of $80. Petitioners paid this weekly amount
89-0176.doc , etc., which he feels is quite strenuous to his knee. At any rate, I think that if he can get
89-0178.doc emergency room treatment costs for back and leg spasms on a weekend when he could not get a prescription
89-0187.doc to get an application filed with our division. We believe this amended portion of subsection 155(d
89-0196.doc , 1984 the employee injured her back when she slipped and fell when getting off a bus at her place
89-0208.doc minutes after the reporter's departure no matter how long he stayed. We believe the court will likely get
89-0216.doc was getting pretty bad by this point." (Hinrichs Dep. p. 77). The next day, November 1, 1988, he saw Dr
89-0226.doc when the weather starts getting bad, he is trying to work himself into a full-time position with Carr
89-0243.doc accident. That is, they request that we divide Respondent's 1989 earnings ($707.44) by six weeks to get GWE
89-0250.doc think much of it until the following morning when I tried to get out of bed." (Id. at 23) . Although he
89-0251.doc to him. He then waited for Defendants' response to his claim. He did not get a response, and he retained
89-0255.doc . In approximately December 1986 she began getting treatment for problems with her hands and wrists. she was examined
89-0256.doc that Employee get treatment from an orthopedic surgeon. According to Dr. Throckmorton, his total medical bill
89-0257.doc of the original EMG, but perhaps I am missing the F wave data. I would have been more aggressive with getting
89-0259.doc package saying," OK, let's get rid of the Human Rights problem so Employer can avoid paying attorney's
89-0273.doc the employee “may get better, maybe not." (Id. at 26). He stated he had no opinion concerning the likelihood
89-0279.doc , and he reported that it was impossible for him to get Guinyard to come to grips with the chronic pain
89-0281.doc : She has been told by (Employer) that they have no such thing as light duty and they want her to get
89-0282.doc the worst. That maybe you would get a job, somebody would hire you, but we all know better than that. (Id
89-0284.doc can get better or worse." (Id. at 31). Dr. Wichman testified that Employee's complaints had persisted
89-0292.doc right side. A medic gave him first aid, and he was sent to Anchorage to get further medical treatment
89-0294.doc functions that are provided for in the AMA Guides and to accept the rating one gets under the AMA Guides
89-0301.doc ), she could not move her neck. She then decided to get treatment from Kenneth Ketz, D.C., an Anchorage
89-0312.doc of [their] lack of financial assets." (AS 23.30.045(d) (emphasis added). Employee admitted he has been able to get
89-0313.doc they get their outstanding litigation issues settled, I do not believe she will make any progress
89-0315.doc outside of Soldotna only to get counseling from Paul Turner, Ph.D., in Kenai. He stated that when he made
89-0319.doc disability pay and projected to be fully well in several months, it would be best to let her get better
89-0325.doc one treatment in the seventh week and two treatments during the eighth week. Employee continued to get
89-0327.doc she gets the C&R if it is approved by the Alaska Workers' Compensation Board (Board), she checks
89-0330.doc of exercise to strengthen her shoulder and get her back into the work force." In May 1987 Employee saw Monty
89-0334.doc and, because the telephone had no shoulder-rest, it did not get caught in her hair and earring. Sollee's
89-0337.doc by telephone. Further, the attorneys stated they did not believe Employee's contention that he did riot get
89-0339.doc , the employees were working 12 hours a day, seven days per week. (Id. at 13). Simpson testified it is getting
89-0340.doc ready to get on with my life and quit spinning my wheels. There's a lot I can do and I want to get
90-0002.doc , brought on by my partial disability and by much frustration over not being able to get this matter settled
90-0008.doc . She was next injured in March 1977 while getting out of a chair. She was initially treated
90-0013.doc and paralegal Peter Stepovich. Defendants were represented by attorney Elise Rose. Before we could get started
90-0019.doc Employee. Employee stated Employer claimed the discharge occurred because he couldn't get along
90-0021.doc or couched any questions to get that answer." (Id. at 112). FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW
90-0024.doc therapy Employee continued to get at the Alaska Club was curative and not palliative, and was medically
90-0029.doc that he believes if he did not get chiropractic treatment, he would not be able to work. After his
90-0042.doc as to her intentions." (Id. at 1). Saltzman concluded that he looked forward to getting either a completed

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