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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

96-0459.doc back to the access ladder for Ann to get off or use the emergency rope to exit the crane platform
96-0460.doc to the insurer for payment. IF YOU DO NOT KEEP RECEIPTS, YOU MAY NOT GET REPAID." (Pamphlet at 5.) Under
96-0464.doc testified, however, that if a more qualified applicant was available, she would get the job. Accordingly
96-0465.doc . McCarn also testified, however, that if a more qualified applicant was available, she would get the job
96-0468.doc could get his results to the psychiatrist, Dr. Rothrock in Fairbanks, in a timely manner so that Mr
96-0471.doc . This is all you get. So that point is specifically made to them. Q: Okay. Do you also require
96-0472.doc the call I was in the ambulance bay, helping F/F Naber get the ambulance back in service. PM McMillin
97-0006.doc represents he will go to an IME if he receives ten days written notice and he gets back pay
97-0009.doc but was able to get up on his own and finished his shift, and in fact he worked another ten days. (Dinneen
97-0013.doc can not issue the waiver until we get a copy of the By-laws - as stated in #3 above. As soon as we
97-0015.doc , but I -- I worked through the day. And that night I went in and went to bed, I didn't get but an hour
97-0030.doc gets into various positions to ease the pressure and pain. (Id. at 41.) At hearing, Ms. Van Der Pol
97-0031.doc pounds frequently . . . no climbing or balancing, reaching on shelves to get shoulder-level items
97-0041.doc on it. Patient states problem went away and returned one year ago. It's been getting worse
97-0042.doc that in March 1991, she started getting a red itchy rash all over her body. She testified the associated bumps
97-0043.doc of Compassion. Dr. Bierne testified that the employee continued to get the skin condition after she stopped
97-0046.doc "to get up and my back popped and I went down." (Id. at 24.) This incident is the basis of Employee's
97-0047.doc offices in an attempt to get the paperwork for workers' compensation claim in order. She further
97-0051.doc testified he did not know it was a reemployment plan, but thought it was to get him enrolled in classes. He
97-0054.doc frustration with the workers' compensation system and not getting a determination on which employer, if any
97-0062.doc the full social security entitlement but gets a reduced workers' compensation amount when the combined
97-0071.doc in the face. Employee went to get help, and Callahan was escorted by staff members through the kitchen
97-0072.doc had worsened to a level 7 and by the end of the work day was "getting close to 10. (Id. II at 23
97-0073.doc . In Green, 816 P.2d at 1368, the court stated: Without getting into a metaphysical argument as to whether
97-0076.doc , then said he had to get his inhaler, got up, went to the bathroom, and keeled over. On June 26, 1993
97-0087.doc overall back pain. He gets some relief at times from sitting and lying on his back. Almost everything
97-0089.doc , clean and go shopping. He is able to drive, pay bills and visit others. He indicated that he gets along
97-0096.doc right hand, and a food bag which I had in my left hand. And the only way it looked like to get back
97-0098.doc associated with getting the patient in and out of the office. In these circumstances only, the full value
97-0100.doc department has separate and distinct overhead costs associated with getting the patient in and out
97-0105.doc to this. Frankly our intent behind obtaining a fresh medical release from Mr. Gertlar was so that we could get
97-0107.doc for training. Ms. Jacobson felt she did not get any support from the employee. Mr. Keyes also advised
97-0115.doc that the hearing be held in Fairbanks because "[I]t is very difficult for me to get to Anchorage." At hearing
97-0117.doc , that he agrees with Dr. Voke, and that as usual, the condition will continue to get worse with age. He
97-0118.doc questions you might have concerning Mr. Merchant. Employee testified he wrote to Dr. Dean to get
97-0123.doc that he did not experience any pain or symptoms throughout the day. The employee stated he did "[get
97-0126.doc about getting re-employed, possibly with Carrs or elsewhere in the way that will be less demanding
97-0129.doc medical care as follows: 5. Get treatment from one licensed doctor. Give the doctor your employer's
97-0132.doc , if her employer would work with her a little bit more, perhaps it would be easier to get her back
97-0133.doc employer was aware of my injury. . . . Please set a file up for me and send my information on how to get
97-0135.doc to get State employee's back to work as soon as possible. On the other hand, the interpretation offered
97-0136.doc were unable to get an earlier appointment because Dr. Hadley had a baby,and her schedule developed
97-0137.doc not in a long time, and she is trying to open her claim to get a permanent disability rating that is extensive
97-0144.doc that "he needed to get into another line of work." The employee stated Dr. Bringgold mentioned nothing
97-0147.doc . . . . If he could fix the hips, I think we could just forget the -- or go on and get a -- do away
97-0155.doc with us. It appears Employee did not get this information either. •There is an indication
97-0156.doc to me I will see that it gets filed. Please be as specific as possible as to the injury being alleged
97-0160.doc ' initial SSA entitlement. Petitioners may get the SSA information from the SSA by writing to the SSA
97-0163.doc to explain that he could not get cash for his check because it was over the $2,500 limit, Lampman's assistant
97-0168.doc where it was dangerous, we needed to make sure that we could get it corrected. (Swink Depo. at 3
97-0169.doc or the facts? B. If so, did that relieve Employee of the need to get Defendants' approval of his
97-0174.doc not want to get "blackballed" from diving. (Id. at 93). On April 4, 1995, the employee filed a Report
97-0179.doc by any employer because he couldn't get anything done. Regarding the issues on remand, Applicant argues
97-0180.doc (a penalty)? 9. Is Employee entitled to interest, transportation cost of $600 to get medical treatment
97-0192.doc the employee. Arlint asserted that since he worked the day shift, he could get the necessary funds from
97-0194.doc to ensure clmt gets this one." Ms. Bradley's assistant, Diana Main, testified that all stop payment
97-0199.doc gets a fuller reimbursement for actual damages sustained than is possible under the compensation system
97-0200.doc is the 'odd lot' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely to be casual
97-0201.doc based our decision, in part, on the fact Employee had almost a year to get another rating and because
97-0203.doc in getting her back to work. She testified that the employee was paid PPI benefits on February 26, 1996
97-0204.doc years old. As these vehicles get older they will require more maintenance. It was anticipated
97-0205.doc and more than one employer, although the two employers have the same insurer. Does one employer get
97-0206.doc if it affects your knee so much? A. Well, because I can't get another one. There's not that much work
97-0210.doc amount of time getting this claim into a posture for settlement, or failing that, a hearing. We now
97-0215.doc that it was hard to get out of bed. It was painful to use her back muscles and she couldn't get out of a chair
97-0216.doc and seemed to be getting worse as time went on along rather than better. His physical exam at that time
97-0218.doc ' Compensation Officer, Cathy Gaal. I understand I am not getting everything I want and I understand the State
97-0220.doc knee injuries, which might lead to uncovering further medical records. After getting more information
97-0221.doc that this was a frivolous controversion. Mr. Evert stated that he would work on getting those statements. 3. I am
97-0223.doc brother, because there's so many more people that have -- can get right in there and take over
97-0228.doc Regional Hospital which he paid and did not get reimbursed. We will retain jurisdiction over all medical
97-0229.doc of his and, if he has any dependents, his dependents' initial SSA entitlement. Petitioners may get
97-0230.doc that this is acceptable to me as long as he gets treatment initiated before he has complete atrophy of his shoulder
97-0236.doc to get these documents back to Heikes by 5-8-97; he will ask the EE if he has any objection to providing
97-0238.doc under his kneecap. It is fairly painful to him. It started spontaneously and has been getting worse
97-0240.doc hurt his right leg and hip. The witness also mentioned that the employee was able to get up but he had
97-0248.doc at the previous pre-hearings. I want to get this matter prepared for hearing and before the Board as soon
97-0253.doc they were unable to get him a ticket to leave that day, however. That night Blevins murdered two
97-0254.doc to get a truck driver's license, and he must be mentally competent or the license will be denied
97-0255.doc home" $112.000.00. On January 24, 1997, the employer and insurer withdrew their consent to get Board
97-0256.doc is swinging his arm at this side. He is always able to get it back in." On October 15, 1996, Dr. Gieringer
97-0258.doc explanations, not always, and that's an active area of research, why do some people get active tuberculosis
97-0259.doc , it gets moved around by air currents and when you have a lot of heat, as you do on a stove, you create
97-0260.doc excruciating to make it through a day shift, at which time I would go home, lay down, never get on my feet
97-0262.doc do not believe will happen until she is allowed to get on with another career. It is my opinion
97-0263.doc , and his knee, of course. Feel that this patient is not quite stable enough on that left leg and will get
97-0264.doc to get a flareup of the soreness in the low back and he took the next day off because of more intense low
98-0013.doc , documented on nerve conduction studies. . . . She is going to continue in therapy, get a home TENS unit
98-0016.doc . He needs about $6,000 to purchase tools, and needs additional money to get a business license
98-0018.doc to get a hearing while he is receiving ongoing medical care. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I
98-0021.doc in an attempt to lose weight and get into better shape. She feels that this may have also had some relationship
98-0031.doc that his claim was not compensable. I frequently told him that I was his adversary, and that he should get
98-0032.doc and has continued feelings that he is progressing and getting better with physical therapy, I would
98-0034.doc " day. Mr. McConahy stated that it was the ER position to get on with this claim, and after conferring
98-0041.doc concerned that she would not get a fair evaluation from Dr. Voke. She testified that she heard Dr. Voke
98-0042.doc would like to try a Rx of Ansaid. He will call us if he does not get better." Dr. Dresher wrote
98-0046.doc and tingling with a feeling of her lips getting big as well as her tongue. This occurs on and off
98-0060.doc of Readiness for hearing after refiling the petition and necessary evidence. Petitioners may get the SSA
98-0061.doc dependents' initial SSA entitlement. Petitioners may get the SSA information from the SSA by writing
98-0062.doc the copy of the report filed with us. It appears the employee did not get this information either

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