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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

96-0238.doc plaque. "Plaques rupture when they get enough lipid in there to burst it." Preston Dep. at 18-19. Dr
96-0247.doc regularly at the business but does not get paid by the hour or on a salary basis. Instead, she occasionally
96-0264.doc : The severity changed. [I]t would . . . get worse for a while, and then it'd kind of clear for a little bit
96-0270.doc to rehabilitate his quadriceps. They also need to work with him on getting him to assume a normal gait. I am
96-0280.doc would be to get the patient rated, and I think he should be referred for that, possibly back to Dr. Voke
96-0290.doc didn't see you getting relief from previous therapy with other doctors. 13. At the employer's request
96-0309.doc . She testified that she consulted a counselor yesterday, Kathleen Dinnes, and was urged to get
96-0312.doc , and Employee was unable "to get any answers" about his medical condition. She also testified Employee had been
96-0323.doc to his back pain. I have recommended he get an opinion from a rheumatologist regarding whether
96-0327.doc will depend on whether he will get better or not. Employee testified he hurt his foot when he stepped down
96-0343.doc of his body: lower back, neck, shoulders, arms, and chest. These all occur when he is at work and get
96-0344.doc physicians was in the process of getting an Alaska license to practice. He also argued that the board
96-0350.doc involving the arm and leg with the right hand getting weak and occasionally some numbness and tingling." Dr
96-0351.doc to crawl to get up onto his couch. The patient saw Dr. Linden DeGroot in Renton, Washington
96-0353.doc . Thus Employee did not get more, between April 1994 and the time he turned age 65, than the amount
96-0356.doc left the hearing room, on our own motion, we resumed the hearing and advised Employee he needed to get
96-0372.doc would not be paid by PECC for her efforts. (Ring dep. at 15). She testified further: Q. Did you get
96-0383.doc , and that Employee "shelves videos and needs to get up and down from top shelf to the floor, reaching overhead
96-0386.doc was not eligible for reemployment benefits. In addition, we find Mihayl did not get a full job description from
96-0389.doc . In the interim she may get an injection and this will at least temporarily make her better, or she can have
96-0390.doc such benefits if he had known he was not going to get the lump-sum payment. The employer continued making bi
96-0403.doc payments, and he should get a receipt from Employee when he makes a payment. To assure actual payment
96-0405.doc testimony the employee admitted to exaggerating symptoms and lying to her physicians in order to get
96-0409.doc injury as follows: She stated she was getting out of her husband's truck in the parking lot at work
96-0423.doc , and was off work for approximately two days. . . In September 1995, Mr. Sargent reports that while getting
96-0424.doc the series of ladders and the spiral staircase to get those parts. After retrieving the parts, Stephens
96-0428.doc did not get a detailed history of that incident in 1991; I believe it would have been. (Id. at 8
96-0436.doc safety bonus program to her. In that program, employees would get bonuses for a clean safety record
96-0437.doc slip and fall. Q. Okay. Mrs. Dudley, we were talking about the handrail. I was just trying to get
96-0445.doc Designee to get and rely only upon Dr. Fraser's prediction. See Moesh at 765. We find the RBA is free
96-0459.doc back to the access ladder for Ann to get off or use the emergency rope to exit the crane platform
96-0460.doc to the insurer for payment. IF YOU DO NOT KEEP RECEIPTS, YOU MAY NOT GET REPAID." (Pamphlet at 5.) Under
96-0464.doc testified, however, that if a more qualified applicant was available, she would get the job. Accordingly
96-0465.doc . McCarn also testified, however, that if a more qualified applicant was available, she would get the job
96-0468.doc could get his results to the psychiatrist, Dr. Rothrock in Fairbanks, in a timely manner so that Mr
96-0471.doc . This is all you get. So that point is specifically made to them. Q: Okay. Do you also require
96-0472.doc the call I was in the ambulance bay, helping F/F Naber get the ambulance back in service. PM McMillin
98-0013.doc , documented on nerve conduction studies. . . . She is going to continue in therapy, get a home TENS unit
98-0016.doc . He needs about $6,000 to purchase tools, and needs additional money to get a business license
98-0018.doc to get a hearing while he is receiving ongoing medical care. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I
98-0021.doc in an attempt to lose weight and get into better shape. She feels that this may have also had some relationship
98-0031.doc that his claim was not compensable. I frequently told him that I was his adversary, and that he should get
98-0032.doc and has continued feelings that he is progressing and getting better with physical therapy, I would
98-0034.doc " day. Mr. McConahy stated that it was the ER position to get on with this claim, and after conferring
98-0041.doc concerned that she would not get a fair evaluation from Dr. Voke. She testified that she heard Dr. Voke
98-0042.doc would like to try a Rx of Ansaid. He will call us if he does not get better." Dr. Dresher wrote
98-0046.doc and tingling with a feeling of her lips getting big as well as her tongue. This occurs on and off
98-0060.doc of Readiness for hearing after refiling the petition and necessary evidence. Petitioners may get the SSA
98-0061.doc dependents' initial SSA entitlement. Petitioners may get the SSA information from the SSA by writing
98-0062.doc the copy of the report filed with us. It appears the employee did not get this information either
98-0071.doc to the effect that if he was in Employee's condition, he would get out of mining and into something lighter
98-0072.doc for injured workers to be able to get representation. We are aware of the limited number of attorneys
98-0073.doc had to pay an extra charge because he flew home so quickly, and could not get the discount
98-0074.doc leg condition. The CC adjuster told him to get an attorney and ask for a board hearing so he could
98-0091.doc get. And I was taking inventory where I had to hold a clipboard and I was going -- I was thinking
98-0092.doc periods of time when he was exposed to the elements. He also testified that he rarely, if ever, gets
98-0093.doc " getting into light duty work. Employee said his conversation with Dr. Peterson occurred while he
98-0095.doc a number of discussions with the insurer's staff to attempt to get them to change this policy
98-0096.doc getting scarred up, and it's such a dirty place. They didn't wear rubber gloves or surgical gloves when
98-0104.doc impairment rating. She felt like she didn't get enough in the rating. Q: And did you offer to refer her
98-0107.doc gathering Mr. Lipman's job history and getting his physician to approve his former jobs, we believe she has
98-0109.doc coworkers supported him, one on each side, and took him to get cleaned up. Employee testified he went
98-0123.doc . We have no reason to believe he has not been diligent in getting his evidence together for hearing
98-0140.doc (Alaska 1994), in which the court held that a heart attack occurring while an employee was getting dressed
98-0145.doc that rehabilitation in this case is "designed to get the employee a six-dollar-per-hour job. The employer contends
98-0150.doc the releases, Employee would give Defendants the right to get information from the Social Security
98-0166.doc family physician after she fell at home, for the purpose of getting his medical advise. Then on the ER
98-0181.doc interviewed for a job as a sprinkler fitter salesman, but "did not get the job..." and "therefore, he is still
98-0189.doc continued to keep him off of work? A. At this point in his care, he seemed to be progressively getting
98-0191.doc . Dr. Stewart advised Employee to take time off from work to get away from the fumes. On October 2
98-0200.doc to numerous addresses the employee provided us with in an attempt to get notice on the uninsured employer
98-0202.doc that "back has been sore for quite sometime getting worse." The report does not reflect any mention
98-0207.doc it gave him a chance to get out of Healy, where he worked for Larry Healy Service station during the week
98-0209.doc for filing the application was "to get a board hearing to express complaints and concerns." Also
98-0224.doc the left knee felt bruised and was getting worse. In fact, the left knee got worse fast. About two weeks
98-0225.doc in Adak, he testified, his wrists were swollen and getting progressively worse. By September 20, both
98-0226.doc omitted). "He is the 'odd lot' man, the 'nondescript in the labor market.' Work if he gets it, is likely
98-0229.doc gets it, is likely to be casual and intermittent. . . . Rebuff, if suffered, might reasonably
98-0234.doc a new one. I recently discovered her fraud when getting a copy of my WC file. 2. I
98-0237.doc at multiple spots. And he has areas of the heart muscle which are not getting sufficient blood supply. And I
98-0245.doc how she is going to proceed getting any money. Upon initial deliberation, we were divided
98-0248.doc pre-retirement, get settled vacation . . . because of her excellent work record, I asked the Home
98-0251.doc to "twist Kralick's arm to get him to see [Employee] because of past interactions with the family." (See
98-0252.doc getting any oxygen." After Employee crawled out into the boiler room, she lay on the concrete floor
98-0253.doc testified that during these travels she helped the employee get up from chairs, tie his shoes, carry his
98-0256.doc would never be able to get representation. Croft asserts the claimant's bar in Alaska is already
98-0259.doc asked adjuster, Jackey Zamber, if I could get the State of Alaska to buy me a new truck because mine has
98-0263.doc not been employed since. He testified his physical condition has persisted, not getting better or worse
98-0265.doc at that time, Employee testified: We had to dig the ditch and then make sure, you know, get all the big
98-0270.doc of time it would take to get into the municipal building. The employee testified that after he cut
98-0280.doc cooperative in helping us to get new job descriptions. . . . [Employee] comes to work dressed appropriately
98-0282.doc items up to 100 pounds. Although this counselor was not able to get a doctor to respond to these job
98-0283.doc of an SIME dispute at this time and he did not get a copy of the EIME report . . . and he would not agree
98-0286.doc for employers and insurers to get notice of the amount of PPI benefits to which an injured employee is entitled
98-0292.doc a prescription for a week. Stay off work and get some bed rest. That next Monday, I believe it was, I had
98-0294.doc day when he was required to get a Hepatitis-A virus injection for his work. He states that he cannot
98-0297.doc ; the medical record indicates an MRI was appropriate; and the employee testified getting the MRI in Las Vegas
98-0298.doc on the ice as he attempted to get out of his auto to inspect a wrecked vehicle. He testified the physicians
98-0300.doc to get it fixed . . . also other injuries from 11/97 trauma." (Id.). On cross-examination, Employee
98-0303.doc , Employee would have given Employer the right to get information from the Social Security Administration

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