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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

95-0116.doc had to wait almost 11 months to get a response to its request from the SSA.
95-0122.doc away from and back to the employer's premises for the purpose of getting lunch should be governed
95-0125.doc the store, I believe, and asked her to help me get Ginny out of the store into the fresh air. We took
95-0129.doc and you get one of these things, that sets you back a period of time? A. Yes. That's right. Q
95-0135.doc . Marx in April of 19930. We find the employee was justified in getting the evaluation by Dr. Marx
95-0157.doc to be designed where he could safely get in and out of it because of his existing disability. Id. at 25
95-0162.doc . With appropriate modification in coach class, work can still get accomplished without compromising confidentiality
95-0172.doc not prepared for the hearing. We also found the defendants did not get timely notice that the affidavit
95-0177.doc , the employee receives the full social security entitlement but gets a reduced workers' compensation amount when
95-0183.doc disability (TPD) benefits fluctuate depending on the amount of work she gets called for. Dr. Ellis's
95-0189.doc was recommending continued conservative care, Defendants decided to get another opinion regarding
95-0192.doc ), stated: We find that in order to get its requested compensation rate reduction under AS 23.30.175
95-0194.doc -- in my asking you questions, you've stated that your back would get worse at times. When you say your
95-0198.doc would get better, as it had after his last injury. He stated he completed and filed the Report
95-0201.doc ), stated: We find that in order to get its requested compensation rate reduction under AS 23.30.175
95-0202.doc feelings that he is progressing and getting better with physical therapy, I would not change the plan
95-0211.doc -Gottstein Foods Co., AWCB Decision No. 91-0127 (May 2, 1991), stated: We find that in order to get its
95-0223.doc in the seat were not effective. Without these shock absorbers, the employee's hips were constantly getting
95-0229.doc in, take an x-ray, and say `you are fine -- go'." He also testified he tried to get a second opinion
95-0235.doc 3, 1993, Employee knelt down at work in Fairbanks and could not get up. He had to push himself up
95-0239.doc , would start getting numb and then they would turn purple and start to swell." The employee
95-0250.doc to get jurisdiction so the board could order the hospital to cease billing the employee
95-0253.doc walking outdoors to exercise and get fresh air. Because he found walking uncomfortable and to some degree
95-0261.doc . Employee testified in his 1987 deposition that he gets headaches if he stays up more than two hours
95-0268.doc regarding her right hand disabilities, but when they learned of that, she did not get hired. The employer
95-0270.doc the material, and writing a response. Dr. Walter felt Dr. Glass's purpose was to get him to adopt his "spin
95-0278.doc with youngest son. Because of this, he decided to get away and relocated in Tennessee in the fall of 1987. (Id
95-0296.doc . he also stated he could not get employment elsewhere because he does not have the skills to do
95-0304.doc work available in Wrangell. He stated: "After getting my work release I worked two halibut openings
95-0311.doc on scaffolding, turned to get off wood wall, pain in neck since." This phrase was in Dr. Thomas's March 24, 1992
95-0312.doc , Employee receives the full social security entitlement but gets a reduced workers' compensation amount when
95-0322.doc , and the value of the disputed time loss is only $1,500. They assert we should balance the need to get benefits
95-0334.doc pretty good in the past about getting copies of bills or expenses to us for reimbursement if they related
95-0337.doc . She does not recall making arrangements to go to Kokhanak but says they would have gone there to get
95-0340.doc time off all the time. When I could get off, I took off. Sometimes you just can't get off
95-0346.doc to get progressive narrowing of your arteries in your hips and in your legs that will eventually cause
95-0348.doc . Matson attests the employee informed her she had no intention of getting employment other than delivering
95-0358.doc the employer to get a reimbursement for overpayments of compensation from unpaid installments of future
95-0359.doc sandbags into the river. On the third day, he was unable to get out of bed, and sought medical care
96-0007.doc but only gets it up to about 60 degrees. He demonstrates a lot of pain behavior and weak external rotation
96-0010.doc to open her claim to get a permanent disability rating that is extensive enough for her to essentially
96-0012.doc told Anderson he wanted to get out of town for a while; particularly, he wanted to get out of Rescue
96-0016.doc did do it, but that was largely his decision. I encouraged him to get into contact
96-0022.doc a good deal of delay in getting this case resolved. We conclude the most expeditious way to proceed
96-0029.doc residency so he could get work with Employer. He admitted he lied about attending UAA. He admitted he lied
96-0035.doc stated he was trying to get an appointment with Dr. Voke for an updated impairment evaluation. He felt
96-0041.doc purpose for the referrals is to get into evidence the same opinions that were rendered in June 1995
96-0042.doc testified they thought they had done all that was necessary to get an EOW for the three executive officers
96-0047.doc , which occasionally get filled with a lot of heavy paper waste. I was carrying one of these out
96-0051.doc that as the employee gets older, he would be more prone to break bones in his falls. (Id. at 60). Thus, his medical
96-0088.doc get better, but was able to work. For example, on 4/24/87, it says, he made it through two weeks
96-0093.doc therapy every other day for a week in order to get rehabilitated. He after some discussions decides he
96-0111.doc to get me reinstated. I cannot speak to that. However, as a 16 1/2 year employee of B.P., I call upon
96-0117.doc . Therefore, Defendant argues it should get a credit for the overpayment. Finally, in our recent decision
96-0121.doc things. Q. So every time you played at the Speedway or at Ivory Jacks, your back pain gets worse
96-0137.doc . At the hearing Employee testified Stone only met with him for 15 minutes, and did not get much information about
96-0139.doc it. And Dale had asked me -- it was getting later on in the day, and Dale had asked me if I wanted to go sign
96-0142.doc to be getting progressively worse. From discussions he had with Dr. Gates, the employee felt the doctor
96-0153.doc said while he was trying to get to a standing position, the boat rocked. The next thing the employee
96-0157.doc know, I could have been devoting my energies elsewhere, trying to get other things going, if I hadn't
96-0161.doc medical care as follows: 5. Get treatment from one licensed doctor. Give the doctor your employer's
96-0172.doc to lose weight and get into better shape. She feels that this may have also had some relationship to her
96-0175.doc . The employer stated that the medical evidence is getting stale, and therefore, this case should be heard soon
96-0176.doc , though the grandmother affixed inked thumb prints. The employee's attorney was unable to get any response
96-0197.doc would be to get the patient rated, and I think he should be referred for that, possibly back to Dr. Voke
96-0198.doc with a history of getting "Herring juice" splashed into his eyes that morning. His visual acuity in the right
96-0201.doc that there is no practical way to get in and out of the place she works except to use the sidewalk, so the injury
96-0208.doc . . . an explosion and gases of ammonia mixed and the patient started getting nausea, headaches, dizziness
96-0210.doc . He does not get paid for his work, but his son "helps him out" financially. He testified he waived
96-0236.doc such a provision, the employee receives the full social security entitlement but gets a reduced workers
96-0238.doc plaque. "Plaques rupture when they get enough lipid in there to burst it." Preston Dep. at 18-19. Dr
96-0247.doc regularly at the business but does not get paid by the hour or on a salary basis. Instead, she occasionally
96-0264.doc : The severity changed. [I]t would . . . get worse for a while, and then it'd kind of clear for a little bit
96-0270.doc to rehabilitate his quadriceps. They also need to work with him on getting him to assume a normal gait. I am
96-0280.doc would be to get the patient rated, and I think he should be referred for that, possibly back to Dr. Voke
96-0290.doc didn't see you getting relief from previous therapy with other doctors. 13. At the employer's request
96-0309.doc . She testified that she consulted a counselor yesterday, Kathleen Dinnes, and was urged to get
96-0312.doc , and Employee was unable "to get any answers" about his medical condition. She also testified Employee had been
96-0323.doc to his back pain. I have recommended he get an opinion from a rheumatologist regarding whether
96-0327.doc will depend on whether he will get better or not. Employee testified he hurt his foot when he stepped down
96-0343.doc of his body: lower back, neck, shoulders, arms, and chest. These all occur when he is at work and get
96-0344.doc physicians was in the process of getting an Alaska license to practice. He also argued that the board
96-0350.doc involving the arm and leg with the right hand getting weak and occasionally some numbness and tingling." Dr
96-0351.doc to crawl to get up onto his couch. The patient saw Dr. Linden DeGroot in Renton, Washington
96-0353.doc . Thus Employee did not get more, between April 1994 and the time he turned age 65, than the amount
96-0356.doc left the hearing room, on our own motion, we resumed the hearing and advised Employee he needed to get
96-0372.doc would not be paid by PECC for her efforts. (Ring dep. at 15). She testified further: Q. Did you get
96-0383.doc , and that Employee "shelves videos and needs to get up and down from top shelf to the floor, reaching overhead
96-0386.doc was not eligible for reemployment benefits. In addition, we find Mihayl did not get a full job description from
96-0389.doc . In the interim she may get an injection and this will at least temporarily make her better, or she can have
96-0390.doc such benefits if he had known he was not going to get the lump-sum payment. The employer continued making bi
96-0403.doc payments, and he should get a receipt from Employee when he makes a payment. To assure actual payment
96-0405.doc testimony the employee admitted to exaggerating symptoms and lying to her physicians in order to get
96-0409.doc injury as follows: She stated she was getting out of her husband's truck in the parking lot at work
96-0423.doc , and was off work for approximately two days. . . In September 1995, Mr. Sargent reports that while getting
96-0424.doc the series of ladders and the spiral staircase to get those parts. After retrieving the parts, Stephens
96-0428.doc did not get a detailed history of that incident in 1991; I believe it would have been. (Id. at 8
96-0436.doc safety bonus program to her. In that program, employees would get bonuses for a clean safety record
96-0437.doc slip and fall. Q. Okay. Mrs. Dudley, we were talking about the handrail. I was just trying to get
96-0445.doc Designee to get and rely only upon Dr. Fraser's prediction. See Moesh at 765. We find the RBA is free

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