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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

92-0259.doc additional information from the SSA. Although Defendants had tried to get this information, they had been
92-0267.doc 1. AS 23.30.110(j) Defense. Before getting into the merits of Prokopis' claim, we must first
92-0269.doc . (Employee Dep. at 28). At hearing, he testified he went to school that year to get his G.E.D. He
92-0270.doc getting physical therapy on her right elbow for which she received workers' compensation benefits. She
92-0274.doc a second opinion. To get this opinion the defendants sent the employee for a three-day evaluation
92-0279.doc and was complicated because he was unable to get a brace that worked properly, was the reason Dr. Aaron ultimately
92-0283.doc was getting a "B" in three other classes and an "A" in another. Ms. Rogers added that the employee's
92-0284.doc , and was not represented by counsel. He said he would get in touch with the employee and assist him in withdrawing his
92-0285.doc can swim and get hydrotherapy, and the cost of a taxi cab to get there because she is unable to stand
92-0287.doc of coordination, he had to give that up. Bell said all that he has ever wanted to do from the beginning was get
92-0302.doc felt the employee was "dependent on systems" and would be difficult to employ "as long as he gets
92-0304.doc , Defendants argue the maximum rating he could get under the American Medical Association, Guides
92-0305.doc in getting to Employee's claim caused a problem because the doctor had other commitments for the late
92-0306.doc , and we suggested the employee contact Reemployment Benefits Administrator Douglas Saltzman to get his
92-0310.doc . He testified that after she left the building, he observed her walking normally and getting
92-0321.doc a hearing is canceled, and that tacking on separate periods gets too complicated. However, we have
92-0322.doc continued to improve but was getting impatient to return to work. On March 22, 1991 Dr. Converse described
92-0324.doc to get an attorney to represent her. The board member already had departed but the hearing officer
93-0001.doc . Still bothers him off and on, mostly at night. He gets some paresthesia of the anterior part of his
93-0003.doc and then "noticed a weird feeling . . . ." (Id. at 92). He tried but could not get his helmet off. He
93-0006.doc days or 19 weeks, Boley did absolutely nothing on his own to assist Quinn in getting the PPI benefits
93-0008.doc Employee and Applicant. He contacted two property managers to get information from which he could make
93-0018.doc to get the airport in line with federal security regulations. He stated that while they worked on many
93-0020.doc will not damage her hand by using it but could get increased weakness and stiffness with disuse. . . . Continued
93-0021.doc weeks and then he would get better and then he would need to go back, and then after he had therapy
93-0024.doc . In it, we concluded the case had to be continued to get additional evidence. The additional evidence
93-0031.doc . ) ________________________________________) The employer's petition to get a medical records release was heard by a two-member panel on January 28, 1993
93-0033.doc as it was under his direction that I tried driving truck and if I had any problems I was to get in touch with him
93-0042.doc ). In that situation, we get jurisdiction back only if the courts issue a stay of their jurisdiction over the appeal
93-0046.doc , Rule 33 requires the party who gets interrogatories to either respond as requested or file an objection
93-0056.doc this 5th day of March, 1993. Charles Davis, Clerk SNO •        •Still, we hope the parties get
93-0063.doc to Oklahoma and then Florida. He stated he did not get Lewis's letter until July 14, 1992, a day after
93-0072.doc his employment with Employer. He testified Employer is concerned that if he is successful in getting
93-0076.doc -to-year, but he added you get more money when apartments are freshly painted, than otherwise
93-0078.doc is clearly learned and behavioral and something that he should be able to get over. I suspect
93-0079.doc a good selection of orthopaedic surgeons in Anchorage and I -- I would have used inside channels to get
93-0082.doc . Whether to reduce to a lump sum to get a default order. 5. Whether to award statutory minimum attorney's
93-0084.doc argues that the employee should get no more than statutory minimum attorney's fees because he failed
93-0095.doc they believed Dr. Pribble was making efforts to get Defendants to provide such care, their testimony is hearsay
93-0096.doc is weak when he gets up and has headaches and dizziness. There are times when he cannot see for several
93-0097.doc get some benefits to is shoulder by working out at the Alaska Club. Dr. Voke released the employee
93-0098.doc in getting discovery done so this matter could be heard. The employee has failed to cooperate by defying our
93-0099.doc and fees, and paralegal costs. However, we denied the employee's request to get testimony from
93-0109.doc developed in June 1989 was a pulled muscle. He thought it would get better. After he was laid off late
93-0111.doc concerned whether or not Dr. Smith gets paid in full for his services. Next we consider the question
93-0113.doc to get a proper rating with inclinometer measurements since we did not get what we asked for in the first
93-0123.doc October 9, 1992 decision. 2. The employee's petition to get a supplementary order of default is granted
93-0125.doc scenario, application of the SCODOT descriptions would prevent the employee from getting the very
93-0127.doc and right leg pain. However, he testified that the left leg pain continued to get worse. Idema said
93-0129.doc a letter telling her how she could get counseling through Employer's offices. Dr. Morgan stated, "I
93-0131.doc % versus 18%), we find it necessary to get an independent evaluation before making a determination
93-0134.doc injury. He testified he had to put his hand on his foot to get enough pressure to operate a clutch
93-0141.doc failed to comply with the ten-day requirement in AS 23.30.041(g). 6. Whether the employee should get
93-0146.doc this, it is often argued that to permit compromises will enable claimants to get at least something in the many
93-0148.doc , it would be hard to get a job in that industry as a hoist operator. However, based on his discussion
93-0149.doc . He asserts that he should get another adjustment to his compensation rate. Statements in his
93-0150.doc in getting ahold of Hardy. Kalamarides said he even expected Hardy to appear at his office or at the hearing
93-0151.doc personnel, she did not think Meek would have had problems getting the beginning classes he needed if he had
93-0154.doc wrote or called the doctor's office nineteen times, trying to get clarification of the Rating
93-0160.doc in part: He's the sort of person you want to get back to doing something and away from -- well, I don't
93-0164.doc , to get them back on their jobs. At the employee's request of November 3, 1992, the Reemployment
93-0169.doc prescribed Fiorinal for headaches. The employee also reportedly began getting counseling with Mitchell
93-0171.doc paints, he gets reaction to solvents." Dr. Child again diagnosed bronchitis; he referred Employee
93-0176.doc attorney and Power in October 1989. The plan called for the employee to get training at the career
93-0184.doc (a) . . . . while Employee was not successful in getting PTD benefits, through his attorney's efforts he succeeded
93-0188.doc complaining of a neck injury. Claiborne alleges that on March 27, 1990, while getting out of her car
93-0207.doc they are taking money out of my check to repay what I have already received. I did not lie to anyone to get more
93-0208.doc program. [He] appeared to get some symptomatic relief from his chiropractic treatment, but I am unable
93-0213.doc . (Id. at 37). On direct examination at the hearing, Taylor testified that his shoulders did not get
93-0215.doc . That procedure insures what the employee seeks here, that the facts underlying our decision get fresh
93-0216.doc of the ship’s crew were engaged in loosening the ship's mooring lines in preparation for getting under way
93-0218.doc , Employee testified Dr. McEvoy told him he did not want to get involved in a workers' compensation claim
93-0220.doc to April 1991. (Therriault Dep. at 31.) Dr. McEvoy wrote a prescription for Employee to get physical
93-0223.doc settled this disputed issue by compromise and release. As such, it argues that the employee did not get
93-0229.doc increased pain and disability. I mentioned multiple times in reports that I wished she could get another
93-0230.doc the total by two get $7.85 per hour as a blended (50/50) wage. Even without determining an 80/20 blend, we
93-0237.doc mercury gets in your blood and liver, that he is "hypersensitive," and that he is now unable to be around
93-0238.doc . Marbarger. However, he asserted he was still trying to get the insurer's approval for surgery in May 1989
93-0239.doc this account for Rudy Grubb because they have not been paid yet either. We are getting a little concerned
93-0241.doc his job with the North Slope Borough, in part, because he wanted to get away from heavy equipment
93-0244.doc received are kept for two years. Such records are then pulled and destroyed when the files get full. We
93-0246.doc , body shop work. We find the employer had some control over manner and means to get results
93-0247.doc in pertinent part: "I would support his getting vocational rehab through Workmans' Comp. in that his original
93-0248.doc time getting an appointment with Dr. Visser, because the doctor's main office is in St. Louis and he
93-0249.doc . She stated she can sit for about 15 minutes before needing to get up and move around. (Id. at 40
93-0251.doc quickly get out of hand, since trips might be taken at any hour of the day or night to almost any place
93-0253.doc unable to get enough tissue from the needle biopsy to ascertain whether the employee did or did not have
93-0254.doc . Is the employee's claim barred by a AAC 45.082(c) because he failed to get the employer's consent before being
93-0261.doc and back exercises. While continuing to get manipulative treatment from Dr. Kent, the employee was also
93-0263.doc •        •The employee requested a continuance because an attorney was reviewing her records and attempting to get a new
93-0264.doc stated he was unable to get in touch with the employee so the employee could provide testimony. We
93-0266.doc . 8 AAC 45.065(4). We also order the parties to cooperate and move diligently to get discovery
93-0275.doc waiting eight to eleven months before finally getting around to file his notice. Accordingly, we find
93-0282.doc get the necessary funds from Wingfield to purchase replacement parts for damaged components
93-0289.doc was whether to award attorney's fees as requested, and whether to allow the employer to get reimbursement from
93-0292.doc parking a backhoe, he had some difficulty getting off the tractor. In so doing, he slipped, landed on his
93-0297.doc does not get the benefit of the presumption when alleging a mental stress injury, and therefore must
93-0298.doc part of October 1992. It failed to get the employee’s airlines ticket to him in time for him to fly
93-0304.doc the employee's overpayment is recovered. 3. The employer's petition to get an order for an offset based
93-0309.doc rating, . . . we find it necessary to get an independent evaluation before making a determination

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