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Alaska Workers' Compensation Board

91-0124.doc must get an attorney prior to the next prehearing in this matter. Employee failed to comply with any
91-0127.doc though limited to the written record. We find that in order to get its requested compensation rate
91-0139.doc . insurer divided this amount by 155 days worked to get a daily wage of $29.98. Insurer then multiplied
91-0145.doc existed under AS 23.30.095(k). Therefore, we continued the hearing to get an independent medical
91-0146.doc loss occurred, Dr. Chan responded: A. As I recall, it was rather difficult to get that out of him
91-0149.doc a letter to the Alaska Workers' Compensation Division asking what he needed to do to get his case settled
91-0151.doc need retraining can get it. We believe this can be accomplished by determining that AS 23.30.190 does
91-0154.doc it on the knob in 1988, it would get sore if he did something heavy. (Jackson interview dated August 29, 1989
91-0159.doc may honestly be waiting to get rid of the pain and get back to work." (Id. at 2). Dr. Shaw stated he
91-0170.doc representing Employee at that time; instead he phoned Defendant and was successful in getting them to pay PPI
91-0172.doc an injured worker could get an increase in his GWE over his historical earnings would be if he had
91-0179.doc to get out of the workers' compensation system. He and his wife came up with a plan, which he said he
91-0181.doc you get it [the surgery] at that time? A. Because he said it was a job-related injury
91-0183.doc to get those parts. After retrieving the parts, the employee returned to the interior of the radome
91-0186.doc was injured and had a difficult time getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom during her hospitalization
91-0188.doc , because Vaughn "was afraid of getting sued" over the accident. (Transcript at 10). regarding the date
91-0189.doc by the 26 weeks Employee worked to get an average weekly wage of $68.22, and a spendable weekly wage
91-0193.doc that the parties get these documents to us so we could decide the issue. Secondly, we did not decide the amount
91-0194.doc recently moved and your attorney said that you did not get a chance to appeal the decision regarding your
91-0195.doc of time to get her set up so that she could manage on her own. (Id. at 13). When asked on direct
91-0220.doc earnings ($4,645.63) by the total days worked (155) to get a gross daily wage of $29.98. Lovern
91-0221.doc of authority to settle the case and told her to "get the hell out" until she has authority. In short
91-0222.doc of Dr. Kralick's statements and because it took time to get injury reports from the board, he
91-0234.doc , Employee's attorney stated, "[T]he fact that they may get their money back is irrelevant to whether or not my
91-0235.doc -examination that part of the physical rehabilitation program would be to get Employee weaned away from
91-0237.doc that this is not the case if the address change has been six months or longer: "That's ridiculous; they're not going to get
91-0239.doc the deadlock. We closed the record on August 8, 1991 when we next met after getting the opportunity to discuss
91-0241.doc . It would be my recommendation that he get in touch with a family physician or orthopaedic surgeon
91-0248.doc attorney stated he never received a copy of McCarron's report although the employee did get one. Further
91-0249.doc is getting worse because he has pain in his arms and headaches. He also stated that he had lost mobility
91-0251.doc the examination is concluded." There is no penalty for the failure by the physician to get the report to the board
91-0252.doc February 1, 1990 when he returned to work. However, he continued to get periodic treatments from Dr
91-0261.doc of counsel for the employer at hearing, we concluded that the employer had made reasonable efforts to get
91-0264.doc . He said that all of ankle problems started with the injury in 1984 and just continued to get worse
91-0265.doc was successful in getting Dr. Schweigert an award of $60.00 for medical costs. However, no affidavit was filed
91-0270.doc in getting the employee most of his requested benefits. However, the employee lost his request
91-0271.doc then requested a continuance for the purpose of getting the doctor's testimony. The employee did not dispute
91-0279.doc , and so we had -- I had to get out to break the brakes loose on one of the trailers, and while going back
91-0296.doc . Hutchins. The record closed an October 2, 1991 when we next met after getting the opportunity to discuss
91-0297.doc will get into the compartment. Marc Bayer, M.D., who is board certified in emergency medicine
91-0304.doc stand about three or five minutes to get from his chair to the bathroom or bedroom. Employee testified
91-0309.doc of this case. The Ekstroms are uninsured for this claim. Mrs. Brown could get death benefits
91-0317.doc and Release (C&R) for $108,000.00. In the C&R, the employee retained his right to get medical benefits under
91-0324.doc in AS 23.30.105 or AS 23.30.110(c). We also informed Employee that if she was unable to get an attorney
91-0325.doc pain. The next morning, he was unable to get out of bed because of pain in his back. He developed
91-0330.doc says that he was able to get to his feet as soon as he regained consciousness and was told by his
91-0342.doc was successful in getting for Plank all the benefits he had requested. Based on these facts, we conclude
91-0343.doc test will only serve to delay this case in getting to hearing. Petitioners admit a venipuncture
91-0344.doc on the employee's condition. The employee expressed discouragement "to get this kind of a report". (Denton July 7
92-0002.doc by which an employee may apply for and get a "supplementary order declaring the amount of the default
92-0004.doc worse. Employee testified that because she was not getting any better, she decided on April 3, 1991
92-0010.doc , who noted in Employee's chart that "he says he get twinges of pain in certain positions
92-0013.doc to get another labor member to participate but were unsuccessful. Further, management member S.T.
92-0024.doc off to work. Netherton, who did not have to get up that early, was still in bed. He told him that he
92-0027.doc while getting out of the building. He then grabbed another mask and continued fighting the fire
92-0031.doc shoulder came out, and just because you do a normal-day task, you're not going to get a serious injury like
92-0033.doc control, bring our road to the proper specifications. Q.While doing this, would he have to get
92-0037.doc enough to get back out at the speed he was going with the winch, and it sucked me into that hole
92-0044.doc , we find to do so would only lead to confusion and possibly delay getting payments of benefits
92-0047.doc Superior Court, it would have no means of getting the monies returned, pursuant to Croft v. Pan Alaska
92-0049.doc helper Gary Sheperd was on the shift. He asserted he would get oil splashed on him once a month or so
92-0054.doc has no idea what made his back get worse while working for Seley, and denied that anything he did
92-0059.doc also pay the employee's transportation costs to Anchorage from Bethel for the purpose of getting
92-0062.doc , "Patient is not responding well to initial treatment. She was referred out to get a prescription of pain
92-0063.doc the initial contact in Homer, the modified job that Denali Drilling and I were able to put together and get Dr
92-0068.doc with her efforts to get him rehabilitated. Subsequently, the employer asked Moran to take a second look
92-0072.doc . The parties commented on the difficulty that the mail plane had been having getting into the isolated region
92-0098.doc to get Employee to an employable state, and the probability of successful rehabilitation was very low
92-0101.doc file an Affidavit of costs in this matter. I have forwarded your letter to my client, and we will get
92-0113.doc ) by the number of weeks worked (12) to get gross weekly earnings of $85.38. Since the employee was married
92-0116.doc the hearing because we determined the employee did not get proper notice of the hearing. This decision
92-0117.doc weeks to get Comfort Heating going. She stated that Terry Schiller and the other two co-owners were
92-0126.doc . Asked for rx. therapy with suggestion of getting back on the diet. She has decided against group
92-0129.doc " because he gets to personally communicate with the physician. (Employer petition at 4). The first issue
92-0136.doc was minimally helpful in getting the employee his permanent partial impairment award. We must next determine
92-0142.doc generally agree with the argument of the employer. We find an employer should get a reasonable time
92-0144.doc . Therefore, we find there is a need to get evidence on whether chiropractic treatment or hot tub therapy
92-0146.doc explained that several events have prevented him from getting his business records in order so his
92-0157.doc . He also stated that until he gets the records, he has no way of knowing for sure that they do
92-0166.doc not resolved that which is slowly getting better in his neck. And I was fearful. Again, I remind you, I have
92-0167.doc and their failure to get a written report from Dr. Emery delayed the scheduling of our medical evaluation, which
92-0177.doc get better until they have exhausted many avenues. . . . It also occurs to me that the earlier he
92-0179.doc having getting into the isolated region of Boundary. The attorneys requested a continuance
92-0182.doc that the right hand is more aggravated than the left. But she states very simply, and I can't get around
92-0187.doc Employee's claim and to get insurer to agree to pay benefits. He points to the fact that neither Continental
92-0202.doc doesn't pay the kind of wages he would get in Seattle. Even in these areas I don't think I would be able
92-0203.doc that he had not been aware of the frequency or quantity of medication the employee was getting from Dr
92-0205.doc never resolved and, in fact, continued to get worse while in prison. (Id. at 15-16). The employee
92-0208.doc not called our office that morning to get a specific hearing time, we heard the employer's case in chief
92-0214.doc and Social Services for his physical therapy, he must get copies of the prescriptions written by Dr
92-0222.doc Car Co. "in title only." In order to get a salesman's license, for entry into auto auctions, his
92-0225.doc February 19, 1991. Employee continued to work. She did not get any better. Employee testified she
92-0228.doc could get out of bed. At the employer's recommendation, the employee began treating with William Risch
92-0232.doc went to the safety man. He took us to the safety man's office and told us to --told him to get us
92-0236.doc , for purposes of AS 23.30.220(a)(3). 2. Whether the employee should get a compensation rate adjustment under
92-0237.doc demonstrate the adjuster's efforts to get a check to the employee in a timely manner.
92-0248.doc the employee was getting along well, but he advised her to restrict her activities. He advised her to do some
92-0252.doc , Defendants argue the maximum rating he could get under the American Medical Association, Guides
92-0256.doc , and irreparable harm would result if we did not continue the case to get the above testimony and evidence
92-0257.doc analysis (JA). Jacobsen had developed a reemployment plan which called for the employee to get training

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